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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. A couple happy delegates get caught in the rain: while other delegates have fun: And other delegates go out in field service: Please share your photos / videos of this event below as a reply:
  2. Wasn't sure if this was in the Democratic Republic or the Republic... I chose this country. Anyone have more photos/video from this country? Please post below:
  3. Do you have any photos / video to share of preaching in Bavaria? Please post as a reply below:
  4. Do you have more photos/video of the South Korea Bethel to share with all of us? Please post them as a reply below:
  5. Do you have any other photos/video of Senegal Bethel to share with us? Please post below:
  6. Do you have any pictures or video to share from Cameroon? Post it as a reply below:
  7. Do you have photos or something interesting to share about this branch office?
  8. FAIRBANKS — Jehovah’s Witness delegates from Alaska and the Yukon Territory will speak on the theme of “Loyalty” during the 2016 convention titled “Remain Loyal to Jehovah.” The convention is set for Sept. 2-4 at The Sullivan Arena, 1600 Gambell St. in Anchorage. The three-day program will feature 49 presentations, 35 video segments and two full-length films that will be shown Sept. 3 and Sept. 4. Each day, the morning and afternoon sessions will be introduced by music videos recorded specifically for the convention. David A. Semonian, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses at their world headquarters in New York, said in a press release, “We strongly believe that loyalty is an essential part of any healthy relationship. The convention this year features content that will help people develop stronger bonds with friends, family members and, above all, with God. We are confident that all who attend will enjoy the program.” In the weeks before the convention, a special effort will be made to distribute invitations to the convention in areas of Alaska where congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses are located. All ages are invited to attend. The sessions begin each day at 9:20 a.m. Admission is free. Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are supported entirely by voluntary donations. Information including convention schedule is available online at www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/conventions. http://www.newsminer.com/features/faith/jehovah-s-witnesses-holding-convention-in-anchorage/article_b96eb26a-6b5d-11e6-8048-efe107657fae.html
  9. Evelyn K. Wilson, 98, of Jasper, was born Feb. 26, 2016, and passed away Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016, at her residence. The family will receive friends Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, at noon at Collins-Burke Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016, at 1 p.m. in the Collins-Burke Chapel. Burial will follow at Coal City Cemetery in Jasper. Wilson was preceded in death by her husband, Frank Wilson; sons-in-law, Bill M. Guthrie and Terrell O’Rear; daughter, Pat O’Rear; grandson, Jon M. Guthrie; brother, Johnnie B. Kilgore; and parents, John A. Kilgore and Emma Lee Kilgore. She is survived by her daughter, Barbara J. Guthrie of Vestavia; four grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and two great-great grandchildren. The family wishes to express gratitude to the caregivers at Alabama Hospice Care, Visiting Angels and special friend, Julie Stubbs. Memorials may be made to Jehovah Witness at www.jw.org. Collins-Burke Funeral Home, Jasper; 205-384-5571 http://mountaineagle.com/stories/evelyn-k-wilson,8240
  10. Merritt L. Kirby, 87, died Tuesday, August 23, 2016, at his residence, the United Living Center in Brookings. Funeral services are at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 27, at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness, 3521 US Hwy 14 Brookings. Merritt Lloyd Kirby was born August 9, 1929 in Bradley to Emmet and Nellie Kirby. As the fourth of six children he was raised on a farm south of Bradley. He graduated from Bradley High School in 1948 and attended mechanics school in Chicago. Merritt married his wife of 53 years, Geraldine, in 1960. After suffering a back injury while repairing diesel engines he took technological training at Control Data and took a position of data processing manager at Sioux Valley Hospital. Starting in 1983, he spent 15 years as manager of the Computer Department at Brooking Municipal Utilities in Brookings. After retirement from the work force in 1997, he lived in Brookings and later returned to Sioux Falls. In recent years, Merritt and Geraldine enjoyed their winters in Apache Junction, Ariz., where they embraced the many brothers and sisters of the Jehovah’s Witness. He was baptized as one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1961. The couple also celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in 2010 in Apache Junction, Ariz. Merritt and Geraldine were known as a very generous and hospitable couple who helped anyone who needed assistance or were just passing through the area. Survivors include his children, Richard (Marialice) Arndt of Duluth, Minn., Dave (Tammy) Kirby of Santa Fe, N.M., and Nancy Arndt of Sioux Falls; brother, James (Janice) of Burnsville, Minn.; 11 grandchildren, many great and great-great-grandchildren; and numerous cousins, nephews, and nieces.
