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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. @Outta Here Yes. @Jack Ryan is forgetting about how before the Great Tribulation "The Love of the Greater Number" would cool off.

    He is inadvertently proving Bible prophecy while trying to prove the decline of Jehovah's Witnesses.


    I heard one brother say one time that the point 'is to be the last JW standing' ..... you get the idea.

    Didn't Peter say something similar?

  2. Memorial Talk by Colin Quackenbush

    Funeral Discourse for Hayden C. Covington, given in November, 1978.

    Covington had been Vice President of the Watchtower Society from 1942-1945 and had served as Chief Legal Counsel for Jehovah's Witnesses from 1939-1963. Covington represented Jehovah's Witnesses before the U.S. Supreme Court on several important cases involving personal freedoms. Funeral discourse was given by Colin Quackenbush from Watchtower headquarters in New York.

    He died Nov 21, 1978 

  3. On 6/21/2017 at 1:40 PM, Arauna said:

    Thanks for this item.  I met a Seven Day adventist in the field and spent an hour there.  Very hard to talk to because reasoning very one dimentional - only focussed on Sabath part of Ten Commandments.  This has refreshed my memory.






    I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    I lost the articles and items collected for a few other influential figures from back then sadly... 

  4. On 6/6/2018 at 11:01 AM, kergo said:

    I'm a bible student and was looking for an online forum for Jehovah's Witnesses and found this. Is this forum for JWs? If so why isn't it states explicitly in the front page?

    This is the club on this website that you are looking for:


  5. Very bad hombre.

    He was after all head of the KGB in the Soviet Empire. Not cool.

    How many people who have disagreed with the State have just disappeared under his watch?

    Ok... so not as evil as Stalin or Lenin... but definitely is a part of the same organization.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

    I see that discussion continued with  UN, but you will forgive me for commenting on this about education, grammar, misunderstanding, abilities and so on.

    Good choice of words and their order are important for sending true meaning, but it is not guarantee for understanding. For me, who was not born in English (native speaker) language country, it is difficult to understand some (or many) sentences (phrasemes/idioms, jokes...) of people who participate here. And for you is, probably, hard to understand my expressions and clumsy grammar :)))

    But here is what i would like to say. Formal Education and Higher Education can help in thinking abilities but they are not Substitution for Your Natural abilities and experience for understanding and discernment. I am working in School with professors, janitors and cleaning ladies. We are all needed to be there for "show to go on". And all are valuable in own contribution for mutual process. Yes, some Higher Educated persons are "clumsy" for some simple things that somebody else can done with not much effort. I remembered, once,  professors have been asking cleaning ladies, to cut some fruit on slices. And Ladies where not been willing to do it because, as they said, why teachers can not do it yourself? In one hand they was right, it is not mandatory job for cleaning lady to cut fruits. But it is also not obligated job for professors. (School,  some professors and children classes had some guests, that is why they plan to offer some fruits to visitors) After one professor heard complaints from cleaning lady, she ask, Ok, i can go and cut fruits by myself, but can you give a lesson for students instead of me in meantime?   

    Thanks to all here who are not so strict and demanding for my grammar :)) About other sort of disagreements we do not need to give any further explanations :)))))  



    Ummm... NO.. .I won't forgive you....

    Please just start new threads when you have new, off topics ideas.

    Thank you.

    I will start moving some previously off topics conversations into different threads.

  7. 18 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

    Are you suggesting that animals have the same comprehension as humans?

    Ok... I am beginning to believe that modern people are no longer able to understand the concept of a topic.

    Has social media caused this? 

    Have native apps with one long scrollable feed with zero context (easy) made this happen?

    I am wondering if I should just design a whole new website where people are supposed to just post random stuff with zero context and where nothing is linked to anything else because Google will link everything for us. Oh wait... that is Facebook and Instagram. (And Twitter... although at least they have hashtags)

    Your thoughts.


    Oh... I now love tacos.

  8. On 11/11/2018 at 10:39 AM, Jscf said:

    He tratado mil y una veces de descargarlos y no he podido, aunque el sistema indica que existe un enlace, pero no se puede acceder a él. Saludos


    On 11/11/2018 at 11:11 AM, Nicole said:

    Tiene razón, el link se dañó y no tengo el archivo en mi archivo personal... gracias por reportar 

    El Link ya esta arreglado....

  9. 1942_Peace_Can_It_Last.pdf

    "Peace, Can It Last?" Audio lecture given September 20, 1942 by Nathan H. Knorr at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Knorr had been elected President of the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) earlier that year succeeding J.F. Rutherford. Noting statements by leaders of the Allied countries regarding the creation of the United Nations as a successor to the defunct League of Nations, Knorr predicts "that the religious organization with headquarters at Vatican City, will ride and exercise guiding influence over the League beast." Knorr further states "it is time for the nations to take note that religion's ambition, under the lead of the Vatican's Hierarchy, to dominate the earth is but the demons' idea and purpose to tighten control of this earth and its people and thereby hold control of all in opposition to Jehovah God and in denial of His universal domination!" Knorr concludes with a prediction that the post-war peace will be very short: "Once again we ask the leading question, PEACE — Can It Last? and God's definite answer is, No! Man-made peace under religion's 'blessing' will be very short-lived, and political kings and rulers will not long enjoy it. The record says they 'receive power as kings ONE HOUR with the beast'. 'One hour,' with God, denotes a very brief time; and suddenly those ten horns and the beast will go into perdition, not peacefully, but violently, at the battle of Armageddon." PDF copy of lecture can also be downloaded.


    This is a very old public talk by Brother Nathan H Knorr in the middle of WW2 when Hitler was winning the war in 1942. This is the talk that was referred to in the September 15th Watchtower, study edition 2012, page 29 par 7. It was given at a convention of JWs in Ohio USA by Bro Knorr on September 20 1942.

    This Talk in 1942 identified the wild beast of Revelation Chapter 17 as the yet to come United Nations which appeared in 1945, 3 years after this talk was given. It has very interesting thoughts on the destruction of religion at the hands of the United Nations and that WW2 was NOT going to end with Armageddon (like many thought it would) because there was yet a time of relative peace to come in which a great preaching work was yet to be done. This talk shows that the Jehovah's witnesses knew what was yet in the future after 1942 as regards the appearance of the UN and the destruction of all religion at the hands of the UN which is yet still in the near future.


    This talk also shows that the Jehovahs witnesses were expecting Germany and Hitler to lose the war even though they were winning the war when this speech was given in 1942.

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