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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. As much as I LOVE the modern networks and immediacy of information and telecommunications ... I miss the feeling of an old library with the Dewey decimal system and the world where we were not available 24/7 Reading books is a different feel than obtaining information on a website or even via a tablet. What do you miss most from the "Analog age" that was years ago?
  2. I think I've seen some other similar photos in recent years... A new phenomenon among JW's?
  3. All smiles I can only imagine all the giggling and talking this car group enjoyed that day....
  4. Nice home! They don't do anything small in Texas do they?
  5. JW Gifts for a Pioneer School Anyone know what the typical Pioneer School Gifts were back in 1960? Just curious.
  6. @JW Insider You probably know more about the inside dialogue about this progression when you were in the art department in the 70's. I think I remember quite a number of changes during that period to the logo. Did they ever say anything about the subtle change publicly?
  7. I saw this photo today from Indonesia (at an assembly) and it made me think about our Watchtower symbol. The old Watchtower Icon vs. the New (newer c. 1990) Watchtower icon shown above. And the one I was most familiar with: I notice that it is still used among us but not really promoted. JW.org has really taken center stage. Yet I do notice that the icon has become less "warlike" over time and now the "Watchtower" at Patterson (c.1990) is more like a lookout than part of a fortified military castle. Although it does remind me of the Watchtowers on the demilitarized zone in South Korea (DMZ) (at least the ones I have seen on TV) Anyways... just something of interest I just thought I would pass down. Oh.. and here is where we almost got rid of the logo completely... and just went with the outline:
  8. もりしんいち: 集りあった愛する兄弟姉妹、まだ見ぬ日本の、世界の、兄弟姉妹と共に 励まし合い 忍耐しつつ一心に まだ見ぬ希望を 待ちたいと思います。 Brothers and sisters who love you had gathered , yet unseen in Japan , of the world , each other encouragement along with the brothers and sisters , I think I want to wait for intently unseen hope with patience . - Contributed on a Google + page of mine
  9. I saw this book for sale on their website and would like to know if the Walton's sell any books similar to this with an anti-Presbyterian theme? I remember the Walton's attending the Presbyterian church in Bentonville, Arkansas Could Wal*Mart be considered a purveyor of "hate speech"? Will JW's boycott Wal*Mart?
  10. UPDATE: We're still working on a species ID with our science partners at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, but currently we're thinking the purple orb is a pleurobranch, a nudibranch relative. Both are types of sea slugs, like this one
  11. JW sisters from Israel (Israelites :) http://ift.tt/2aRqvY1 Via
  12. Sisters in Norway http://ift.tt/2aRqoLY Via
  13. Young sister offers a flower to a householder thanking her for listening. http://ift.tt/2bdxiGQ Via
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