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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Larry Graham and Prince: Brothers Forever. social.jw-archive.org #jehovahswitnesses #jw #jworg #prince #larrygraham http://ift.tt/1VCS0nm View the full article
  2. My 6 year old gave his first talk doing the convention invite with his father this evening. His daddy is the life and ministry meeting overseer but he rescheduled it for this week so he could share in his son’s first part on the Ministry School. So proud. He said at least five quiet prayers during the meeting to get him through. Best life ever… Photo shared by @catpurr28 View the full article
  3. Photo shared by @_laviedevanes I just got baptized . After three years of studying and really tough family opposition. My uncles are Catholic Priests and my family are against my baptism. I spent two years sneaking out my house attending every meeting and bible study. None of my family showed up but all of the brothers and sisters that studied with me showed up to see me finally dedicating my lift to Jehovah. Thank you for sharing @jws_worldwide_brotherhood #jws_worldwide_brotherhood View the full article
  4. This is our Tuesday morning field service group in Waimanalo, Hawaii. #nofilterneeded #iloveit #thankyoujehovah #bestlifeever #greatwaytostarttheday @theweddingsinger View the full article
  5. A serious family worship night about Samson. Photo shared by @jlouis007 View the full article
  6. Brothers and sisters from Cusco y Calca on a yearly witnessing trip into the jungle in La Quebrada, Peru. Photo shared by @lukerachael View the full article
  7. Jersey City Assembly Hall. Photo shared by @joelm52 View the full article
  8. Awesome day In the rural’s of Swaziland ? @jwian Thank you View the full article
  9. Us three attempting to not get wet in service today in Brooklyn, New York. Photo shared by @_jac98_ View the full article
  10. My brother in the purple shirt passed away not long after this photo from complications from a bloodless heart transplant at the age of 39 in Chicago, IL. However, we all got to be together when my dad got baptized after studying off and on for over 25 years. A very proud day for my mom and her children. @darcriggan thank you View the full article
  11. This little boy was so thankful to be able to watch the Caleb (called Danny in Thailand) and Sofia videos and having the tract to show his family! Love the Thai ministry in Bangkok. Photo shared by @stay.sea View the full article
  12. Touring the South African Bethel Branch in Krugersdorp. Photo shared by @tiff_williams View the full article
  13. Brasília, Brazil. Thank you @linovpn #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  14. Tienen, Belgium. Thank you @jonathanpaulusjoel #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  15. @vadimbolgarov said: “They brought us to the Police station because of cart witnessing and we decided to preach right there”. Moscow, Russia. Thank you @vadimbolgarov #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  16. The kids liked working in this research packet today. It really put their attention spans to the test! A nice tool to help understand what faith is and how to build it. It has good supplementary info to aid in researching, using God’s Word. I’m excited to see how their drawings of Rahab turn out ✏️✂️? View the full article
  17. Top photo: 2012: Four good friends going to the meeting. Bottom photo: April 2016, Four great friends aged 16 all baptised now, two baptised at Bowes Rd Assembly Hall in London, England April 2016. Friends forever serving Jehovah. Truly the best life ever. Photo shared by @bexmumof4 View the full article
  18. This is a cloudberry. Also known as baked apple. Some of the most important health benefits of cloudberry include its ability to protect against cardiovascular disease, detoxify the body, strengthening the immune system, preventing certain cancers, slows the signs of aging, stimulates circulation, prevents diabetes, and improves digestion. Cloudberries are delicious fruits that come from a rhizomatous herb scientifically known as Rubus chamaemorus. Many people are unfamiliar with cloudberries because they primarily grow in arctic or alpine environments, as well as in boreal forests in the northern hemisphere. There is not a major cultivation of these berries either, so they are not widely exported to the rest of the world. They are commonly grown in Russia, Northern Europe, Scandinavia, some parts of the British Isles, Newfoundland, Canada, and Alaska. They are highly prized as culinary components, due to their juicy and tar quality, but also for their wealth of vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds (particularly ellagic acid) that can significantly benefit human health. These berries are often used in candies, jams, alcoholic drinks, and various other baked goods. They can also be eaten raw, but the flavor is quite tart, so most prepare some sort of sweetened recipe. View the full article
  19. Showing Caleb and Sophia videos to children after the earthquake in Ecuador ? @hectorvilla95 thank you View the full article
  20. Towers residence building in Brooklyn Bethel. Photo shared by @paycheck212 View the full article
  21. Assembly Hall contruction in Chile Nuestro hermoso Salon de Asamblea el Belloto, feliz de haber participado de tan lindo proyecto @samuelcumin thank you View the full article
  22. Metropolitan witnessing at the Philadelphia Zoo in the US. Photo shared by @jazzii_w View the full article
  23. Melissa is a 12 year old girl who was born blind. She took a tour of the Central American Bethel in Mexico but since she has never “seen” any of the machines of the printery, the only way for her to get to know them is to touch them. The brothers were so kind to make an exception to allow her to do so. So touring Bethel was for her a “touching ” experience literally. Video shared by @thefobius View the full article
  24. Asamblea de circuito “imiten su fe” Bogotá Colombia, salón de asambleas de cota. Pic by @tebanpadilla View the full article
  25. Met these brothers while in Amsterdam visiting my family the brother all the way to the right was a famous DJ in Europe who gave it all up for the truth and is the reason why the rest of his family is now also in the truth including his nephew (all the way to the left) who is now a pioneer and had the priveldge of street witnessing in the sail Amsterdam @flyingdutchman16 View the full article
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