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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. Just an announcement to whomever it may concern that Melita Jaracz, surviving wife of form Governing Body member Theodore Jaracz, has finished her earthy course passing away yesterday.

    '.........she's just boarded a train and is in the sleeping car. When she 'wakes up' the new system will be here......'


    If anyone has her funeral handout or any photos to share of her please leave as a reply below:

  2. 16 - 1.jpg

    Per un decennio il numero dei proclamatori in Gran Bretagna rimase invariato. Poi nel 1937, attraverso l'Informatore, fu proposto lo stimolante obiettivo da raggiungere: un milione di ore.

    Sia i proclamatori che i pionieri risposero all’invito, e nel 1938 l’obiettivo del milione di ore fu raggiunto. I rapporti mostrano un aumento in tutti gli aspetti del servizio di campo. In cinque anni il numero dei proclamatori quasi triplicò. Concentrarsi nuovamente sul servizio del Regno diede ai servitori di Geova la forza necessaria per affrontare i difficili anni di guerra che li attendevano.

    Oggi, mentre si avvicina la guerra di Armaghedon, le file dei pionieri della Gran Bretagna stanno di nuovo aumentando. Negli ultimi 10 anni il numero dei pionieri ha raggiunto nuovi massimi: nell’ottobre del 2015 ne sono stati registrati 13.224. Questi pionieri sono convinti che il servizio a tempo pieno sia uno dei modi migliori di impiegare la propria vita.

  3. 2017 Year Text

    Sing Out Joyfully" To Jehovah Cover
    • New Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" To Jehovah (English will be available on JW.org/JW Library App/WOL.JW.org on October 3. Plus, there will be a lyric video for all 151 songsshowing lyrics on-screen.) Changes includes rewording of lyricschanging of subjectrephrasingless direct counsel within the lyrics and numbering by subject matter in 15 categories.
    • Annual Meeting will be held in Warwick next year on October 7, 2017. It will be the dedication of Warwick and Wallkill. The meeting will be streamed to Assembly Halls.
    • Two videos about the new world headquarters at Warwick (showing the history of Brooklyn Bethel to Warwick).



  4.  new 2,500 seater assembly hall in the Netherlands - which expands to 3,500 seats for the annual conventions - is being dedicated on Saturday 17 September 2016.

    The existing hall on the site is converted into a venue for the WT schools - lecture room with ancillary accomodation - bedrooms, kitchen, canteen, study areas etc etc




    Open huis Jehovah’s Getuigen in Swifterbant

    SWIFTERBANT - Het nieuwe landelijke congrescentrum van de Jehovah’s Getuigen in Swifterbant is een jaar eerder gereed dan gepland. De renovatie en nieuwbouw heeft zo’n 8 miljoen euro gekost en komende zaterdag (10 september) is er een open huis, vooral ook bedoeld voor de inwoners van Swifterbant en de rest van de gemeente Dronten. Voor de aangesloten gelovigen volgt later een tweede open huis.

    Jehovah’s Getuigen uit het hele land komen regelmatig samen voor hun ‘kringvergaderingen’. Dat gebeurde in Swifterbant en in het tweede onderkomen in Bennekom. Daarnaast werden er ook bijeenkomsten gehouden in locaties als de TT-hallen in Assen of de Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. Bennekom wordt nu verkocht en vanaf de komende zomer hoeft er niets meer te worden gehuurd. Dan zijn alle samenkomsten in Swifterbant.

    Behalve de centrale ligging was de lage grondprijs reden om voor Swifterbant te kiezen. Nadat alle procedures doorlopen waren, is de bouw supersnel gegaan en een jaar eerder klaar dan gepland. Daardoor wordt er zaterdag al een open huis gehouden.

    DeDrontenaar.nl sprak over de nieuwe congreshal en het open huis met Ruben Roffel en Herman Maijer.

    Video report on later part of construction


    Video report on early part of construction


    Newspaper report


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