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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. #kingdomhall in Anamã, Brasil via social.jw-archive.org #jwbrasil #jwbrazil #jworg #brasil #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/2a4eviZ Via
  2. 93 yr. old Hanna is a Bethelite in Japan. She arrived in Japan as a missionary when she was 28 years old. via social.jw-archive.org #jwjapan #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #japan #jwbranch http://ift.tt/29ZwZ3S Via
  3. Motorcycle meetup #witnessing in Lowicz, Poland #jwpoland #jworg #jw #jwpolonia #jwpolska #poland social.jw-archive.org http://ift.tt/2adq7ke Via
  4. Cleaning up in Frankfurt, Germany social.jw-archive.org #jworg #jwgermany #jwfrankfurt http://ift.tt/2a35RlR Via
  5. Booth at the Royal Darwin Show in Australia #jwaustralia #jworg #jehovahswitnesses social.jw-archive.org http://ift.tt/2acn8ap Via
  6. Rural #preaching in the #honduras #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #jw social.jw-archive.org #jwhonduras http://ift.tt/2ayQ0J6 Via
  7. Comment une personne devrait-elle se faire baptiser et à quel moment ? Le baptême efface-t-il le péché ? Quelle est la différence entre le baptême chrétien et le baptême des nouveau-nés ? la source
  8. À la suite d’une catastrophe naturelle qui a frappé le Sri Lanka, la plus terrible en 12 ans, les Témoins de Jéhovah ont organisé des secours. la source
  9. Lernt mit den Bibelbuch-Lernkarten die Bibelbücher von Matthäus bis Offenbarung auswendig. Quelle
  10. Wann und wie sollte man sich taufen lassen? Reinigt die Wassertaufe von Sünde? Was sagt die Bibel über die Kindertaufe? Quelle
  11. How and when should a person be baptized? Does baptism wash away sin? What is the difference between baptism and christening? Source
  12. This young sister stations herself with several different language magazines at 42nd Street Port Authority most mornings to present the solution to mankind - GOD’S KINGDOM! Thank you #godskingdom #jworg #jw #jehovahswitnesses #jwny #jwnewyork #jwusa http://ift.tt/29VuGM0 Via
  13. #jworg en #paraguay #southamerica #jwparaguay http://ift.tt/29WfCAY Via
  14. #jehovahswitnesses in #southamerica ~ #Chile #jworg http://ift.tt/29WeWvi Via
  15. Colombia: Preaching to Haitian refugees #jwhaiti #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #jwcolombia #jwsudamerica #jwsouthamerica http://ift.tt/29WkoMh Via
  16. UK: Pre-cleaning crew for the next convention. #jworg #jw #jwuk #jwengland #jehovahswitnesses #jwbritain http://ift.tt/2abNpbL Via
  17. Uganda: Zealous JW preachers #jwuganda #jwafrica #jworg #jw #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/2ad1OkC Via
  18. Hong Kong #jworg #jw #jehovahswitnesses #jwchina #jwhongkong http://ift.tt/2a9ADYs Via
  19. Israelite sisters eating bananas on a field service break #jworg #jw #jehovahswitnesses #jwisrael http://ift.tt/29WcBjW Via
  20. Behördenvertreter und Fachleute äußern sich über die Zusammenarbeit mit Jehovas Zeugen beim Bauprojekt in Warwick. Quelle
  21. Le travail à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du bâtiment de bureaux et de services comprenait l’installation de lampes LED, de puits de lumière, de pavés et d’une passerelle couverte. la source
  22. Version 1 Kite Floyd - Fight the Joy Killers ver 1.mp3 Version 3 Kite Floyd - Fight the Joy Killers Ver 3.mp3 March 11 1979
  23. Kite Floyd - Fulfillment of Prophecy Stirs Us to Action.mp3 Fulfillment of Prophesy Stirs us to Action by Floyd Kite From North Highlands, California 1/16/1977
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