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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. By Russell Blackstock

    Script-writers had to do a rapid rewrite of racy TV hit Filthy Rich after some of its X-rated patter was deemed too offensive to repeat by one of its stars.

    The big-money TV2 series - about three illegitimate children who discover they each have a claim to the fortune of one of New Zealand's wealthiest men - is laden with sex and bad language.

    But producers agreed to remove swear words and blasphemy from lines delivered by Kiwi actress Shushila Takao due to her religious beliefs and upbringing.

    Takao was raised as a Jehovah's Witness by her devout mother and still has strong Christian morals, which she shares with her prim schoolteacher character Ariana.

    Words and phrases including "Jesus" and "Oh my God" were pulled from the script after Takao objected. Several swear words also hit the cutting room floor.

    "I didn't think those sort of lines would be representative of my character and it was encouraging that my suggestions and ideas were listened to," she told the Herald on Sunday. 

    "I am not a practicing Christian at the moment but I was brought up in a strict faith by my mum and I still have those strong values and morals.

    "When we would read through the script and I thought something wasn't right I would point it out. It was nothing major but I wanted to keep it clean and quite innocent.

    "The writers were brilliant about it and when I did eventually deliver an appropriate swear word it it had much more impact because people weren't expecting it."

    A production spokesman for Filthy Rich said the script changes were made due to Takao's upbringing and out of respect for the religious background she shares with her character.

    "In read-throughs she would automatically take out any swearing - not because she was prudish but because she related to Ariana so well," the spokesman said.

    "Shushila told us she was going to do this and it made the character so much more real."

    Not all the stars of Filthy Rich were so reserved during filming of the series which received $8.25 million in funding from New Zealand on Air.

    Bonnie Small, who plays hothead temptress Annabelle, revealed she suffered bruises from sex scenes with Joe Tamatoa, played by Alex Tarrant.

    "In one scene where I jump Joe I kept having to climb up on a table to do it," she said. "It was only afterwards when I got home and took my jeans off I saw all the bruises on my legs.

    "Luckily I had no more scenes to do for the rest of the week or it could have been a bit embarrassing because Annabelle likes to wear pretty short costumes."



    I have added her to the master list of JW Celebrities:


  2. Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 7.20.26 PM.png

    The former head of Britain’s Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), Trevor Phillips, has admitted he “got almost everything wrong” regarding immigration in a new report, claiming Muslims are creating “nations within nations” in the West.

    Phillips says followers of Islam hold very different values from the rest of society and many want to lead separate lives.

    The former head of the U.K.’s equalities watchdog also advocates the monitoring of ethnic minority populations on housing estates to stop them becoming “ghetto villages.”

    He says schools may have to consider a 50 per cent limit on Muslim, or other minority pupils, to encourage social integration.

    And he says disturbing survey findings point to a growing chasm between the attitudes of many British Muslims and their compatriots.

    Phillips’ intervention comes after he was asked to analyse the findings of a major survey on Muslim attitudes in the U.K., which will form the basis of Channel 4’s documentary, What British Muslims Really Think, which is due to air on Wednesday night.

    An ICM poll released to the Times, in Britain, ahead of the broadcast reveals:

    • One in five Muslims in Britain never enter a non-Muslim house

    • 39 per cent of Muslims, male and female, say a woman should always obey her husband

    • 31 per cent of British Muslims support the right of a man to have more than one wife

    • 52 per cent of Muslims did not believe that homosexuality should be legal

    • 23 per cent of Muslims support the introduction of Sharia law rather than the laws laid down by parliament

    The documentary will portray the U.K.’s Muslims as a “nation within a nation” that has its own geography and values.

    Phillips commissioned a report into Britain and Islamophobia in 1997 which, according to both Phillips himself and academics across the country, popularised the phrase which has now become synonymous with any criticism of Islam or Muslims.

    “It’s not as though we couldn’t have seen this coming. But we’ve repeatedly failed to spot the warning signs,” he now writes in The Times , in response to new data collected.

    “Twenty years ago… I published the report titled Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All, we thought that the real risk of the arrival of new communities was discrimination against Muslims.

    “Our 1996 survey of recent incidents showed that there was plenty of it around. But we got almost everything else wrong.”

    In an article for the Daily Mail, Phillips warns of a “life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam.” 

    “Britain is in many ways a better place than it’s ever been—more prosperous, more diverse, more liberal.

    “But for some of our fellow citizens, we’re heading in entirely the wrong direction. So much so that some of them would rather live under a wholly different system.

    “Indeed, a significant minority of Britain’s three million Muslims consider us a nation of such low morals that they would rather live more separately from their non-Muslim countrymen, preferably under sharia law.

    “This sobering conclusion comes from the most comprehensive survey of British Muslims ever conducted, commissioned by Channel 4.

    “Having been asked to examine its results, I believe it holds a grim message for all of us.

    “There is a life-and-death struggle for the soul of British Islam—and this is not a battle that the rest of us can afford to sit out. We need to take sides.”


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    Wilson’s Bird-of-Paradise is a small Passerine bird found on only two islands in Indonesia, Waigeo and Batanta. They typically inhabit forested hill areas, though they have also been found in forests of both lower and higher elevations. In the field the blue bare skin on the crown is so vivid one could read by it at night, the deep scarlet back and velvet green breast are lush, and the curlicue tail gleams bright silver. The BBC film Attenborough in Paradise shows these outrageous colors and its remarkable display . which was the first to obtain videos of this exotic creature. Adult males use their spectacular plumage to attract mates. They enter well lit clearings, where the sun can reflect off their colorful feathers, and perform intricate song and dance rituals to impress potential partners.

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    The angels led a young 16 year old brother who has been driven away from home by his father because of his faith to Jehovah.
    This little brother with a very strong faith has been praying serval times to Jehovah to help him establish contact again with the witnesses again since this is a “need great” territory and you seldomly find witnesses around.
    He even said a prayer about it this morning.
    His prayer were answered this afternoon! (Revelations 14:6) Greetings from the Volta Region of Ghana.??? @ashfordkobe thank you

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  5. tumblr_o5finhUC8g1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    Last evening our 13 elders and their wives were treated to an amazing Elders Appreciation Dinner. Our sweet pioneer sister Nicole spearheaded this beautiful evening and many sisters in our hall helped. We got to this beautiful decorated room and were treated to wine and bread with yummy olive oil for dipping. Each table had a handwritten card from one of our young ones in the hall. The children served us with food and then were treated to singing Kingdom songs 123 and 120 then dessert. It was such an encouraging evening. What a wonderful brotherhood we all belong to. Again thank you sisters. We were so touched. Photo shared by @jioset

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