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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. How did Joseph die and when?

    Was Abel aware about a future resurrection?

    How many angels joined Satan?

    What was Satans name as an loyal Angel?

    How would present times look like if our first parents hadnt sinned?

    Did Satan use a materialized body before the flood? 

  2. Christians are protesting the Nepali government's recent decision to remove Christmas as an observed national holiday.

    Since the Asian nation of Nepal became a secular state eight years ago, Christmas has been recognized as a national holiday, Christian Today reports. The government is blaming an over-crowded Nepali calendar for its decision to no longer observe the Christian holiday in the future, stating  that too many dates commemorating other religious holidays exist on its list of nationwide celebrations.

    Many throughout the Himilayan nation believe that government officials are singling out Christians for discrimination because it chose to eliminate Christmas, instead of numerous other holidays representing other religions — with many having less adherants than Christianity.

    In order to address this concern of anti-Christian bias, the Nepali government maintains that its determination to take Christmas off of the nation's list of nationally celebrated holidays was not intended to be an affront to Christians.

    Nepal Minister for Home Affairs Shakti Basnet contends that government officials had no choice but to get rid Christmas as a public holiday because it had inserted too many others on its list — contending that the removal Christmas does not reflect any ill-intent on Christians living in Nepal.

    "We are forced to take such a decision not to hurt Christians, but to control the rising number of public holidays," Basnet expressed to Asia News, even though the reasoning behing choosing Christmas instead of another one of the many observed holidays was not given.

    Unequal freedom to observe?

    Christians who work in the private sector have been noticeably more upset over the government's decision to axe Christmas from its list of nationally celebrated holidays — more than government employees, that is. This is because state officials announced to Christians holding government jobs that they will still receive Christmas Day off as a holiday, while privately employed workers — who comprise a significant proportion of the nation's workforce — must still work on December 25 like any other normal work day.

    National Federation of Christians (NFC) Secretary General Rev. CB Gehatraj notes the rift that the removal of Christmas creates between private and government employees wishing to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

    "If Christmas is not a national holiday, the workers of the private sector will not be able to celebrate it," Gehatraj stressed.

    He also argues — in contradiction to the state's explanation — that the government is specifically targeting the one holiday that it alotted to Christians, while it purposely left more than 80 observances for Hindus and other religions on its list.

    "The government recognises 83 festivities for Hindus and other communities, but none for Christians,” the Christian leader pointed out.

    Backing up his assertion that Nepal is indeed moving to diminish the presence of Christianity inside its borders, Gahatraj asserts that the decisions of national authorities are motivated by sentiments against Christianty.

    "[The Nepali officials' decision to eliminate Christmas was] influenced by anti-Christian tendencies,” the reverend contends.

    Gahatraj announced that a number of faith groups are prepared to challenge the ruling of the Nepali government to exclude Christmas from its expansive observed holiday list.

    “We are ready to sacrifice ourselves for our faith and the protection of freedom of worship," he proclaimed. "We strongly demand the restoration of the festivity and that the recent decision be dropped within a week."

    The NFC leader says that a nationwide showing of Christian support will work to persuade Nepali government officials to replace Christmas on its nationally observed holiday list if the initial demand for religious freedom to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ is not successful.

    "If the government fails to meet our request, we will protest across the country," Gahatraj insisted.


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    This past Sunday, my service group in Astoria, New York decided to take one last trip through Brooklyn Bethel before the buildings are sold. It also happened to be my 7-month-old daughter’s first trip ever. Our friend and tour guide snapped this photo of my husband and daughter on the tour, and I couldn’t help but think of 2 Tim 3:15. I love knowing that she began building her relationship with our loving God from infancy! Photo shared by @justinelorelle

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    Ecuador Update from @principledsweets: So the number of dead has risen to about 350. Much of the town of Pedernales was flattened, our friends there have moved to higher ground. There are signs of life in the rubble and that is being prioritized by the search efforts of police and military. The police have brought in search dogs to help find survivors. Our brothers all over the country are getting together either supplies, or monetary donations to send and help with the relief work. Last night the first truckload of supplies reached the friends in Pedernales. The brothers in the Manta English group, as well as those in the Spanish congregation, are okay. The brothers up in the Cayapas river area are all okay as well. No one was directly injured from the earthquake other than some who fell down. Please continue praying for the rest of our brothers in the whole affected area here in Ecuador, as well as those in Japan and other areas around the world. Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight.” Please listen to the direction of the branch, and therefore Jehovah. He make it clear how to take care of our brothers in the best way possible. This is one of the congregations in Manta, they are taking refuge in the Kingdom Hall. Here they are considering the daily text. Pc: @tere_gaiborp

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    My father Karl Behnke is a regular pioneer in San Diego county (also an elder in Lakeside East congregation) and full-time caretaker for my Mom who has impaired mobility due to a stroke. He took the train up to visit my husband and I for a long weekend away while my siblings help out with my Mom. He witnessed on the train of course, got to go with me on my bible study, and this morning shared cart duty with my husband at the BART station in Pleasant Hill CA. He is 79 years young, faithful and diligent in his favorite work, preaching the good news of the kingdom. @onesmartfilly thank you

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