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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. tumblr_o6h6oeFgeQ1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    @samuel_gas and I went hiking in Tuscany, Italy in the Apuan Alps, an area of hikers and climbers with many tourists and visitors. In the summit book of Monte Procinto (meaning “belted mountain”) we left a jw.org visit card toghther with a message inviting to visit jw.org. What a privilege witnessing in such an amazing place with the Mediterranean sea at the horizon, sourrounded by such breathtaking view! Even while we enjoy creation we can have the chance of “praising Jah” as “mountains” do (Psalms 148:9). Photo shared by @mountain_sam

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    “Keeping everyone entertained has been a challenge, especially with the little ones. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is when the head of the household is someone like my dad, not quite as creative as others and whose primary language is Spanish. Not to mention that English is the language that really reaches my little sisters and my daughters heart.” Shared by @c.elena24

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    Laura and I are moving soon to a group that is working to become a congregation here in Mexico, hopefully in the near future. The friends in our congregation were kind enough to have a going-away party, and in the photo a group of children from the congregation are singing a Kingdom song to us with much enthusiasm. Needless to say, tears flowed freely. Of course, it helps to know we enjoy an eternal hope, and eternal friendships. Photo shared by @randall_and_laurita

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  4. 4,903 in attendance at the Stanley Theater (19,129 listened in overall from 10 other locations - most likely branch offices)1964886_838803312805082_3163025715112424181_n.jpg

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    TV network-style news service called “JW Broadcasting” is to be introduced via tv.jw.org which will feature on demand news videos and regular talks from members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Morning Worship was rumored as well)

    • TV.jw.org via JW Broadcasting (check out their control room)
    • Available Monday
    • Their site description info reads: Streaming, on demand video and audio. Free Christian movies, educational and entertaining programs for families, teens, children, all. Official JW broadcast.
      • JW TV station along with video ondemand which will allow people to also tie in for family worship

    The media will be pre recorded in case you were wondering.

    New Pocket size Bible distributed. Will be available to order soon.

    New audio bible is being completed, different voice for every character

    Also introduced to a new video for children starring Caleb and Sophia.

    Brothers announce that we have a new understanding of the meaning of GOG OF MAGOG that it is no longer understood to be Satan.

    • Doctrinal changes to interpretation of “Gog of Magog” to governments today and not “nations” after Armageddon
      • Gog of Magog "Is most likely the king of the north and not satan now"
    • The 10 Virgins
    • The 10 Talents
      • All of Jesus parables have been simplified. They no longer were prophecy fulfilled around the 1914 era. All evil slaves etc are just a warning now. Talents just means gifts all have been given. There are no longer meanings to every little thing that they use to apply around the 1914 date.

    A new APP can be downloaded for JW LANGUAGE, and you can learn a new language online to facilitate preaching to people of other languages.

    • New app featuring 4k different phrases in different languages


    • Starting January 2015 a new part on the service meeting entitled “How Do You Know The Truth” will replace local needs, in which approved members of the congregation will be invited to share their experiences

    Bethelites with five years or more service may serve for a year on a missionary assignment.

    • Bethelites can now go to pioneer school

    Year Text for 2015

    2014 service year peaked at over 8 million - 19.5 and counting for memorial
    100k requests for bible studies over the last 2 years on JW.org 550 languges, 700 publications in different languages, 1.5 unique visotors daily from August to September

    Types and Antitypes don't apply as much as they use to and they said, "Where the bible is silent, we must be silent" - See transcript 



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    New Governing Body committees lineup announced

    New Songs for the Annual General Meeting. (one clip of a brother playing one on the piano)
    New songs in English distributed for the meeting.
    Up to 13 new songs will be released over time to equal a revised new song book and changes to songs in place due to the new bible. The revised song book cover will look like the new bible. New songs will be practiced at the service meeting

    Video of Bethel Choir singing Song C at Stanley Theater

    Photo of a group practicing the new songs before the performance at the meeting. 

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