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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. In the work of the Tyumen branch of the Jehovah’s Witnesses did not find extremism

    The Supreme court of the Russian Federation has cancelled the decision on liquidation of the Tyumen branch of the religious organization «Jehovah’s Witnesses»by refusing to acknowledge the extremist organization.

    «The judicial Board has cancelled the decision of regional court on liquidation of the organization and recognition of its extremist activities», — said Friday the Agency «Interfax» the press service instance.

    The decision on recognizing organizations as extremist was made in 2015. The defense has insisted that the case against Jehovah’s Witnesses was fabricated.

    Recall that a year ago, the Leninsky district court in Tyumen for the distribution of extremist materials was fined 50 thousand rubles religious organization «Jehovah’s Witnesses».

    In the information a press-services of regional Prosecutor’s office then it was reported that during their meetings the members of the organization in Tyumen from October 2014 to 28 January 2015 present were distributed literature of a religious character, included in the Federal list of extremist materials. In this regard, the Prosecutor’s office brought against religious organizations administrative case. All the forbidden literature was confiscated.

    Earlier, at the beginning of March 2015, the Krasnodar regional court satisfied the claim of Prosecutor of the region on the recognition and elimination of extremist organization «Jehovah’s Witnesses» in the town of Abinsk. The basis for the claim were the facts of distribution of members of the organization of the material included in the Federal list of extremist materials.

    Lawyers representing the interests of Jehovah’s witnesses, called the court’s decision was illegal, violating the constitutional rights of believers and promised to file a complaint in the Supreme court of the Russian Federation.

    In November 2014, the Supreme court upheld the decision of the Samara regional court on the recognition of the local branch of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses extremist and banning its activities. There were also revealed numerous facts storage by Jehovah’s witnesses of extremist material intended for mass distribution.



    Leave a Comment letting us know if you have ever been in a situation like this where you didnt give up, or if you have an amazing Dad :) This is a Very Inspirational video of a Runner Named Derek Redmond who seriously Injured himself during an Olympic Race. Despite the Agonising Pain and Distortion he Kept on Running. As he was Limping on the Track an Older man Ran Down and Broke though security to Support him, it was his Father. " if Never Give up in Life you Cant Fail "

    Credit to Artist : Josh Groban Song : You Raised me up 


  3. Screen Shot 2013-06-15 at 5.48.12 PM.png

    No tongue have I, nor mouth, nor lip, a speech I cannot make
    But if I could, the things I'd say, would long, long hours take!

    For I was born to fill a need, in answer to a callAnd those who brought me forth to live, have named me Kingdom Hall.

    So I've a royal name you see, and royal was my birthI'm here for service to a King, I hope I prove my worth!

    I want so much to be just right. To suit the need I fillTo aid in service of Kingdom Truth, to people of good will

    Oh give me lips and mouth and tongue, and let me tell to all,The reason why I'm standing here, why I'm called a Kingdom Hall

    But what's a Kingdom Hall you ask? You mean you haven't heard?Why I'm the place where all may come, and freely learn God's word

    No, I'm no church, don't get me wrong, I have no pews or steepleAnd never will collection plates be used to milk the people

    The things you'll hear within my walls will not be false traditionYou'll never hear that Hell is hot, for that's a contradiction!

    Nor will the pagan idea of God, who's three in oneEver be preached beneath my roof; such doctrines you should shun

    But rather, here inside my doors you'll learn things reliableBecause they'll be taken from a truthful source, God's word, the Holy Bible!

    You'll learn how Jehovah God intends to rid the earth of all it's woes;Destroy it's sorrow, sin and death; all mankind's deadly foes

    Then in their place will blossom forth, a world of truth and loveAn earth where God's will shall be done; just as in heaven above

    There'll be no sickness, pain or death, no tear to mar the smileNo one will then bring grief and strife; no Devil will beguile

    But those who live in the new system will humbly bow the kneeBefore Jehovah God who reigns in Grand Supremacy

    This is part of what you'll hear within these walls of mineBut more than that you'll learn just how to make this light to shine!

    And that's the point I want to stress, which may seem rather oddThat I'm not built just as a place in which to worship God

    So here it is you'll learn of Jehovah God; to know what is his willTo learn what he requires of you, his laws how to fulfill

    To worship God means more than sit and listen to God's wordIt means to act; to serve; to preach, to all who have not heard

    Outside my doors, amidst the world, you must hold forth the lightYou must apply what you here learn, to worship God aright

    How great my joy I want to shout; My privelege is so rareYou other buildings of the earth, cannot with me compare

    If I could speak, I'd raise my voice and make all buildings knowThat my importance excels theirs, for from me truth will flow

    So listen, All you structures proud, you giants of steel and stoneYour tops may scrape a scuddling cloud or soar where Eagles have flown

    Your cornerstone may have been laid by worldly men of fameBut you can not boast, That you've been made to praise Jehovah's name!!!

    Author: Unknown

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