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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Our first time preaching in Thai! Every year 1000 Thai people attend their new year celebration at the Buddhist temple in Bensalem Pennsylvania, USA. We stood across the street and placed many pieces of literature! The Thai people were so nice, even the ones who were not interested! One lady took 4 Bibles and 4 Bible teach books to give to her sisters! Such an amazing experience! Photo shared by @rachelerin92 View the full article
  2. @fernandaandcesarvalle shares their karaoke family worship night ?? very nice thank u! View the full article
  3. @petecoles69 shares son Eli with a homemade Caleb ? View the full article
  4. Shared by @kkmillajw Crianças cantando cânticos junto com o pedrinho e a sophia. #jw #jworg #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwlove #jwforever #jwbrasil #jwbrazil #jwpanama #jwperu #jwgermany #jwaustralia #jwusa #jwmexico #jwfrance #jwbrotherhood #jwgirl #jwboy #jws #jehovahswitnesses #jehovah #jesus #bibel #biblia #bible#jwkids#jwchildren# View the full article
  5. Jakarta, Indonesia. Thank you @deboranos #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  6. English Riviera, UK. Thank you @adbow74 #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  7. Tijuana, Mexico. Thank you @paolaga29 #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  8. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Thank you @gu.ernesto #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  9. By STEVEN DUBOIS, Associated Press Published: April 12, 2016, 12:56 PM 3 PORTLAND — Oregon’s unemployment rate tumbled to 4.5 percent in March — the lowest mark since comparable record-keeping began in 1976, figures released Tuesday show. A total of 1.94 million Oregonians were employed in March, an increase from 1.84 million at this time last year when the jobless rate was 5.7 percent, the State Employment Department statistics indicate. Meanwhile, the job gains led to rising wages, with the average pay rate for private sector payroll employees jumping to $24.45 an hour last month, an increase of more than a dollar from a year ago. “Businesses are raising wages to attract the help they need, and it’s working because people are flocking to Oregon’s labor force,” said Nick Beleiciks, state employment economist. The jobless rate has steadily dropped since reaching a peak of nearly 12 percent in 2009. It’s now a half-percentage point below the U.S. unemployment rate, a distinction Oregon last saw in 1995. Oregon added 3,900 jobs last month, led by the health care and wholesale trade sectors, after a revised gain of 7,400 jobs in February. Another measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers who stopped looking as well as part-time workers who want but can’t get full-time jobs fell to 9.5 percent — down from 12.2 percent in March 2015. Still, Gov. Kate Brown noted that rural areas are not keeping pace with the booming Portland metropolitan area. “We must address the digital divide in rural communities to expand access to the vast resources of the internet,” she said in a statement. “All of Oregon, rural and urban, must have the opportunity to share in this historic economic momentum.” Today’s Columbian, we are part of the Portland Metropolitan Statistical Area
  10. INDICE DELLE CELEBRITA' INSERITE FINO AD OGGI (clicca per andare alla scheda) (le ultime voci inserite sono sottolineate) 1) Mickey Spillane (scrittore e sceneggiatore) 2) Massimo De Bonfils (musicista sinfonico) ITA 3) Teresa Graves (attrice) 4) George Benson (musicista pop) 5) Peter Knowles (calciatore) 6) Valerie Morris Campbell (ballerina) 7) Pierluigi Tombetti (scrittore) ITA 8) Venus Williams (tennista) 9) Hank Marvin (musicista pop) 10) "Trummy" Young (musicista pop) 11) Bettye Swann (cantante pop) 12) Sammy Barbot (cantante pop e conduttore televisivo) ITA 13) Maurizio Bianchi (musicista d'avanguardia) ITA 14) Chet Lemon (giocatore di baseball) 15) Coco Rocha (supermodel) 16) David Thomas (musicista pop) 17) Margaret Keane (pittrice) 18) Samuele Podestà (giocatore di basket) ITA 19) Eddie Minnis (pittore e musicista pop) 20) Franck Mannino (ex-bandito) ITA 21) Asher Allen (giocatore di football americano) 22) El General (cantante pop) 23) Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (calciatore) 24) Mark McCumber (giocatore di golf) 25) Dave Meyers (giocatore di basket) 26) Rebbie Jackson (cantante pop) 27) Casimiro Zamudio (cantante pop) 28) Eldar Nebolsin (musicista sinfonico) 29) Tulsi Giri (ex politico) 