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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Scotland Kingdom Hall #jwscotland #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #jwuk http://ift.tt/29Hp9KN Via
  2. Springfield, Illinois street fest #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #jwillinois #jwusa http://ift.tt/29AuDWV Via
  3. Czech girls all ready for baptism #jwczech #jworg #jehovaswitnesses #baptism #jwbaptism http://ift.tt/2a2kDKq Via
  4. Este hallazgo confirma lo que dice la palabra de Jehová sobre la vida del Rey Ezequías
  5. Man muss einiges tun, um nach Gottes Regeln zu leben. Ist es die Mühe wert? Quelle
  6. Südkorea bestraft noch immer Zeugen Jehovas, die sich auf ihr Recht auf Religions- und Gewissensfreiheit berufen. Quelle
  7. It takes effort to harmonize your life with Bible principles. Is the effort worthwhile? Source
  8. Nach der schlimmsten Naturkatastrophe seit 2004 leiteten Jehovas Zeugen sofort Hilfsmaßnahmen ein. Quelle
  9. South Korea continues punishing young Witness men with imprisonment for the legitimate exercise of their freedom of religion and conscience. Source
  10. Jehovah’s Witnesses and the princely color purple. #jworg #prince #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/29H0XtM Via
  11. Brazil - Invitation campaign #jwbrasil #jwbrazil #jworg #testemunhasdejeova #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/29V6sqq Via
  12. Villa hidalgo, Jalisco. Mexico #jworg #jwmexico #jwjalisco #testigosdejehova #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/29CwyMo Via
  13. Expo stand in Jakarta, Indonesia #jworg #indonesia #jwindonesia #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/29zFwqx Via
  14. Dublin, Ireland regional convention #jwireland #jwdublin #jworg http://ift.tt/29whygg Via
  15. Polish congregation in Canada #jwcanada #jworg http://ift.tt/29Ctv71 Via
  16. Refugees attend the Kingdom Hall for the first time #jworg http://ift.tt/29CaAIn Via
  17. Geneva, Switzerland - English convention #jwswitzerland #jworg #jehovahswitnesses http://ift.tt/29Fv6uc Via
  18. Découvrez comment le message réconfortant de la Bible a aidé Cindy à changer sa personnalité agressive. la source
  19. Früher war Cindy aggressiv. Die Bibel hat ihr geholfen, sich zu ändern. Wie? Quelle
  20. See how the Bible’s comforting message helped Cindy to change her aggressive personality. Source
  21. Time well spent in Indonesia http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jw #jworg #jwindonesia http://ift.tt/29w0LKQ Via
  22. Spain: Brothers at an assembly. Is he touching his ear?? http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jw #jworg #jehovahswitnesses #jwbrothers #jwhermanos #jwespaña http://ift.tt/29GxAqg Via
  23. Sisters striking a pose at a convention in Korea http://ift.tt/1QpEk8c #jw #jworg #jwkorea #jehovahswitnesses #jwasia http://ift.tt/29w0ffZ Via
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