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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Tipps, wie du einen Vertrauensvorschuss von deinen Eltern bekommst. Quelle
  2. Hast du das Gefühl, deine Eltern verletzen deine Privatsphäre? Was kannst du gegen dieses Gefühl tun? Quelle
  3. Die Prophezeiungen in diesem Bibelbuch stärken das Vertrauen in Jehova, der seine Versprechen immer wahr macht. Quelle
  4. As-tu le sentiment que tes parents envahissent ta vie privée ? Que peux-tu faire pour que ce sentiment s’atténue ? la source
  5. Isaïe est un livre aux prophéties infaillibles qui vous convaincra que Jéhovah réalise toujours ses promesses et qu’il est le Dieu de notre salut. la source
  6. See how you can strengthen your parents’ trust in you. Source
  7. Does it seem as if your parents are invading your privacy? Is there anything you can do to reduce the feeling of intrusion? Source
  8. This is Part 3 of a three-part series based on exclusive interviews with noted scholars of religion, politics, and sociology, as well as experts in Soviet and post-Soviet studies. Source
  9. Isaiah is a book of unerring prophecy that can strengthen your confidence in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of promises and the God of our salvation.
  10. Trabajando juntos en un Salón del Reino en Dickson, Tennessee, Estados Unidos.
  11. Saludos desde Concepcion las Minas y Esquipulas, Guatemala.
  12. Dining room at Selters, Germany branch office of Jehovah's witnesses
  13. Interactive display for visitors to the Thailand Branch Office of Jehovah's WItnesses
  14. Machu Picchu en Perú Anyone have any other photos from this location? Please post below.
  15. La pagina jw.org, muestra todos los días su efectividad. Se trata de una niña de 8 años de nombre Chelsea. Ella relleno el formulario de JW.ORG para pedir estudios bíblicos. El formulario no pregunta la edad, solo los datos de contacto. Dos jóvenes precursores de 20 años, fueron enviados para atender esta solicitud. Imaginad la sorpresa de ellos al comprobar que Chelsea era una niña de 8 años en una familia de hippies. Los padres no se opusieron en absoluto al estudio de la niña. Incluso asiste a las reuniones y da comentarios. Acude a las reuniones con su ropa hippie y su cara pintada con el arco iris en una mejilla. Ella nunca tuvo la menor educación espiritual, así que todo es nuevo para la niña.
  16. Dawn from Warwick, New York to be used for the next Millennial
  17. This is what Family Worship Night often looks like now in 2016 A picture says 1,000 words I guess. Studying the Bible when I was a child in 1979 looked SO much different. And it involved actual reading of the Bible. Hmmm.. Will these children be prepared to defend their beliefs in the future with only a Bible in hand?
  18. @JW Insider Please also post that as a reply on the celebrity list I have going. Those names are too old for me to remember though...
  19. Children in Mozambique being shown videos on a tablet. Just under half of the population lives without access to safe water but just £200 could pay for a locally-built rope pump. Just over 80% of people don’t have adequate sanitation, causing diseases that kill 7,000 children every year. This situation has a big impact on health, education and livelihoods, contributing to an average life expectancy of just 49 years. http://www.wateraidamerica.org/mozambique
  20. Felicitaciones a nuestro recién bautizado hermano gemelos siameses. Convención regional Pangasinan, Filipinas.
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