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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Notice the name of the publisher on the bottom.... Located in a few libraries in England and New England I used to live just a couple miles from John Greenleaf Whittier's birthplace and visited the historic home a few times in my youth. Part of the ....
  2. British government controls Egypt, Egypt is a British dependency, although under its native khedive, the British army stayed in Egypt, and British will was really the law. In 1914 C.E. the Egyptian khedive sided with Turkey, which had joined Germany in the First World War, the British took over in Egypt, deposed the khedive and declared Egypt a British Protectorate. [Britain and the United States of America became opponents of the prophetic KING OF THE NORTH and together they came into the position of the KING OF THE SOUTH.] See yw pgs. 220-63. w-E * Zion's Watch Tower Outlines of Sermons: The Tabernacle and Its Teachings (Supplement to February 1882 Watchtower (not in Watchtower Reprints)) The Minister's Daughter Part of the ...
  3. 1881 C.E. The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society is formed by C.T. Russell. At first, the Society distributed Bibles produced by other Bible societies. By 1890 C.E., the Society entered directly into Bible publishing, sponsoring the first of a number of Bible editions. See w97 10/15 pgs. 8-12. w-E * Zion's Watch TowerThe Tabernacle and Its TeachingsTabernacle Shadows of the "Better Sacrifices" (ed.1899) (Scan of the original)Food for Thinking Christians (free supplement to Zion's Watch Tower)Non- Watchtower PublicationsWescott & Hort's Greek Interlinear Part of the ...
  4. 1881_food_for_thinking_christians.pdf PREFACE. THE design of this pamphlet is, first, to supply to such Christians as are alive and fully consecrated, and hungering and thirsting after a fuller knowledge of “Our Father” and his plans, what we believe to be “meat in due season;” leading such to perform all their consecration vows: secondly, to awaken those who are asleep in Zion—showing those who are not truth-hungry, what they are too much occupied with worldly plans to know, viz., that they are starving for the “good word of God,” though they say—We are “rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing.” “I love to tell the Story! More wonderful it seems, Than all the golden fancies Of all our golden dreams: I love to tell the Story! It did so much for me; And that is just the reason I tell it now to thee.” It is our part, under heavenly direction, to thus scatter the food—the seeds of thoughts; it is God’s part to water and give the increase—in some thirty, some sixty, and in some a hundred- fold to his praise. We leave the results with him. ZION’S WATCH TOWER. Part of the ...
  5. Konstantin von Tischendorf, a gifted German linguist, finds the oldest known complete copy of the Christian Greek Scriptures in a monastery at the base of Mount Sinai. It became known as the Codex Sinaiticus and was probably produced 50-years before Jerome completed the Latin Vulgate. Tischendorf published it, thus making it accessible to scholars. See w97 10/15 pgs. 8-12. Also this year... 1859-Tracts-on-Prophecy-3-Worlds.pdf Part of the ....
  6. The Watch Tower: Or Man in Death: The Hope For A Future Life by George Storrs 1850-Storrs-The-Watch-Tower-or-Man-In-Death-and-the-Hope-of-a-Future-Life.pdf I will add this to the archive.... Someone might be able to explain in more detail why I added it. He had some influence on C.T. Russell in the early years before Watch Tower.
  7. I loved the preface: PREFACE. In offering this book to the people and Church of God, the writer, while freely acknowledging his indebtedness for many of its best thoughts to friends of the cause, is aware of his inability to do justice to the great subjects presented. If they are of any value, their importance should cover the imperfections of the agents used in their dissemination. And may God in his infinite love, cause that the book may accomplish the work of leading the Church into the truth concerning the Bible plan of Redemption, and the Harvest of the Gospel Age. N. H. BARBOUR. CONTENTS. Three Worlds Coming Forty Years Of Trouble Seven Heads Of Rome Manner Of The Coming Of Christ Saint And Angel The World To Come —Shall We Know Each Other There? THE KINGDOM OF GOD—Will It Be Seen By Mortals? THE NATURAL AND THE SPIRITUAL SOPHISTRY PLAN OF REDEMPTION JUDGEMENT, TRIAL, PROBATION—WILL THE SAINTS BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL? BIBLE CHRONOLOGY TIMES OF THE GENTILES THE TWO COVENANTS, OR JEWISH AND GOSPEL DISPENSATIONS THE JUBILEE THE HOLY PLACE THE RESURRECTION ELIJAH, THE PROPHET THE HARVEST, ITS BEGINNING AND ITS END THE FIVE KINGDOMS, AND THEIR LOCALITY ANTICHRIST THE SEVEN TRUMPETS THE SEVEN SEALS THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD A PARABLE THE TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DAYS THE EASTERN QUESTION BABYLON IS FALLEN THE KINGDOM OF GOD THE TWO-HORNED BEAST PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF ASIA SUMMARY NOTES ON CHRONOLOGY
  8. Three World's and Harvest of This World (N.H. Barbour and C.T.Russell)Object and Manner of Our Lord's Return (C.T. Russell) Part of the ....
