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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. We enjoyed our “Imitate Their Faith” circuit assembly yesterday, with an attendance of 2,240 and 4 baptized. I honestly paid close attention, but who can resist taking a photo of a cute baby with a headband? ???(Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico) _ Disfrutamos ayer nuestra asamblea de circuito con el tema “Imite su fe”. Había 2,240 de asistencia, con 4 bautizados. La verdad es que puse mucha atención al programa, pero ¿ quién puede resistir la tentación para tomar una foto de una bebe guapísima? ??? __ #jw #tj #jwbrasil #jwfriends #jwonly #jworg #jehovah #jwfamily #bestlifeever #jehovahswitnesses #jwbrazil #jwmexico #jehova #jehovahswitness #jwlove #jwsisters #jwlife #jwchile #jwargentina #jw_witnesses #jwitalia #jwspain #jehovahscreation #jwphotography #jw_photographers #jwphoto #jwphotographer #jwcreation #jwnature #jw_snapshots __ View the full article
  2. Field service in the little village of Urk in the Netherlands. Photo shared by @jilanoninaindy View the full article
  3. Flypaper Plant (Pinguicula gigantea), an alternate to Mosquito Repellent, GO GREEN.. Call them opportunists, but butterworts – also known as flypaper plants – will grab hold of anything that lands on their leaves and immediately start digesting it. The flypaper trap is based on a sticky mucilage, or glue. The leaf of flypaper traps is studded with mucilage-secreting glands. The upper surface of the plant is covered in sticky digestive enzymes to trap victims like mosquitoes and gnats, but it can also absorb nutrients from pollen. Jehovah thought of everything. View the full article
  4. Best friends for five years. All out on the ministry today in the wet and the wind but always managing to smile in the south west of England. Photo shared by @ginger_beth_ View the full article
  5. Shared by @eds_jw_my_photography Circuit assembly, Brisbane assembly hal,l Australia #jw #jworg #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwlove #jwforever #jwbrasil #jwbrazil #jwpanama #jwperu #jwgermany #jwaustralia #jwusa #jwmexico #jwfrance #jwbrotherhood #jwgirl #jwboy #jws #jehovahswitnesses #bible #biblia #bibel #jws #testigosdejehova #jehovahswitnesses #jesus #onlyjw #jwonly#jwmemorial View the full article
  6. Close friends, young and old, at a circuit assembly in Durban, South Africa. Photo shared by @jordy_parks View the full article
  7. Shared by @fabinhobernardo Last month there was a flood in the Kingdom hall in my neighborhood. The next day many brothers / sisters volunteered to help with the cleaning. We really are Jehovah’s people! “A true friend shows love at all times, and is a brother who is born for times of distress.” -Proverbs 17:17 Rio de Janeiro (São Gonçalo), Brazil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compartilhado por @fabinhobernardo No mês passado, houve uma inundação no salão Unido no meu bairro. No dia seguinte, muitos irmãos / irmãs ofereceu para ajudar com a limpeza. Realmente somos o povo de Jeová! “Um amigo verdadeiro mostra o amor em todos os momentos, e é um irmão que nasceu para tempos de aflição.” Provérbios 17:17. -Rio De Janeiro (São Gonçalo), Brasil View the full article
  8. The Sister in this picture is 108 YEARS OLD. Jean was baptized back in 1946 at Cedar Point, Ohio. She has been a faithful sister for 70 years. Her husband never took the truth, but she has lived to see 3 generations of her family serve Jehovah. Here, she is with her grandson, Terry, who serves as an elder. Thanks for sharing @kirsty_tudan View the full article
  9. Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA. Thank you @just1jhanson #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  10. South Korea. Thank you @ajin_jw #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  11. By Russell Blackstock Script-writers had to do a rapid rewrite of racy TV hit Filthy Rich after some of its X-rated patter was deemed too offensive to repeat by one of its stars. The big-money TV2 series - about three illegitimate children who discover they each have a claim to the fortune of one of New Zealand's wealthiest men - is laden with sex and bad language. But producers agreed to remove swear words and blasphemy from lines delivered by Kiwi actress Shushila Takao due to her religious beliefs and upbringing. Takao was raised as a Jehovah's Witness by her devout mother and still has strong Christian morals, which she shares with her prim schoolteacher character Ariana. Words and phrases including "Jesus" and "Oh my God" were pulled from the script after Takao objected. Several swear words also hit the cutting room floor. "I didn't think those sort of lines would be representative of my character and it was encouraging that my suggestions and ideas were listened to," she told the Herald on Sunday. "I am not a practicing Christian at the moment but I was brought up in a strict faith by my mum and I still have those strong values and morals. "When we would read through the script and I thought something wasn't right I would point it out. It was nothing major but I wanted to keep it clean and quite innocent. "The writers were brilliant about it and when I did eventually deliver an appropriate swear word it it had much more impact because people weren't expecting it." A production spokesman for Filthy Rich said the script changes were made due to Takao's upbringing and out of respect for the religious background she shares with her character. "In read-throughs she would automatically take out any swearing - not because she was prudish but because she related to Ariana so well," the spokesman said. "Shushila told us she was going to do this and it made the character so much more real." Not all the stars of Filthy Rich were so reserved during filming of the series which received $8.25 million in funding from New Zealand on Air. Bonnie Small, who plays hothead temptress Annabelle, revealed she suffered bruises from sex scenes with Joe Tamatoa, played by Alex Tarrant. "In one scene where I jump Joe I kept having to climb up on a table to do it," she said. "It was only afterwards when I got home and took my jeans off I saw all the bruises on my legs. "Luckily I had no more scenes to do for the rest of the week or it could have been a bit embarrassing because Annabelle likes to wear pretty short costumes." http://m.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11619825 I have added her to the master list of JW Celebrities:
  12. Marbella, Spain. Thank you @angie74gm #jw #jwonly #jwfriends #jwfamily #jwpreaching #jwservice #jwpioneer #jwministry #jworg #jwglobal #jehovah #jehovahswitnesses #jeova #testemunhasdejeova #jehova #testigosdejehova #publicwitnessing #testemunhopublico #predicacionpublica #cartwitnessing View the full article
  13. Working on the stall at our local markets. Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Photo shared by @chellemich16 View the full article
  14. Enjoying a lovely day whilst preaching in the mountains in Azogues, Ecuador. Photo shared by @laurengreggs View the full article
  15. Happy to spend a week working together in the Educational Center of Venezuela! Photo shared by @tutsidelopez View the full article
  16. Greetings from our circuit assembly in Olten, Switzerland. The stage decoration shows us many suitcases, packed to go to the Paradise. Thank you Jehovah for this hope. Photo shared by @d.a.n.i.e.l.73 View the full article
  17. With my husband at the stand in parma italy @sara_ferraro15 thank you View the full article
  18. Looking ahead to the Paradise as husband and wife at Brooklyn Bethel. Photo shared by @breannarook View the full article
  19. Bible character get together in Italy. Photo shared by @rossyroxy96 View the full article
  20. In the ministry in India. Photo shared by @lucca_apputhurai View the full article
  21. Today I publicly devoted my life to serve Jehovah forever at Buckingham Assembly Hall in New Hope, Pennsylvania, USA. I can’t believe it, I’m beyond happy, it’s such a wonderful privilege. I definitely chose the best life ever. Photo shared by @kayleekakeee View the full article
  22. Happy kids after the Sunday meeting in one of the Haitian Kreyol congregations of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Photo shared by @julieraquelgutierrez View the full article
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