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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. This past Sunday, my service group in Astoria, New York decided to take one last trip through Brooklyn Bethel before the buildings are sold. It also happened to be my 7-month-old daughter’s first trip ever. Our friend and tour guide snapped this photo of my husband and daughter on the tour, and I couldn’t help but think of 2 Tim 3:15. I love knowing that she began building her relationship with our loving God from infancy! Photo shared by @justinelorelle View the full article
  2. 1st meeting in the Main Hall! 40 at the meeting and 32 met for Field Service that morning. @mlhanke thank you View the full article
  3. Making plans to go preach in the jungle #RioDulce, Mexico @jehuestrada95 thank you View the full article
  4. 7:00am public witnessing. Veracruz, Mexico pic by @lizzie_de_ruiz View the full article
  5. Visiting Brooklyn Bethel. Photo shared by @katheryn.jones View the full article
  6. Preaching campaign Campaña de predicación en Rio Dulce Guatemala @nazirmartinez thank you View the full article
  7. Ecuador Update from @principledsweets: So the number of dead has risen to about 350. Much of the town of Pedernales was flattened, our friends there have moved to higher ground. There are signs of life in the rubble and that is being prioritized by the search efforts of police and military. The police have brought in search dogs to help find survivors. Our brothers all over the country are getting together either supplies, or monetary donations to send and help with the relief work. Last night the first truckload of supplies reached the friends in Pedernales. The brothers in the Manta English group, as well as those in the Spanish congregation, are okay. The brothers up in the Cayapas river area are all okay as well. No one was directly injured from the earthquake other than some who fell down. Please continue praying for the rest of our brothers in the whole affected area here in Ecuador, as well as those in Japan and other areas around the world. Proverbs 3:6 “In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight.” Please listen to the direction of the branch, and therefore Jehovah. He make it clear how to take care of our brothers in the best way possible. This is one of the congregations in Manta, they are taking refuge in the Kingdom Hall. Here they are considering the daily text. Pc: @tere_gaiborp #jw_servants View the full article
  8. New St Metro work in Birmingham @horton.robin Thank you View the full article
  9. Shared by @_sarah.r.f Lunch break at the Kingdom Hall construction. -Isabela, Philippines. View the full article
  10. My girls were excited to run into these sisters in Grand Central Station in New York at their witnessing cart. We truly are blessed to be part of Jehovah’s organization! Visiting Bethel with our family has truly been faith strengthening. Photo shared by @moni_luv_83 View the full article
  11. Great day spent with friends at the assembly in Launceston, Australia. @georgiaaahowell only came out of hospital the day before from a knee reconstruction, and everyone was happy to see her make it! The truth is the best way of life. Photo shared by @jaseyrayz View the full article
  12. My father Karl Behnke is a regular pioneer in San Diego county (also an elder in Lakeside East congregation) and full-time caretaker for my Mom who has impaired mobility due to a stroke. He took the train up to visit my husband and I for a long weekend away while my siblings help out with my Mom. He witnessed on the train of course, got to go with me on my bible study, and this morning shared cart duty with my husband at the BART station in Pleasant Hill CA. He is 79 years young, faithful and diligent in his favorite work, preaching the good news of the kingdom. @onesmartfilly thank you View the full article
  13. Locals here in the Dominican Republic gave us roses after hearing the good news. Photo shared by @sunshine.n.pancakes View the full article
  14. Shared by @taniaerica_ Coloring Caleb with little african buddies after bible study. -Jakarta, Indonesia View the full article
  15. Shared by @eds_jw_my_photography Portraying young Israelites during a mini bible drama in our congregation get together party. -Chandler Congregation / Tagalog in Brisbane, Australia View the full article
  16. First time cart witnessing as a family in Corpus Christie, Texas, USA. Photo shared by @edgar_and_margaret View the full article
  17. Shared by @angie74gm A rainy day in Marbella, Spain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comparte @angie74gm Tarde lluviosa en Marbella, Espana. View the full article
  18. There’s no stopping Olivia on her first time public witnessing in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Photo shared by @h_g_nault View the full article
  19. The congregation of Sarnico (Italy) ready for the summary of the Watchtower to the Assembly in Medole. @luxcri71 thank you View the full article
  20. Shared by @shneider.svek Out in service in -30C weather. -North Kazakhstan. View the full article
  21. Working at a booth in Perth, Australia. Photo shared by @josey_xox_ View the full article
  22. Three young ones ready for the field ministry in our small Spanish congregation in Indiana, USA. Of our 30 publishers, several are young, including the 10 year old brother and his sister to the right, who is 12. The other girl is 13 and is progressing to become a publisher. All are eager to share their faith. Our congregation had 22 of 30 publishers sharing in service yesterday, which is typical of its consistent support. We also had nearly 300% attendance at Memorial, with an attendance of 86. So proud of our young ones! Photo shared by @koala_carter View the full article
  23. Public witnessing in Chile. Thanks for sharing @crlmellado View the full article
  24. A Madera couple temporarily living in Ecuador felt the effects of a huge earthquake that killed at least 350 people and injured more than 2,000 on Saturday – despite being around 140 miles away from the quake’s epicenter. Miguel and Alexis Sanchez moved to Montalvo in the Los Rios province on Feb. 29 to help other Jehovah’s Witnesses preach and teach locals about the Bible. The couple was lying in bed in their third-story apartment when they felt the first effects around 7 p.m. We could feel the building swaying from side to side. Migel Sanchez Miguel Sanchez said he thought his wife was nudging his leg, and she thought the same. The shaking then grew much stronger, and the couple realized it was an earthquake. “We ran outside to the terrace together, and that’s when we could feel the building swaying from side to side,” he said. “Our next reaction was to get out as quickly as possible. The only thing we had with us was our cellphones.” The city streets were dark and crowded. “People were gathered outside their homes, some crying in fear,” Sanchez said. “A few ambulances zipped by us heading down the street, and many of our neighbors were starting up their dirt bikes and motorcycles to go check on loved ones.” The earthquake – Ecuador’s most severe in decades – hit the northwest coast the hardest. After the quake died down, Sanchez ran back into his apartment to grab his wallet, their passports and some water. They waited outside until the power kicked back on a little over an hour later. They felt a small aftershock around 2 a.m. the next morning but had not felt any others as of noon Monday. Sanchez wasn’t sure if anyone in his community was injured or any buildings were seriously damaged, but he had heard that several houses in nearby Babahoyo had collapsed. The earthquake – Ecuador’s most severe in decades – hit the northwest coast the hardest. A government state of emergency was declared in six provinces, including Los Rios, Sanchez said. Thousands of relief workers have flocked to Ecuador to tend to the wounded, find those who remain missing and help those who are now homeless. The couple moved to Ecuador temporarily to go door to door offering Bible studies and access to Jehovah’s Witness literature. It is not a missionary trip; they chose to pay their own way in order to help spread the word of God. Sanchez said he has contacted two other couples – one from Madera and another from Salinas – and they also were unharmed. The couple is currently gathering supplies at the Kingdom Hall in Montalvo to send to those hit hardest by the earthquake. Sanchez said that bottled water, canned foods, mosquito nets, insect repellent, soap, candles and matches are needed most. The Jehovah’s Witnesses’ branch office in Guayaquil is coordinating volunteer relief efforts throughout the country, he said. http://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article72496087.html
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