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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. tumblr_o7kfiaEVTe1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    Kingfishers can dive at up to 25mph and are capable of catching fish two feet below the surface of the water. They are so fast that often the only glimpse of them is a blue flash as they strike. Though relatively widespread across central and southern England, the kingfisher is somewhat elusive and is therefore rarely seen. Kingfishers are not limited to rivers and can be found on coasts and marshes.
    While it is considered an iconic British bird the kingfisher can actually be found in the African Savanah, throughout Europe and Asia as far East as Japan. Though famous for perching on branches, the kingfisher can also hover just above the water before diving in for its prey. This shot is a rare one. It’s amazing seeing it frame by frame.

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  2. tumblr_o7kfi8emvN1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    This is a picture of my 9 year old daughter and her spiritual sister viewing the Divine Name exhibit in Brooklyn Bethel. This sister has known my daughter ever since she was born and has played a major role in motivating the young ones (and old alike) to serve Jehovah with everything they have. She moved to another state last year and this is the first time they have been reunited since. Though we miss each other’s families terribly, we know that we will be reunited permanently in the future. Until then, we find comfort in knowing that we are united in living the best life ever and serving the one true God, Jehovah! Photo shared by @racheybaby86

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  3. tumblr_o7kfhxklWn1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    Psychedelic rainbow clouds. These ones are over Mt. Everest. It is said that this marvel is created from tiny ice crystals that are found within the center of these clouds. Light from the sun reflects off of each and every ice crystal causing a rainbow effect. It just so happens that the sun and the clouds were aligned at exactly the right spot for this effect to occur. Jehovah gives us little surprises throughout the day. How perfect.

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  4. Showing a householder texts from JW library in his mother tongue ???? excuse my english please!! Hahaha is been a long time since i spoke it in public hahahha @miss_savannah34 we did it!! ???? Y que me tocó ser el amo de casa extranjero jajajaja fui muy divertido ensayar esta asignación y disculpen ese inglés mío pero tenía años que no lo hablaba en público ???????????? #funnyexperience #wedidit #meeting #jw #jwmexico #jwgirls #jwonly #jwmoments #jwmeeting #jwgirl

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  5. tumblr_o7jkx8TZml1s865f6o1_500.jpg



    We must have the courage of Jehu, who “slaughtered” brothers

    #watchtowerstudy #newlight #god #jwpositivity #jw #jws #jehovahswitnesses #jworg #jwlife #watchtower #christian #jesus #governingbody #jwboys #jwgirls #tonymorris #stephenlett #thetruth #bestlifeever #australia #royalcommission #childabuse #jwmeme #jwmodel #jwbroadcasting #geoffreyjackson #jwrelatable #jwinspirational #jwinternational #kingdomhall



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    Via JWBethelite

  6. tumblr_o7jkx6hwNf1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    María Alexandra and María Alegría doing nicely on the ‘first conversation’ of our Quichua mid week CLAM meeting. They read a Bible text in quichua from a tablet. Hats identify the village of Nizag. —————————-Jueves en nuestra VMC reuñion, María Alexandra y María Alegría demostraron la primera conversación, leyendo un texto desde una tableta. El sombrero blanco identifica la mujer como proceduendo del pueblito de Nizag.

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