  9. "God manifests himself in every detail of our lives and is constantly revealing his love and power in his creation. Every fiery sunrise, cooling breeze and smiling stranger communicates his goodness. Everyday miracles of mercy known only to us are his language of love. Our journeys are lit by a thousand small stars pointing out his plan of salvation for us in the happenings of our lives." ---------------------------------- My father used to say things like: "God never lets a day go by without painting each of us a beautiful sunset"..... Although Catholics seem to have their own vocabulary and way of speaking.... but essentially the same principle here.
  10. As I was never a Catholic... I am trying to think of how I would refer to to this "scene" in the Bible....
  11. e·piph·a·ny /əˈpifənē/ noun the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12). the festival commemorating the Epiphany on January 6. a manifestation of a divine or supernatural being. Epiphany also Theophany, Denha, Little Christmas, or Three Kings' Day, is a Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ.
  12. "In Scripture we find the admonition to those who approach the living God – that they ought to detach from both creation and procreation (another indication of the link between poverty and chastity). Approaching supernatural life calls for detachment from natural life. At Mount Sinai, in preparation for the epiphany of the Lord, the Israelites were commanded, “Be ready on the third day; do not go near a woman” (Ex 19:15). The priests on service in the Temple were to refrain from marital relations. And Saint Paul exhorts married couples to periodic continence – in effect, a temporary celibacy – that they may devote themselves to prayer (cf. 1 Corinthians 7:5). The ancient Church reasoned that since those in lesser offices were obligated to continence for a time (the Israelites, the Levites, married couples), those who minister daily at the altar should observe perpetual continence — which ultimately became celibacy. The conviction was that such detachment enabled ministers (not just priests, but deacons and subdeacons) to pray with an undivided heart that, as the Council of Carthage put it, “they may obtain in all simplicity what they are asking from God.” It is therefore fitting that the priest, who approaches the altar and offers the life-giving sacrifice, observe perpetual continence. The man who exercises a spiritual fatherhood in a unique manner at the altar should draw back from natural fatherhood. The man who speaks the words of the Bridegroom — This is my body — should not speak those same nuptial words to a woman. Incense also indicates mystery. That is part of the reason we use it at Mass: to make mysterious what we might be tempted to treat as mundane and ordinary. It serves as a veil reminding us (because we are always in danger of forgetting) of the holiness – the otherness – of the One who comes so humbly in the Eucharist. Celibacy serves a similar purpose in the world. It is a kind of veil that calls attention (the priest’s own, first of all) to the otherness of the priest, to the holiness of what he is and does. Not infrequently after Sunday Mass, a child approaches the priest and asks him about some aspect of the liturgy: Why? The child’s question means that the liturgy has done its work. It has provoked a wonder and awe that can then be turned to greater understanding and devotion. The priest then has a welcome opportunity for mystagogia, to explain the sacred mysteries. A similar thing happens with celibacy. Few things in the Church provoke more questions, wonder and interest. Even those who know little else about the Church have at least heard of this mysterious kind of man that foregoes not only what is evil but even what is profoundly good. They wonder, Why? As a witness to something more, celibacy is meant to be mysterious and cause wonder. The world’s children’s questions about it means that celibacy has done part of its work. Their wonder provides us with the opportunity to speak of Christ’s own celibate chastity, of sacrifice, and of the world to come. The question provides an opportunity to speak of the One who transcends all other loves and of the Kingdom that lays claim to our hearts." ------------------------ Are you sure that is the action that is still wanted by Catholic Priests? Attracting children should be very low on their priority list right now given all the problems the Church has. Just sayin'
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