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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Paradise artwork by @arts_designalvaro View the full article
  2. From sisters Liz Dickerson @liz.lebaron.dickerson and Susan Short in Magalia California USA pic by @liz.lebaron.dickerson View the full article
  3. All smiles during Flea Market Witnessing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Photo shared by @allexv View the full article
  4. Had a special visit at our Russian meeting today. A family from Kiev, Ukraine came to visit and the brother gave a beautiful talk. It’s truly amazing how we are one united family of Jehovahs servants regardless of where we are or where we’re from. Thanks for sharing @jaioh81 View the full article
  5. April 21 of 2016. I’m preaching to the window cleaner at the museum The Louvre (Paris in France) showing the QR Code. Hope to have the news of this person in the future. ???? @lisadjony Thank you View the full article
  6. Shared by @rprincessss Last day of preaching during our Co’s visit. Mountainous part of our territory in Compostela Cebu, Philippines. View the full article
  7. Baptism at the regional convention in San Diego, California, USA. Photo shared by @danielsd01 View the full article
  8. Public witnessing on Santa Monica pier in California, USA. Video shared by @technq View the full article
  9. Pioneering in Abilene, Teaxs, USA. Photo shared by @_jennyta_ View the full article
  10. Shared by @juliianrojjas Preaching in the high mountains of Colombia! #jw #jworg #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwlove #jwforever #jwbrasil #jwbrazil #jwpanama #jwperu #jwgermany #jwaustralia #jwusa #jwmexico #jwfrance #jwbrotherhood #jwgirl #jwboy #jwcolombia #kingdomhall#jehovahswitnesses#testigosdejehova View the full article
  11. Painting gift bags and notecards for brothers and sisters in Ohio, USA with my 82 year old friend, Marian. Photo shared by @v1ck1e_a View the full article
  12. Heading to the territory by boat in Panajachel, Guatemala. Photo shared by @piercepetree View the full article
  13. It’s always a joy to see friends continue to serve Jehovah faithfully for many years. Recently, we had the privilege to enjoy a meal at the Bethel Regional Translation Office in Sacramento, California (top photo) with my parents, on the left, and Andrew and Rosa, in the center, who work at the office, and who I have had the privilege to know for almost forty years. __ Siempre me da alegría ver a los hermanos que siguen sirviendo fielmente a Jehová por muchos años. Reciente, tuvimos el privilegio de disfrutar una comida en la oficina regional de traducción de Betel en Sacramento, California, (photo superior), con mis padres, a la izquierda, y Andrew y Rosa, en el centro, que trabajan en la oficina, y que he tenido el privilegio de conocer casi cuarenta años. __?? #jw #tj #jwbrasil #jwfriends #jwonly #jworg #jehovah #jwfamily #bestlifeever #jehovahswitnesses #jwbrazil #jwmexico #jehova #jehovahswitness #jwlove #jwsisters #jwlife #jwchile #jwargentina #testigosdejehova #jw_witnesses #jwitalia #jwspain #jwworld #jehovahscreation #jwphotography #jw_photographers #jwphoto #jwphotographer #jwcreation __?? View the full article
  14. This is in Makarska Congregation seldom worked territory where the need is great. The territory is huge and there’s a great need for appointed men. We have only 2 elders and 2 ministerial servants. Pic by @nenadstjep View the full article
  15. Group ministry in Russia @evensees thank you View the full article
  16. Acapulco, Mexico. Thank you @irisdramos #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  17. Malbork, Poland. Thank you @simondemalbork #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  18. Portugal. Thank you @tiago_cabrita #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  19. happy girls enjoying the assembly in Venezuela @suayil thank you View the full article
  20. Kingfishers can dive at up to 25mph and are capable of catching fish two feet below the surface of the water. They are so fast that often the only glimpse of them is a blue flash as they strike. Though relatively widespread across central and southern England, the kingfisher is somewhat elusive and is therefore rarely seen. Kingfishers are not limited to rivers and can be found on coasts and marshes. While it is considered an iconic British bird the kingfisher can actually be found in the African Savanah, throughout Europe and Asia as far East as Japan. Though famous for perching on branches, the kingfisher can also hover just above the water before diving in for its prey. This shot is a rare one. It’s amazing seeing it frame by frame. View the full article
  21. This is a picture of my 9 year old daughter and her spiritual sister viewing the Divine Name exhibit in Brooklyn Bethel. This sister has known my daughter ever since she was born and has played a major role in motivating the young ones (and old alike) to serve Jehovah with everything they have. She moved to another state last year and this is the first time they have been reunited since. Though we miss each other’s families terribly, we know that we will be reunited permanently in the future. Until then, we find comfort in knowing that we are united in living the best life ever and serving the one true God, Jehovah! Photo shared by @racheybaby86 View the full article
  22. Visiting Bethel of Wallkill and Patterson @ruben.e.c.u thank you View the full article
  23. Shared by @bora.deh Cold weather in Brazil, but cart witnessing always warms our hearts. View the full article
  24. We had a special multi-language public witnessing day in Winchester, UK today - despite the wet weather! The photo shows just some of the many brothers and sisters who took part. A great witness was given and encouraged all of us so much to continue in endeavouring to reach people from every nation, tribe, people and tongue with the good news! Photo shared by @gilesbarry View the full article
  25. Canada Bethel. Photo shared by @amazing_waters View the full article
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