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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_video/2b/irn_E_r720P.mp4
  2. @Outta Here Don't be so sure. There are actually quite a few @jw.org email addresses registered on this website. We would of course never reveal who they are so as to protect their identities. @admin handles all of that on the backend which I have seen.
  3. Bienvenue!  Yes... you found it... You have to join the club to be able to download / participate in.

    What part of the world are you from?

    If you get a chance please add yourself to our member map 


  4. Love your cover photo..... Rembrandt?

    1. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      If you click once to the left of your icon on the cover photo the entire photo opens up.... cool


    2. Anna


      Didn't know that, thanks!

      No, its Renoir, one of my favorite artists.

    3. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      Funny... that was going to be my first guess.... and I retyped Rembrandt...  LOL



  5. “More than conquerors through him that loved us”. (Romans 8: 37)w-E * WatchtowerYour Word is Truth! - Watchtower from Canada during the war years. (we need more copies of this!)g-E * Consolationyb-43E * Yearbook of Jehovah’s WitnessesINFORMANTfd * Freedom in the New Worldfl43 * Fighting for Liberty on the Home Fronttf * “The Truth Shall Make You Free”Report of the "Free Nation's Theocratic Assembly of Jehovah's WitnessesThe Truth Shall Make You Free Study QuestionsPresenting "This Gospel of the Kingdom" - Australia West Virginia State Board of Education vs. Barnette - United States Supreme Court CaseSide note:Lacking the personal magnetism and charisma of Russell and Rutherford, Knorr focused followers' devotion on the 'Mother' organization rather than on himself.After decades of publishing books and booklets authored by its presidents Russell and Rutherford, the Watchtower Society began producing literature that was written anonymously. But it was not impersonal, since the organization itself was virtually personified, and readers were directed to "show our respect for Jehovah's organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly Father, Jehovah God." (The Watchtower, May 1, 1957, p. 285) Part of the ....
  6. I don't think he would choose this title for his talk nowadays. Times have changed. This doesn't compare well with recent testimony to the Canadian Supreme court about what disfellowshipping actually means nowadays to JW's
  7. Members can private message you if they have any questions or need contact info.
  8. @JW Insider Ok... I was doing some moving at the same time... I will back off.... go ahead and move the stories I may have moved as you think best.
  9. This is a whole new thread that spun out of the Raymond Franz article.... not BY JOHN BUTLER... but a group of members.... just for clarity
  10. @JOHN BUTLER I see your tenuous at best link to this topic theme. If it strays any farther I would invite you to start a new thread.
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