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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. 7,677 Profile Page Views alone!!!  Look at JTR go!  .... Imagine how many views a day you receive on all your posts combined? 

    1. James Thomas Rook Jr.

      James Thomas Rook Jr.

      Is there any way to quantify that info?   And in what time frame?

      ...anything I can take to the pawn shop?

    2. The Librarian

      The Librarian

      I guess not... although I often compare modern "hits" to the time spent walking the streets "from house to house" to find one person "at home"......

      We reach people in different ways and times with small snippets of data nowadays rather than the

      192 page books of yesteryear.

      It was truly a different place and time.

  2. Suiter Grant - Do You Appreciate Gods Patience.mp3 I actually have a personal connection to Grant Suiter that I won't delve into here.... Although ... most likely very few of you will even know who Grant Suiter was.... Sadly.... 😶
  3. This is the club on this website that you are looking for: Agape!
  4. Very bad hombre. He was after all head of the KGB in the Soviet Empire. Not cool. How many people who have disagreed with the State have just disappeared under his watch? Ok... so not as evil as Stalin or Lenin... but definitely is a part of the same organization.
  5. Ummm... NO.. .I won't forgive you.... Please just start new threads when you have new, off topics ideas. Thank you. I will start moving some previously off topics conversations into different threads.
  6. Ok... I am beginning to believe that modern people are no longer able to understand the concept of a topic. Has social media caused this? Have native apps with one long scrollable feed with zero context (easy) made this happen? I am wondering if I should just design a whole new website where people are supposed to just post random stuff with zero context and where nothing is linked to anything else because Google will link everything for us. Oh wait... that is Facebook and Instagram. (And Twitter... although at least they have hashtags) Your thoughts. Oh... I now love tacos.
  7. @Samantha87Smith Can you help us with your Russian > English translation of the meaning? Did he mean "Prosecute" or "Persecute"? See the last few posts above.
  8. I had no idea the UN wanted to regulate AND restrict even advertising ..... AND . Increase prices.... Amazing....
  9. 317-330-Peace-CanItLast_64kb.mp3 1942_Peace_Can_It_Last.pdf "Peace, Can It Last?" Audio lecture given September 20, 1942 by Nathan H. Knorr at a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Knorr had been elected President of the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) earlier that year succeeding J.F. Rutherford. Noting statements by leaders of the Allied countries regarding the creation of the United Nations as a successor to the defunct League of Nations, Knorr predicts "that the religious organization with headquarters at Vatican City, will ride and exercise guiding influence over the League beast." Knorr further states "it is time for the nations to take note that religion's ambition, under the lead of the Vatican's Hierarchy, to dominate the earth is but the demons' idea and purpose to tighten control of this earth and its people and thereby hold control of all in opposition to Jehovah God and in denial of His universal domination!" Knorr concludes with a prediction that the post-war peace will be very short: "Once again we ask the leading question, PEACE — Can It Last? and God's definite answer is, No! Man-made peace under religion's 'blessing' will be very short-lived, and political kings and rulers will not long enjoy it. The record says they 'receive power as kings ONE HOUR with the beast'. 'One hour,' with God, denotes a very brief time; and suddenly those ten horns and the beast will go into perdition, not peacefully, but violently, at the battle of Armageddon." PDF copy of lecture can also be downloaded. ------------------------------------------------ This is a very old public talk by Brother Nathan H Knorr in the middle of WW2 when Hitler was winning the war in 1942. This is the talk that was referred to in the September 15th Watchtower, study edition 2012, page 29 par 7. It was given at a convention of JWs in Ohio USA by Bro Knorr on September 20 1942. This Talk in 1942 identified the wild beast of Revelation Chapter 17 as the yet to come United Nations which appeared in 1945, 3 years after this talk was given. It has very interesting thoughts on the destruction of religion at the hands of the United Nations and that WW2 was NOT going to end with Armageddon (like many thought it would) because there was yet a time of relative peace to come in which a great preaching work was yet to be done. This talk shows that the Jehovah's witnesses knew what was yet in the future after 1942 as regards the appearance of the UN and the destruction of all religion at the hands of the UN which is yet still in the near future. THIS TALK PROVES ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME THAT THE JEHOVAHS WITNESSES HAVE NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE UNITED NATIONS AS YOU CAN SEE FROM LISTENING TO THE TALK FROM 28 MIN ONWARDS. This talk also shows that the Jehovahs witnesses were expecting Germany and Hitler to lose the war even though they were winning the war when this speech was given in 1942.
  10. Written in1857 by James Pierpoint, the song is actually an American classic about Thanksgiving and as such it used to have a very different title. When it was first conceived the song was called One Horse Open Sleigh. However because a lot of the lyrics are about winter fun, many people in Britain often tend to ignore half of the words when they sing it during carol concerts in order to keep it Christmassy. Thus, the song soon became known as Jingle Bells instead. The song was originally written to celebrate Thanksgiving (Image: E+)
  11. Thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses from seven countries joined their spiritual brothers and sisters in Colombo for a special convention, the first ever in Sri Lanka. Source
  12. Wie kann man die Aufmerksamkeit seiner Zuhörer fesseln? Quelle
  13. How can you make your audience want to hear what you have to say? Source
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