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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. This wonderful couple, brother and sister Honey are both 87 and still power along in the full time service in the Kalgoorlie congregation Western Australia . They are so encouraging to us all and much loved! http://ift.tt/2aZTVRu Via
  2. Luxurious residences of our beloved Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses http://ift.tt/2bpnii7 Via
  3. Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina http://ift.tt/2aRqanZ Via
  4. State Fair - Sussex, New Jersey USA http://ift.tt/2bmI1zS Via
  5. Amazonia Brazil (walking above piranhas) http://ift.tt/2aRpRtJ Via
  6. JW’s adult playground at Bethel http://ift.tt/2aPwLJT Via
  7. Edmonton, Alberta Canada multilingual literature cart displays http://ift.tt/2bolVPs Via
  8. Thanks again! I added this post to the list:
  9. The need for adjustments should be no surprise. On a number of occasions in Bible times too, God’s worshippers had to alter their viewpoint. Source
  10. Le fait que notre compréhension s’affine ne devrait pas nous surprendre. Souvent, les serviteurs de Dieu du passé ont dû rectifier leur point de vue. la source
  11. Markus schrieb das kürzeste der vier Evangelien. Sein Bericht gibt eine Vorschau auf Jesu Herrschaft als König des Königreiches Gottes. Quelle
  12. Solche Änderungen brauchen niemand zu überraschen. Schon in biblischer Zeit mussten Gottes Diener manche ihrer Ansichten korrigieren. Quelle
  13. Artur Avanesyan is serving a 30-month sentence in the Shushi prison colony of Nagorno-Karabakh despite his willingness to perform alternative civilian service. Source
  14. Witnesses in Armenia fulfill their obligation to the government in a way that respects their conscience and benefits the country and its citizens. Source
  15. Walla Walla Washington USA http://ift.tt/2b39RUw Via
  16. London, England. Convention campaign http://ift.tt/2azGFPT Via
  17. Liverpool, England Convention http://ift.tt/2auDOvS Via
  18. Lima, Peru Assembly Hall http://ift.tt/2aVq3Df Via
  19. The 2015 Watchtower Library on DVD for Windows has an update available. If you clicked on the box to update and you are connected to the internet, it will bring up a box and ask you if you want the current update (212 MB). It adds the 2016 Wt and Awakes , some brochures, the Meeting Workbooks and other things. As of the 2015 DVD release, the plan is to release updates twice a year: in July and in January. As of the 2015 DVD release, the plan is to release updates twice a year: in July and in January.
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