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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Eine Anleitung zum Abspielen von einzelnen Audiobeiträgen, von Audiosammlungen und zur Steuerung der Wiedergabe. Quelle
  2. Wer nicht weiß, wie er auf seinem Amazon Fire TV die Streaming-Sender von JW Broadcasting ansehen kann, bekommt hier eine Anleitung. Quelle
  3. Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um JW Broadcasting über Amazon Fire TV zu sehen. Quelle
  4. Eine Anleitung zum Finden von Videos, zur Steuerung der Wiedergabe und zu neuen und empfohlenen Videos. Quelle
  5. Eine Anleitung zum Abspielen von einzelnen Audiobeiträgen, von Audiosammlungen und zur Steuerung der Wiedergabe. Quelle
  6. À chaque fois que la conversation tourne mal, agis ! la source
  7. Seon-hyeok Kim, un objecteur de conscience, a d’abord été déclaré non coupable de se soustraire à ses obligations militaires. Pourquoi la Cour d’appel a-t-elle invalidé le verdict et l’a-t-elle condamné ? la source
  8. Today in service we went down to check out the river front in Chester, Illinois, USA and while leaving we saw this lady sitting on a picnic table very peaceful like, just meditating. We got so far up the road and decided to turn around and go back to witness to her. At first all I had was my Bible and the Good News brochure and started up a conversation with her mentioning we share nice encouraging thoughts from the Bible.. On the back of the good news brochure she picked out number 6, What hope is there for the dead and then told me that she was by the river mourning over her very good friend that died last week.. So we read Revelation 21:3,4 then I mentioned that she wouldn’t believe it but our magazine for this month is about When a loved one dies. I didn’t have one with me so I asked if she would like one and she said that she has been looking for a sign or answers and this is probably it. So I went back and grabbed the magazine and showed her it and she was taken back that the girl on the front was even sitting the same way. Then shared Matthew 28:19,20 bringing out that God is backing and directing those ones who do the preaching work today and that it’s nice to be a part of it. Photo shared by @samanator93 View the full article
  9. Kingdom Hall build in Limón, Costa Rica. Video shared by @branman_20 View the full article
  10. Hoag’s Object is a mysterious, ring-shaped galaxy located about 600 million light-years away from the Earth in the direction of the Serpens Caput (Serpent’s Head) constellation. Its diameter is about 100,000 light-years. It consists of an outer ring and an inner ball of densely packed stars. The two are separated by a gap, as can be seen in the above Hubble Space Telescope picture of the galaxy. The outer bluish ring is thought to consist of younger stars, whereas the inner yellowish ball is thought to consist of older stars. What created this unusual shape of the galaxy still remains a mystery. ***(See below)*** BUT!!!! A very interesting coincidence is the presence of yet another ring galaxy located far, far behind the Hoag’s Object; it is visible through the gap between its outer ring and its inner ball, roughly near the “one o'clock” position! Do you see it? As Jehovahs people our hearts and even our eyes swell up with joy seeing such things because we know Jehovah is the creator of such a miraculous, mysterious creation. How do you feel knowing without a doubt that one day you are going to be able to ask our father the Great Almighty, What, why, how? Does it have to do with things here on earth? (Meaning does it align the way the earth is centered anything???? what is it’s purpose!? Does it have one? Does it just keep new stars in the sky? We will have that grand privileged to ask such questions. I’m really excited about that. And I can’t wait for me, just like you as an individual to be honored with that privilege! What would you ask Jehovah? View the full article
  11. My son Diego with his friend made themselves available to serve the spanish territory in Brazil Mi hijo diego con su compañero bernado, se hicieron diaponibles para servir en el habla hispana en Brasil Ubatuba San Pablo, hoy les toco predicacion publica, y por dos meses los acompaña su primo Tomas, estan felices dando su juventud por el Reino @samuelcumin Thank you View the full article
  12. Making boxes while touring Germany Bethel. Photo shared by @kiwithemar_ View the full article
  13. Congrégation dol de Bretagne .France @carolineesnault Thank you View the full article
  14. Some early morning street work and cart witnessing in Strand, South Africa. Photo shared by @flower_child_mish View the full article
  15. I’m in front of a refugee camp in Berlin where people came to ask for publications in German. Farsi Serbian and Arabic @charleston___ Thank you View the full article
  16. Enthusiastically sharing the good news in the rural sector of Piñas-Ecuador! @motitadepolvo Thank you View the full article
  17. In the ministry in Gramado, Río Grande do Sul, Brazil. Photo shared by @mr.aislan View the full article
  18. 20160517_atc_russias_jehovahs_witnesses_fight_extremist_label_possible_ban.mp3
  19. The magnificent Monarch butterfly is not able to survive cold climates so each year literally millions and millions from areas in the US and Canada travel up to three thousand miles, migrating to Mexico and Southern California. And who can blame them. They somehow know how to get to exactly the same trees in the same neighbourhoods as their butterfly ancestors have done in previous years. And they will take four generations to get there. The first generation will die after laying the eggs for Generation Two. And Generation Two will die after laying eggs for Generation Three. And then, Generation Four does not die after a few weeks, no, they live to migrate to the warmer climes and will live for up to eight months. Then next year, They will repeat the whole process. Truly amazing. View the full article
  20. Visiting Wallkill Bethel with Caleb and Sofia! Photo shared by @wezzlywouie View the full article
  21. In the ministry, Brisbane, Australia, chandler Cong tagalog @jazzme_jw Thank you View the full article
  22. Playing the piano at Patterson Bethel. Photo shared by @classinvictus View the full article
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