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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Send the right message to friends of the opposite sex. Source
  2. Might your friend conclude that you want more than friendship? Check out these tips. Source
  3. Quelles preuves historiques avons-nous ? la source
  4. Envoie le bon message aux amis de l’autre sexe. la source
  5. Ton ami risque-t-il de penser que tu veux que votre relation aille plus loin ? Examine ces conseils. la source
  6. Suivez ces instructions pour installer et regarder la chaîne JW Télédiffusion sur l’Apple TV. la source
  7. Trouvez une vidéo, commandez la lecture d’une vidéo, et regardez les vidéos récentes ou sélectionnées. la source
  8. Suivez ces instructions si vous avez besoin d’aide pour regarder les vidéos en continu de JW Télédiffusion sur un appareil Apple TV. la source
  9. Écoutez juste un enregistrement audio ou toute une catégorie. Commandez la lecture d’un enregistrement. la source
  10. Suivez ces instructions pour installer et regarder la chaîne JW Télédiffusion sur l’Amazon Fire TV. la source
  11. Trouvez une vidéo, commandez la lecture d’une vidéo, et regardez les vidéos récentes ou sélectionnées. la source
  12. Suivez ces instructions si vous avez besoin d’aide pour regarder les vidéos en continu de JW Télédiffusion sur un appareil Amazon Fire TV. la source
  13. Écoutez juste un enregistrement audio ou toute une catégorie. Commandez la lecture d’un enregistrement. la source
  14. Astuces pour utiliser la fonction « Partager » de jw.org. la source
  15. Le bureau du Secrétaire d’État à l’intégration des personnes handicapées a remis à l’Association Chrétienne des Témoins de Jéhovah d’Haïti le prix Accessibilité, récompensant ainsi leurs actions menées en faveur des personnes handicapées. la source
  16. Qu’ont dit des ouvriers et des chauffeurs de car à propos de leur collaboration au projet de construction des Témoins de Jéhovah ? la source
  17. What did some non-Witness tradesmen and bus drivers have to say about their experience in working on Jehovah’s Witnesses’ construction project? Source
  18. Welche Ehepaare aus der Bibel kennst du? Quelle
  19. Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie man die Funktion „Teilen“ nutzt. Quelle
  20. Was haben einige Dienstleister und Busfahrer bei ihrer Zusammenarbeit mit Zeugen Jehovas beim Bauprojekt in Warwick erlebt? Hier ein paar Eindrücke. Quelle
  21. "Kyrie" is a song by American pop rockband Mr. Mister, from their 1985 album Welcome to the Real World. Released in late 1985, it hit the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in March 1986, where it was #1 for two weeks. It also hit the top spot on the Billboard Top Rock Tracks chart for one week. In the UK the song peaked at #11 in April 1986. Kýrie, eléison means "Lord, have mercy" in Greek, and is a part of many liturgical rites in Eastern and Western Christianity. Kýrie, eléison; Christé, eléison; Kýrie, eléison is a prayer that asks "Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy". According to Page the entire song is, essentially, a prayer. Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison Kyrie The wind blows hard against this mountain side Across the sea into my soul It reaches into where I cannot hide Setting my feet upon the road My heart is old, it holds my memories My body burns a gemlike flame Somewhere between the soul and soft machine Is where I find myself again Kyrie eleison, down the road that I must travel Kyrie eleison, through the darkness of the night Kyrie eleison, where I'm going, will you follow? Kyrie eleison, on a highway in the light When I was young I thought of growing old Of what my life would mean to me Would I have followed down my chosen road Or only wished what I could be Kyrie eleison, down the road that I must travel Kyrie eleison, through the darkness of the night Kyrie eleison, where I'm going, will you follow? Kyrie eleison, on a highway in the light ... Read more: Mr. Mister - Kyrie Lyrics | MetroLyrics
  22. A Circuit Overseer was working with a very humble brother in a rich part of town. When they reached a beautiful house, they met a man who did not hide his hostility. It was the humble brother’s turn to speak: Good day Sir. We are here to show people God's name. As you can see here in Psalm 83:18 it reads: ‘That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.’ After a moment the man said: I want you to show me that in MY bible. The man returned with his bible and gave it to the brother. The text read: 'That they may know that you alone, whose name is the 'Lord,' are the Most High over all the earth.' You see? Said the man with an altered voice - God's name is 'Lord!’ - You understand nothing of the Bible! It is I who should teach YOU and that's exactly what I'll do! And the first thing you need to do is throw out your Bible. Give me your name and address! I will step in your home to teach you whenever you want. With a pencil and piece of paper ready, the man asked: What is your name? The humble brother replied: My name is Lord. No, I want to know your personal name - insisted the man. My name is 'Lord', insisted the brother. You must have a name. What is it? Insisted the resident. My name is 'Lord', insisted the brother even more. How can you be so stupid? Screamed the man. 'Lord' is not a name ... Returning to the man’s bible, the brother answered calmly: Well, if 'Lord' is not a name, then throw out YOUR Bible! - Akpowenre Odirih Patrick
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