 He is preceded in death by his wife, Geraldine; son Bob Arndt and four siblings, Audrey (Ronald) Grigg, Ruth (Lawrence) Gebur, Majorie (Chester) Wilkerson, and Robert (DeLores) Kirby. Merritt’s many friends and relatives will miss his gift of gab, his thirst of knowledge, and his loving nature. Cards or donations may be mailed to Heartland Funeral Home or given directly to the family at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness in Brookings. http://www.brookingsregister.com/v2_news_articles.php?heading=0&page=80&story_id=29839
  11. I terremoti sono in aumento su faglie sconosciute cioè su faglie non ritenute pericolose solleva le preoccupazioni degli scienziati. Questo influisce sui terremoti come quello di questi giorni nel Centro Italia? Questo solleva un interrogativo allarmante: quanti grandi terremoti stanno per verificarsi lungo faglie sconosciute o non ritenute pericolose e, di conseguenza, anche su faglie conosciute? ------------------------------------ Negli scorsi anni i Testimoni di Geova hanno additato ai loro simili che tutti gli aspetti del segno indicati da Gesù si sono adempiuti dal 1914. Riguardo ai terremoti come aspetto di quel segno, migliaia di persone sono morte per i terremoti avvenuti da quell'anno. A contare da circa 1.000 anni fa, prima del 1914 la media annua dei morti provocati da terremoti era di 3.000; ma da allora quella media è salita a 15.000-20.000 l'anno. Le profezie di Gesù sui terremoti si avverano ora! Previsti altri grandi terremoti DA QUANDO sono stati inventati strumenti che permettono di misurare l'intensità dei terremoti, gli scienziati hanno registrato centinaia di fenomeni sismici di notevole entità. Quelli che avvengono in luoghi scarsamente popolati non destano grandi preoccupazioni e ricevono poca o nessuna copertura mediatica. Quando invece colpisce una grande città, un terremoto può essere molto più devastante. La perdita di vite umane e di beni è quindi proporzionata alla grandezza della popolazione e al livello di preparazione della stessa. Il 12 gennaio 2010 su Haiti si è abbattuto uno dei peggiori terremoti della storia per numero di vittime e distruttività. Ma non è stato né il primo né l'unico grande sisma dell'anno. Descriviamo di seguito alcuni dei terremoti verificatisi nei primi mesi del 2010 che sono stati di pari intensità, se non più forti, rispetto a quello che ha devastato la capitale di Haiti. 3 gennaio: terremoto di magnitudo 7,1 Isole Salomone Questo grande terremoto, la cui magnitudo registrata inizialmente era anche superiore a 7,1, ha generato uno tsunami, "un muro d'acqua alto 2-3 metri". Loti Yates, direttore di un ente che si occupa di protezione civile, ha spiegato che, in base alle testimonianze di chi aveva sorvolato una zona, "era tutto inondato". Secondo Yates, nel villaggio di Bainara, sull'isola di Rendova, 16 abitazioni sono state distrutte e decine di altre hanno riportato danni. Il terremoto era stato preceduto da una scossa di magnitudo 6,6. Questo sisma di minore entità aveva messo in allarme molte persone che erano fuggite sulle colline. In tal modo si trovavano al sicuro quando due ore dopo lo tsunami causato dalla scossa più forte aveva investito le coste. 26 febbraio: terremoto di magnitudo 7,0 Isole Ryūkyū, Giappone 27 febbraio: terremoto di magnitudo 8,8 Cile 4 aprile: terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 Bassa California, Messico 9 maggio: terremoto di magnitudo 7,2 Sumatra settentrionale, Indonesia Nel futuro continueranno La lunga scia di grandi sismi che hanno sconvolto il nostro pianeta porta ragionevolmente a concludere che ce ne saranno altri negli anni avvenire. La U.S. Geological Survey dichiara senza mezzi termini: "Continueranno a esserci grandi terremoti proprio come in passato". È interessante il commento di un editoriale: "Tutti i recenti terremoti . . . sono fenomeni a cui l'essere umano non può porre rimedio e non fanno altro che ricordarci i nostri limiti. Questo non significa che si debba stare con le mani in mano nei casi in cui è possibile intervenire . . . , ma significa senz'altro che dobbiamo continuare ad aspettarci grandi calamità naturali i cui effetti sfuggono al nostro controllo".
  12. The Leaders of Shakespeare's Unit : T-Pin : the lead vocal/Manager. PC-One the Promoter/the Poet Slam.T-Pin is a Elder and Regular Pioneer.They are great Brothers! PC-One was serving as regular Pioneer since six years ,and ministerial servant for four years.Here you go! I added them to the list:
  13. Auschwitz. Jehovah's Witnesses prisoners shown here with their designated "purple triangles" sewn onto their uniforms.
  14. Le 3 août 2016, les Témoins de Jéhovah ont officiellement clôturé la vente du 25/30 Columbia Heights à Brooklyn ; une étape importante de leur projet de transfert à Warwick, dans l’État de New York. la source
  15. Fair in Fulton, Kentucky USA http://ift.tt/2bkmnNu Via
  16. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the Olympic Games http://ift.tt/2bxBpjm Via
  17. Artur Awanesjan verbüßt gegenwärtig eine 30-monatige Haftstrafe im Straflager von Schuschi, weil er den Wehrdienst aus Gewissensgründen verweigert hat. Quelle
  18. Diese Ausgabe enthält die Studienartikel für den 30. Januar bis 26. Februar 2017. Quelle
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