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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Before you go in the ministry, there are three steps you must learn. Source
  2. Bevor es losgeht, gibt es drei Dinge, auf die du achten musst. Quelle
  3. Thank you. Here is the direct link to avoid having to dig: https://www.fundedjustice.com/FreeSandraMelgar?ref=ab_A6Y9e1h7NdCA6Y9e1h7NdC
  4. 57 years after the stone inscription that proved Pilate existed they've found his ring seal. What doubts? Just curious
  5. https://download-a.akamaihd.net/files/media_broadcasting/c6/jwbiv_E_201412_01_r720P.mp4
  6. I sent this out on a bunch of social media sites. Anyone know if there is a way people can support her defense fund? Or if one even exists? Public Defenders paid by the states are notorious for being terrible defenders.
  7. A wine vessel and the Greek inscription “Pilatus” can be clearly seen on the ring, according to Haaretz.
  8. Glass Ulysses - The Tested Quality of Faith Works Out Endurance.mp3 Agape!
  9. Hello @Biblia Dinámica  Sorry. We don't permit spamming or hot linking on this platform. I understand you want more traffic however. If you truly want to build a usable online reference Bible feel free to assist me on my project here:

    We could easily start a Spanish version inside the wiki as well.

    Take care,

    @The Librarian

    1. Biblia Dinámica

      Biblia Dinámica

      ¨¨"°❃„¸¨"°º❊„¸ঔ❃ۣۜ  LA BIBLIA DINÁMICA ❃ۣۜঔ¸„❊º°"¨¸„❃º°"¨

      ◄▬▬▬▬◈▬▬▬★- ஜ۩۞۩ஜ ★-▬▬▬◈▬▬▬▬►


  11. Awake 1968 Oct 08, page 24, "A Time To Lift Up Your Head in Confident Hope" ...True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Some have gathered groups of people with them and fled to the hills or withdrawn into their houses waiting for the end. Yet, nothing happened. The "end" did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing? Missing was the full measure of evidence required in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them. But what about today? Today we have the evidence required, all of it. And it is overwhelming! All the many, many parts of the great sign of the "last days" are here, together with verifying Bible chronology. But what about today? Today we have the evidence required, all of it. And it is overwhelming! All the many, many parts of the great sign of the "last days" are here, together with verifying Bible chronology. Take a simple illustration: Suppose on a hot day at the beginning of summer, someone told you that winter was coming within a week because he had seen some trees without leaves. But those trees could have died from disease or age. So, by itself that would not be enough evidence that winter was approaching. Especially so when none of the other trees had shed their leaves, when the heat continued day after day, and when the calendar told you it was just the beginning of summer. You could rightly dismiss the claim of winter's nearness as unfounded. What, though, if months later you went outside each day in the afternoon and found the temperature approaching the freezing point, with dull gray clouds scudding across the sky? What if you saw that all the trees that were not evergreens had shed their leaves? And what if you, upon inquiring, found that the autumn harvest of crops had taken place weeks ago, and that the migrating birds and animals had already taken leave for warmer climates? What if your calendar showed that the autumn months were at their dose? Would you still doubt if someone told you that winter was coming very soon? Would you say he was just guessing or merely expressing his own idea? Or would you acknowledge, on the basis of solid evidence, that he knew the facts and was telling you the truth?
  12. It is happening!!! We get reports from Russia, about the computerized file created by the Russian government with the addresses of all Jehovah's witnesses who wrote letters last year, supporting their brothers. According to Daniel's prophecies, Gog will seek a world attack by directing a group of loyal nations, the king of the north, against Jehovah's witnesses. Coincidence?
  13. We thank god for giving our brothers the necessary forces to follow the dictates of their Christian consciousness (1 Timothy 3:9).
  14. Source The Minister of justice has announced that on Friday, 30 November 2018 all conscientious objectors who have fulfilled at least one third of their 30-month sentence will be placed on probation. Therefore, 57 of the 64 Jehovah's witnesses who are currently in prison must be released. We hope that the other seven brothers will obtain freedom by turning six months in jail.This early release has been possible following the historic decision of the supreme court of 1 November 2018 that recognizes the conscientious objection as "justifiable reason" to refuse to perform military service.
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