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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Avec le temps, des doutes peuvent affaiblir notre foi. Ce film fortifiera votre foi en Jésus, le Messie promis et le Roi du Royaume de Dieu. la source
  2. Satan est résolu à briser notre intégrité et à nous faire perdre tout espoir. Comment pouvons-nous rester fidèles et garder notre équilibre ? la source
  3. Comment l’exemple de Hizqiya peut-il nous aider à placer notre entière confiance en Jéhovah ? la source
  4. Il y a de nombreuses façons d’aider les autres. la source
  5. Was tun, wenn Zweifel uns zu schaffen machen? Ein bewegender Film über den Glauben an Jesus, den König von Gottes Königreich. Quelle
  6. Der Teufel möchte unseren Glauben und unsere Hoffnung zerstören. Wie können wir stark bleiben? Quelle
  7. Wie vertraut man richtig auf Jehova? Eine packende Episode aus dem Leben von König Hiskia. Quelle
  8. There are many different ways you can reach out to help others. Source
  9. Over time, doubts can arise and faith can weaken. Strengthen your faith in Jesus, the promised Messiah and King of God’s Kingdom. Source
  10. Satan is intent on breaking our integrity and causing us to lose all hope. How can we keep our integrity and maintain our balance? Source
  11. What can you learn from Hezekiah about putting your full trust in Jehovah God? Source
  12. Food provisions for the 5th class of the School for Kingdom Evangelizers in Johannesburg, South Africa Via
  13. North Bay, Ontario, Canada Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t let a few inches of snow and freezing weather stop them. Via
  14. Looking for Italian speaking people to preach to in Tulum, Mexico Notice the bicycles and no ties!!! ;-). Coming soon to service in the USA and UK. Via
  15. Tasikmalaya, Indonesia - out in field service How soon until the USA and UK ditch the ties do you think? Via
  16. 13,500 foot high jump in the Andes Mts. in Ecuador is not easy... Último salto del año con María Alegría y Sky, sobre las Lagunas de Ozogoche, Ecuador. Saltar a una elevación de 13.500 'en la Cordillera de los Andes no es fácil!
  17. Barefoot children in Timor each receive a brochure about the Bible from Jehovah’s Witnesses and then have their picture taken as a group. Via
  18. Training up a JW boy from Infancy in New Jersey, USA (he loves to help his grandfather) Via
  19. Working in the Kitchen during a Theocratic School at an Assembly Hall in the Dominican Republic Via
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