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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Radiant JW sisters 'shining as Illuminators' amidst a darkening world.
  2. Tree of life Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad A Big Tree of Righteousness As the days of a tree... so shall the ....?
  3. Accra Assembly Hall, Accra, Ghana Sunday, July 17, 2016 Ghana Branch Visit - David SplaneDownload Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4y... David Splane @ 01:19:36 00:00:00 Intro Music 00:08:52 Chairman 00:12:14 Song 136 00:17:19 Field Report by Tahiru Madugu 00:39:41 Watchtower summery w/ Kufu Boati (sp?) 01:19:36 David Splane - "He was a man with feelings like ours" 02:35:35 End of Talk by David Splane 02:37:30 Attendance Report 02:40:20 Attendance Chart (later corrected) 02:43:00 Song 60 02:45:52 Corrected Attendance Chart (7,965 Live; 57,012 Total)
  4. Many who believe that Jesus is God or in the Trinity rely only on a few selected, so-called 'proof-texts'. 1. > If you want to tackle one of these (refute) please start a new thread (topic) and send me the link to that thread to add below 2. > Gen. 1:26 3. > Gen. 19:24 4. > Isa. 6:3 ("Holy, Holy, Holy") 5. > Isa. 9:6 6. > Isa. 42:8/Heb. 1:3 7. > Isa. 43:11 (Savior) 8. > Isa. 44:6 ("First and the Last") 9. > Isa. 48:16 10 > Micah 5:2 11 > Habakkuk 1:12 12 > Zechariah 12:10 13 > Matt. 1:23 ("Immanuel") - NAME 14 > Matt. 12:32 15 > Matt. 28:19 16 > Luke 12:10 17 > John 1:1 18 > John 2:19 19 > John 5:18 20 > John 5:23 21 > John 8:58 (I AM) 22 > John 10:17-18 23 > John 10:30 24 > John 10:33 ("a god" or "God"?) 25 > John 14:7-9 26 > John 14:14 27 > John 16:7-15 28 > John 20:28 (My God) 29 > Acts 5:3, 4 30 > Acts 10:38 31 > Acts 13:2 32 > Acts 20:28 33 > Acts 28:25 34 > Rom. 8:27 35 > Rom. 9:5 36 > 1 Cor. 12:11 37 > 2 Cor. 4:4 38 > 2 Cor. 13:14 39 > Eph. 4:30 40 > Eph. 5:5 ("Sharp's Rule") 41 > Phil. 2:5, 6 42 > Col. 1:16 43 > Col. 2:9 44 > 1 Tim. 3:16 45 > Heb. 1:6 46 > Heb. 1:8 (“Thy Throne, O God”) 47 > 2 Pet. 3:18 (Savior) 48 > 1 John 5:7 49 > 1 John 5:20 50 > Rev. 1:8 51 > Rev. 1:17 ("First and the Last") 52 > Rev. 5:6 and Rev. 5:13 ("Throne") 53 > Rev. 22:1 (Throne) 54 > Rev. 22:13 (Alpha / Omega)
  5. Ce manuel d’étude est conçu pour vous aider à trouver les réponses de la Bible à plusieurs questions. Par exemple : Pourquoi souffrons-nous ? Que se passe-t-il quand on meurt ? Comment avoir une vie de famille heureuse ? la source
  6. Saying goodbye to a group of volunteer construction workers at #warwick via social.jw-archive.org #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/2am8LRl Via
  7. Happy and playful JW regular pioneers via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #regularpioneer #regularpioneers http://ift.tt/2acktem Via
  8. Happy to be released from prison in South Korea. #jworg #prisoners of #conscience via social.jw-archive.org #jehovahswitnesses #southkorea #jwsouthkorea #jwkorea #korea http://ift.tt/2akG5uO Via
  9. Beautiful hats and smiles for a couple JW sisters at Oceanside, California via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #oceanside #california #jehovahswitnesses #jwcalifornia http://ift.tt/2az5UnO Via
  10. Superman is interested in getting to know Jehovah and Jesus Christ
  11. Showing Caleb and Sophia videos in Guatemala via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jwguatemala http://ift.tt/2ahbnN1 Via
  12. Houston, TX Spanish convention via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #houston #texas http://ift.tt/2afRxIa Via
  13. Rome, Italy regional convention 20,467 attendance, 116 baptized via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #rome #italy #jwitalia http://ift.tt/2autXEx Via
  14. Munich, Germany: 1406 in attendance via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #munich #germany #jwgermany #jwmunich #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/2arw1ih Via
  15. Jehovah enjoys seeing children working on His house via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #childlabor http://ift.tt/2akvBt0 Via
  16. Sisters travels far to attend to another infirm aged sister via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #goodworks http://ift.tt/2ai2ma3 Via
  17. Mexico: Children participate in a Bible drama reenactment via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #mexico #bibledrama #drama http://ift.tt/2alnzx7 Via
  18. Best friends are now newly appoints Minsterial Servants in Houston, TX via social.jw-archive.org #texas #jworg #houston #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/2aeXBvT Via
  19. Warwick crew dining atop 124 Columbia Heights via social.jw-archive.org #jworg #124columbiaheights #jehovahswitnesses #warwick #brooklyn http://ift.tt/2aBRQts Via
  20. I will put a plug in for Loyal3 brokerage. https://www.loyal3.com I think it is a good way for the average person to start accumulating shares in blue chip stocks of items they use everyday.
  21. Shows the danger involved with going underground. Sad ;-( Someone will be spending years in Siberia
  22. Pope Francis falls during Mass in Poland Pope Francis has fallen during a visit to Czestochowa, Poland. The pontiff was walking on stage, about to address the waiting crowd, but suddenly fell.
  23. La Corée du Sud continue de condamner des Témoins de Jéhovah à des peines de prison pour l’exercice légitime de leur liberté de religion et de conscience. la source
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