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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. À qui devrions-nous prêcher le message du Royaume ? la source
  2. Thank you for sharing the news report to both Joel and Alexa. Please add yourselves to the member map above near the city where you live. Thanks.
  3. Jehovah's Witnesses Public Talk Watchtower Study Meeting 20 November 2016
  4. To whom should the Kingdom message be preached? Source
  5. Where does this description come from? And what is the difference between a sin that incurs death and one that does not? Source
  6. Wem sollten wir von der guten Botschaft vom Königreich erzählen? Quelle
  7. Wie ist diese Liste entstanden? Und was ist der Unterschied zwischen „Sünde“ und „Todsünde“? Quelle
  8. D’où cette description vient-elle ? Et quelle différence y a-t-il entre un péché qui mène à la mort et un péché qui ne mène pas à la mort ? la source
  9. After sundown somewhere near you worldwide. Agape!
  10. If you can read this ... you are logged into this site... and it should be working. Leave a comment on the post that is not working.. maybe that will alert whoever posted something that it is not working.
  11. lol.... When they don't listen to your message... "Shake the dust off your feet" ... and leave the building in ruins like Babylon. ;-) Looks like a volcano behind her.
  12. Someone should invent heated literature cart handles ;-)
  13. I'm not sure what is in her hair on the left... anyone know about this custom?
  14. Jehovah, Jesus, The 144,000 Kings and Priests, The Remnant of Anointed Ones and You I should also add "The Dead" who are swallowed up by the Earth.
  15. Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting 17 November 2016 - Jehovah's Witnesses
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