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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. In Hellenic and Roman art, the sun-god Helios and Roman emperors are often depicted with a radiant crown. The latter was not used in primitive Christian art because of its pagan origins, but from the mid 4th Century, Christ is thus represented. It was only from the 6th Century onwards that the halo began to be seen in most representations of the Virgin Mary and other saints. “The halos that artists during the Middle Ages put around the heads of saints are a remnant of sun worship.” - Will Durant “From the 4th Century, Christian artists began to paint Jesus with a halo of light, and later Mary and the Apostles. It is also characteristic of the representations of Buddha and Mohammed.” - Sven Achen The halos, a remnant of sun worship Panel of Christ and Abbot Mena E 11565 Location in the Louvre: Denon Entresol room C showcase 6 The church of the monastery of Bawit is reconstructed in part in this room. Suspended from the wall of the altar is one of the oldest images of Christ, showing him in the company of an abbot. It is also one of the first appearances of a halo of light around the head of the saints. Icons form an integral part of the Orthodox world. The worship of these two-dimensional images of Christ or of the saints took effect in the religions of Babylon and Ancient Greece. Believers considered the image used for worship as a divinity in itself. Christian artists adapted this syncretism and used pagan symbols which they introduced in a new context without however totally purifying them. Source
  2. In the Bible, the sun is never deified because, as an impersonal force, it was created by God as a great light to light up the Earth and set a calendar. The existence of sun worship in the Kingdom of Judah is reported by the Prophet Ezekiel. “They were bowing down to the east, to the sun.” (Ezekiel 8:16). This apostate behaviour went against the Law (Deuteronomy 4:19) and the words of the psalmist, “For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; Favor and glory are what he gives.” (Psalm 84:11). Years earlier, the King Josiah had however abolished worship of the sun-god. - 2 Kings 23:5. The Temptation of Christ MI 285 Location in the Louvre: Ary Scheffer Sully 2nd room 63 The sun, source of life and fertility, is nevertheless revered in most cultures. A149 The incarnation of light in the form of the Egyptian god Ra, it would be Helios then Apollo among the Greeks. The worship of the Persian sun-god Mithra is at the origin of the feast of Christmas. The influence of this pagan worship of the sun also explains the presence of a ring of light, the halo, around the heads of icons of Christendom.
  3. God Shamash Louvre Location: Sb 7 Richelieu room 3 A sovereign pours libation on an altar before a seated god, recognisable by his tiara (crown) with several rows of horns. The god holds a ring and a rod, symbols of power and justice. A rayed sun disc dominates the scene. These symbols are often associated with Shamash, sun-god but also god of justice. The symbolism in the Bible is identical. Judah gives his signet ‘ring’ and the ‘staff that is in thy hand’, both personal and precious, as a pledge to Tamar (Genesis 38:18). The rod of Moses became a symbol of his authority. - (Exodus 14) In his blessing on his deathbed, Jacob said to Judah that ‘the ruler’s staff’ shall not depart from between his feet until Shiloh comes (Genesis 49:10) This detail is an indication of future extended authority. “The rod of your strength Jehovah will send out of Zion, [saying:] ‘Go subduing in the midst of your enemies’ ” (Psalm 110:1, 2). Paul the Apostle was to apply these verses to Jesus Christ who came as the representative of God (Hebrews 10:12, 13). It is said that this 'King of kings' made war with justice with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15). In Babylon, the Hebrew form of the name Sheshbazzar, governor of the Jews returning from exile, meant: “Oh Shamash, protect the Father”. He is identified with Zerubbabel. - Ezra 1:8 Shamash and Code of Hammurabi
  4. The above talk does not appear on the official list of Public Talks of JW's that @Jack Ryan published:
  5. First news reports of JFK's assassination: News coverage of the JFK assassination, starting with the interruption of "As the World Turns" at 10:00 during the first hour and ten minutes after the shooting occurred. For the next several minutes, the network alternates between the soap opera/commercials and the bulletin. Then at 17:43, the network stays with the bulletin and at 30:14 the news anchor appears. Starting at 40:00 came the first of many unconfirmed reports from a Dallas affiliate reporter that Kennedy was dead. Finally at 1:06:43, the news anchor makes the sad official confirmation that Kennedy died 38 minutes earlier. Many people have posted in the comments section how old they were when this horrific event occurred. I wish to add that I was an eleven-month-old baby.: From 12:18 to 12:25 CBS did a plug for "Route 66."
  6. The Librarian


    The Holy Bible > The King James Bible > Genesis > Exodus > Leviticus Chapters 1 2 3 4 5
  7. Many people believe that it doesn’t matter which religion you choose. Source
  8. Viele glauben, es sei egal, welche Religion man hat. Quelle
  9. Dieses theokratische Ereignis – das erste überhaupt in Georgien – zeichnete sich aus durch einen Überfluss an geistiger Speise, herzliche Gastfreundschaft und Präsentationen der Kultur und Geschichte des Landes. Quelle
  10. Der außergewöhnliche Greifschwanz des Seepferdchens inspiriert Ingenieure bei der Konstruktion von Robotern. Quelle
  11. On October 10, 2002, the home that Teresa lived in with her mother, caught on fire while Teresa was trapped inside. The fire was caused by a space heater and sadly there was nothing the neighbors, nor fire department could do to get to her before she succumbed to the fire. As far as we know, she didn’t have children and she died just how she’d lived her life in her later years- without much fanfare and shrouded in her religious faith. Ms. Graves was just 54 years young.
  12. Old Dracula (1974) She was baptized in 1974. In her first years as a Jehovah's Witness she used her popularity to draw media attention to the persecution of his spiritual brothers in Malawi under the dictator Hastings Banda. After the baptism she continued to work in the show until 1983, when he retired to devote himself completely to religious activities. Teresa Graves died in a fire in 2002. ______________________________________________________________________ The experience of Teresa Graves is narrated anonymously in Awake! of 8/10/77, p. 16-21.
  13. https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/content_assets/ba/702017127_E_cnt_1_r720P.mp4 An engineer who performed inspections of the Witnesses’ construction of their new world headquarters for the Town of Warwick shares his observations about the completed facilities.
  14. Intervista a William Hoppe, ispettore edile "Mi ha molto colpito l'attenzione dei Testimoni di Geova all'ecosistema e all'ambiente" William Hoppe, ispettore edile. Un ingegnere che per conto del comune di Warwick ha effettuato le ispezioni nel cantiere dei Testimoni durante la costruzione della loro nuova sede mondiale esprime il suo parere sulla nuova struttura. ‘Tutto era estremamente pulito. Quello di Warwick è stato uno dei progetti più sicuri a cui abbia mai lavorato’. "Raramente mi è capitato di trovare condizioni più professionali e persone amichevoli, gentili, e competenti come fra i T.d.Geova". "Questo progetto mi ha insegnato che si può lavorare ad alti livelli" William Hoppe, ispettore edile.
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