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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Do you know what type of plants these are? ;-)
  2. M. Stephen Lett smiling in Thailand Posing with a member of the Governing Body in Thailand. M. Stephen Lett
  3. How exactly do scenes like this invite other unbelievers to our faith? Whatever happened to dignified holding of a sign at the airport without resorting to cartoon characters. At least back in the day we held up a Watchtower magazine or something. Nowadays we have become almost "cartoonish" and childish in our simplification of our faith worldwide. Let's bring back some dignity and show our faith to others "in all seriousness" and in modesty ... not showy displays of cartoonish artistry.
  4. So ... whatever happened to "Quit being fashioned after this world"? I am noticing this dress up fashion runway spirit taking off worldwide. Whatever happened to dignified modesty in walking with our God? - Just me venting.... I feel we have lost something with all of this new "openness" They should spend more of their actually READING the bible and less time on outfits and video candy. just 'sayin
  5. T.d.GEOVA Grande gioia dopo il battesimo congresso all'Olimpico ROMA Perchè battezzarsi come un cristiano testimone di Geova reca grande gioia?Lo spiega in un'intervista dopo il battesimo una nuova cristiana e un ministro di culto dei cristiani testimoni di Geova.Siamo al congresso di zona del 2016 tenuto all'Olimpico di ROMA
  6. Die Stadt Rostow am Don (Russland) sandte ein Dankesschreiben an Jehovas Zeugen für ihre Unterstützung bei der Verschönerung der Stadt. Quelle
  7. Mit der Suchfunktion finden, wonach man sucht. Quelle
  8. The city of Rostov-on-Don, Russia, issued a letter of gratitude to Jehovah’s Witnesses for their participation in the springtime beautification of the city. Source
  9. Find what you’re looking for using the Search feature. Source
  10. Between 1940 and 1945, 127 Witnesses were killed at the prison located in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany. Their story was highlighted during the commemoration. Source
  11. Witnesses are hopeful that Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will release Bahram when he next grants amnesty. Source
  12. La ville de Rostov-sur-le-Don, en Russie, a envoyé une lettre de remerciement aux Témoins de Jéhovah pour leur participation à l’embellissement de la ville. la source
  13. Trouvez ce que vous cherchez grâce à la fonction Rechercher. la source
  14. @Eoin Joyce it was common for us up in New England to have such small "book study" sized groups get together for dinner on a Saturday night and everyone would "Pre-study" the Watchtower study together. Maybe @JW Insider might remember when these were eventually discouraged (I won't say banned ;-) ... but an abrupt halt was put on them. The above photo appears to be something similar to what we did back in those days. (1970's)
  15. A clay cylinder covered in Akkadian cuneiform script, damaged and broken, the Cyrus Cylinder is a powerful symbol of religious tolerance and multi-culturalism. In this enthralling talk Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, traces 2600 years of Middle Eastern history through this single object.
  16. You can type in the search bar above "539" to see more discussion regarding this date.
  17. See our notebooks category: http://forum.theworldnewsmedia.org/forum/37-notebooks/
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