30) Lou Whitaker (giocatore di baseball) 31) Andrea Zaccariello (regista e sceneggiatore) ITA 32) Lynette Roberts (poetessa) 33) Benny Golson (musicista pop) 34) Selena (cantante pop) 35) Pino Gulino (musicista pop) ITA 36) Kid Gavilán (ex-pugile) 37) Bria Valente (cantante pop) 38) Shonte Peoples (giocatore di football americano) 39) Alle Montecchi (musicista pop) ITA 40) Joe Pinkney (pittore) 41) Lark Voorhies (attrice) 42) Viv Nicholson (vincitrice-record al totocalcio inglese) 43) Tom Edur (giocatore di hockey) 44) Aoife Ní Thuairisg (giornalista e presentatrice TV) 45) Olavi Johannes Mattila (politico) 46) Corrado Ruzza (musicista sinfonico) ITA 47) Jerry Wayne Hairston, Jr. (giocatore di baseball) 48) Heitor Amorim "Perroca" (calciatore) 49) Prince (musicista pop) 50) William DeVaughn (cantante pop) 51) Jackie Bowker (pittrice) 52) Ray Brown, jr. (musicista pop) 53) James Conran (pittore, designer d'interni) 54) Willie Wise (giocatore di basket) 55) Ivana Brkic (cantante pop) 56) Jean Terrel (cantante pop) 57) Yoshito Usui (disegnatore di fumetti) 58) Andriy Nesmachniy (calciatore) 59) Steno Sari (giornalista) ITA 60) Julio Julián (cantante lirico) 61) Danny Granger (giocatore di basket) 62) Tori Kudo (cantante pop) 63) Don Dailey (programmatore di videogiochi) 64) Bruce Huard (cantante pop) 65) Toun Oni (attrice) 66) Allisson Lozz (attrice) 67) Fred Heron (giocatore di football americano) 68) Dave Pear (giocatore di football americano) 69) Joyce Holden (attrice) 70) Takeo Moriyama (musicista pop) 71) Les Bentzen (campione di speedway) 72) Clare Morrall (scrittrice) 73) Abraham Quintanilla jr. (musicista pop) 74) Phil Terry (cantante pop) 75) Bobby Tambling (calciatore) 76) Walter November (musicista pop) 77) Annie Laurie (cantante pop) 78) Ken Richmond (ex-lottatore) 79) Luis Balbino Arroyo (enfant prodige) 80) Jermane Mayberry (giocatore di football americano) 81) Larry Graham (cantante pop) 82) Joan Marie Johnson (cantante pop) 83) George Dalgleish (presentatore televisivo) 84) Sam Perkins (giocatore di basket) 85) Huey Smith (cantante pop) 86) Salomón Torres (giocatore di baseball) 87) Akiko Yano (musicista pop) 88) Brian Locking (musicista pop) 89) Warren Schwader (programmatore di videogiochi) 90) Sheila Guyse (attrice) 91) Phil 'Fang' Volk (musicista pop) 92) Jodie Christian (musicista pop) 93) Eve Arden (attrice) 94) Jerry Lee Merritt (cantante pop) 95) Aaron Kelly (giocatore di football americano) 96) Nelson Eddy (attore e cantante lirico) 97) Serena Williams (tennista) 98) Chuck Winfield (musicista pop) 99) Shizuko Kawabata (pittrice) 100) Gordon Grant (musicista pop) 101) Sol Romero (attrice e cantante pop) 102) Woody Wooddell (musicista pop) 103) Karl Dyall (ballerino, cantante pop e attore) 104) Patrizio Zenobi (giornalista) ITA 105) Papa Dee Allen (musicista pop) 106) Firpo Carr (scrittore e giornalista) 107) Ronnie Lane (musicista pop) 108) Luciano Cavanna (musicista d'avanguardia) ITA 109) Paul Adshead (scrittore) 110) Vittorio Zannirato (musicista sinfonico) ITA 111) Peter Sutcliffe (ex-serial killer) 112) Bill Underwood (giornalista) 113) Wilton Felder (musicista pop) 114) Alexander P.Stewart (generale della Guerra di Secessione) 115) Janis Oliver (musicista pop) 116) Fedor Chistyakov (musicista pop) 117) Rosalía Valdés (attrice e cantante pop) 118) Red Shea (musicista pop) 119) Henry Carr (olimpionico di atletica leggera, giocatore di football americano) 120) Tony Garcia (produttore discografico) 121) Tommy Reynolds (musicista pop) 122) Paul Dairo (musicista pop) 123) Chappel Fisher (radio deejay) 124) "Big Jay" McNeely (musicista pop) 125) Rick Haynes (musicista pop) 126) Giulia Guido (cantante pop) ITA 127) Manuel Toscano (attore) 128) Dan Ritchie (olimpionico di canottaggio) 129) Louis Lolliot (eroe della II Guerra Mondiale) 130) Bobby Martin (musicista pop) 131) William Jeffrey(capo indiano, attivista politico e scultore) 132) Al Smith (musicista pop) 133) Kent Morrill (musicista pop) 134) Vince Mira (musicista pop) 135) Richard D. Kelley (musicista sinfonico) 136) Artemio Calzavara (ex pugile) ITA 137) Ilse Unterdörfer (sopravvissuta dei campi di sterminio) 138) Hugo Montgomery-Swan (imprenditore editoriale, powerboater) 139) Luca Minervino (musicista sinfonico) ITA 140) Rudy Law (giocatore di baseball) 141) Kiyoshi Myobudani (ex lottatore di sumo) 142) Moreno Corelli (musicista pop) ITA 143) Wayne Henderson (musicista pop) 144) Ronnie Laws (musicista pop) 145) Al Kavelin (musicista pop e direttore d'orchestra) 146) Bernhard Rammerstorfer (regista e produttore di documentari) 147) Jackson Weaver (conduttore radiofonico e doppiatore) 148) Don Rendell (musicista pop) 149) William Preble Hall (generale dell'Esercito Americano) 150) Joe Johnson (giocatore di biliardo) 151) Simone Arnold Liebster (perseguitata religiosa) 152) Hermann Ngoudjo (ex-pugile) 153) Christian Paturel (campione nazionale di boxe francese) 154) Rubén Alonso Rosales (ex-rivoluzionario, comandante dell'esercito salvadoregno) 155 - 156) Micaiah e Tabitha Bethune (disegnatori di moda e imprenditori) 157) Čelo Pertot (scultore) 158) Alex Rance (giocatore di football australiano) 159) Ruth Carter Johnson (aviatrice e veterana della II Guerra Mondiale, membro delle WASP) 160) Gerhard Oltmanns (sopravvissuto dei campi di sterminio) 161) Quentin Young (esploratore) 162) Ricky King (musicista pop) 163) Cher Yeung (Miss Hong Kong, attrice) 164) Scott Peters (attore e cantante pop) 165) Bela Padilla (attrice e modella) 166) Timothy Galfas II (sceneggiatore radiofonico e imprenditore) 167) Scott Hairston (giocatore di baseball) 168) Jim Candido (musicista sinfonico) 169) Brian Bennett (musicista pop) 170) Robert "Big Sonny" Edwards (musicista pop) 171) Louis Piéchota (sopravvissuto dei campi di sterminio) 172) Jason Worilds (giocatore di football americano) 173) Ken 'Spider' Webb (conduttore radiofonico) 174) Jorge 'El Maromero' Páez (ex-pugile) 175) Philip Ingram (musicista pop) 176) Salvo Guarnera (musicista pop) ITA 177) Jeanne Lavoie (cantante pop) 178) Giuly Modesti (musicista pop) ITA 179) Jneiro Jarel (musicista pop) 180) Joya Sherrill (cantante pop e conduttrice televisiva) 181) Elio Gandolfi (cantante pop) ITA 182) Nancy Yuen (perseguitata dal regime comunista cinese) 183) Drew Struzan (grafico pubblicitario) 184) Louise Rowe (musicista pop) 185) Hubert Laws (musicista pop e sinfonico) 186) Tong Y. Chin (imprenditore della ristorazione) 187) Gottlieb Bernhardt (ufficiale nazista, guardia del corpo di Hitler) 188) Joyce Godenzi (Miss Hong Kong, attrice) 189) Mateo (musicista pop) 190) Francis del Rosario de Páez (ballerina e coreografa) 191) Madalena Ferraz (cantante pop) 192) Fred Kida (disegnatore di fumetti) 193) Rakel Koivisto (scultrice) 194) Layton Kor (alpinista) 195) Arthur Dritz (imprenditore dell'industria del cucito e creatore di giochi da tavolo) 196) Wayne West (musicista pop)
  11. Visiting the technical training department at Tuxedo Bethel today in New York. The kids were so excited to try everything out!! Photo shared by @tryon_mommy View the full article
  12. My wife & I had an awesome day today witnessing with the cart in front of the justice center. One woman came up to the cart and said she has been wanting a “Bible Teach Book” forever! There are still people that are hungering for the truth!! Jehovah is certainly speeding up the work. @chris_atl #jesus #jwgirls #jehovah #jwbrasil #jwonly #testigosdejehova #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #watchtower View the full article
  13. Shared by @christinamays Letter writing on a rainy day. Moss Point, Mississippi. View the full article
  14. Shared by @bora.deh Preaching in public square in Carambeí, Brazil. View the full article
  15. After 8 hours of walking to reach one of the remotest territories here, we still managed to smile because of the joy we felt inside. Joy in giving. Happy Ministry indeed here in the Philippines. Photo shared by @saavedranath View the full article
  16. Out in the ministry in the UK and getting hit by a wave. Photo shared by @cleverbimbo View the full article
  17. Everyone put to work un-nesting Watchtower magazines after the meeting in Sunderland, UK. Photo shared by @jackiefarmer View the full article
  18. At the Casa Grande, Arizona Assembly Hall. Photo shared by @walt.elias.disney View the full article
  19. Assembly Hall in the Czech Republic. Photo shared by @karel9060 View the full article
  20. Our first time public witnessing at the local university in Hays, Kansas, USA. Photo shared by @trainupaboy View the full article
  21. Model of the tabernacle at the Romeoville, Illinois Assembly Hall. Photo shared by @_whoisnate View the full article
  22. Husband and wife public witnessing in Parma, Italy. Photo shared by @sara_ferraro15 View the full article
  23. In the ministry in Bruxelles, Belgium. Thanks for sharing @elfanant View the full article
  24. Brothers and Sisters, happy greetings by me And Calogero, a super funny brother of my congregation in Milano! Have a nice day and stay happy Because Jehovah’s Kingdom is coming! ??? @joe.santo from Italy View the full article
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