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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. The United States of America Branch Office of Jehovah's Witnesses consists of:

    Because of the size of the United States branch territory, it has been divided into eight zones. A Local Design/Construction Office (LDCO) established in each zone cares for the work of construction and maintenance in its zone and cares for those assigned to do the work. Specific details will be provided later regarding the LDCO to which your congregation is assigned. 


    Secondary Buildings and Sites:

    JW's are building a new 1.6-million-square-foot headquarters in Warwick. The premises will include offices, residential buildings, a cafeteria, a vehicle maintenance building, an infirmary and a parking garage.
    To support this mammoth, multi-year effort, Watchtower has purchased properties across Orange County and nearby areas, including apartment buildings, single-family homes, a warehouse, a former corporate office building, hotels, offices, and land approved for building residential units. It is expanding its printing press and residential premises in the Town of Shawangunk in southern Ulster. By the time work is complete, the Shawangunk site will be the largest Watchtower property in the world.

    Helpful Google Earth map of the Mid Hudson Watchtower Properties 

    Md Hudson NY WT Locations.kmz

    Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 10.29.45 AM.pngScreen Shot 2015-03-08 at 10.34.38 AM.pngScreen Shot 2015-03-08 at 10.34.50 AM.png

    Welcome To The World Headquarters of Jehovahs Witnesses and The United States Branch - Current Brochure


    2014 Bethel visitors information
    National Supplier Arrangements 2013


    Relevant News (reverse chronological order)

    Watchtower's growth strains town budgets in mid-Hudson WorldNewsMedia WorldNewsMedia Mar 8, 2015
    900 dancing bethelites cause international controversy by dancing at God's House (Bethel) to worldly music
    US Branch Visit - Saturday November 8, 2014


    Historical Info:

    Older 2012 Tour Guide 

    Welcome To The World Headquarters of Jehovahs Witnesses and The United States Branch 14 June 2015.pdf

    Tour Group Booking Form


    Bethel Visitors Lodging and Car Rental List


    Talk from 1979: History of Bethel
    Talk from 1975 by George Couch: Audio of a slide show about Bethel



  2. tumblr_o58a9736aI1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    This is me and my best friend, who is now my pioneer partner. A few years back we were on a very shady path, but then we both started to make changes thanks to Jehovah. Also we fed off of each other’s goals and motivated the other to remain focused and close to Jehovah. In September of last year she got on the pioneer list. Six months later I followed suit, and it’s been the most amazing time of our lives. Being able to serve Jehovah, and do his will, and have this incredible faith of what’s to come and share that with others has been just …. Amazing. But to do it with your best friend, it’s on a whole other level. We make sure that in everything we do the light is shined on our God. We are proud to be proof that you can change your lifestyle and fully live a happy, joyful and wonderful life, serving the Creator. We are living the best life ever, as single young sisters, with absolutely no regrets. Photo shared by @meganblanks

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    As we worked on landscaping at the Assembly Hall in Janesville, Wisconsin, USA, the weather changed back and forth from sunny to white out conditions. It was freezing, wet, intensely windy, and yet the happiest time any of us could’ve had serving Jehovah. Everyone was all smiles and maintained the same zeal despite what mood the weather was in. There is truly no other joy that compares to the joy of Jehovah and serving as His people. Photo shared by @81levi81

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    Results of a painting day with the young ones from our small Spanish congregation in Indiana, USA. I picked up mini canvases and easels for a dollar each and let them paint what they wanted, as they included JW.org. Love seeing the personalities come out while painting.  Love the enthusiasm of the young ones! Makes doing things like this for them so worthwhile! Photo shared by @auntsharonc

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  5. tumblr_o57bmwMl0C1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    Like many coral species, the bubble coral is zooxanthellate, which means that its tissues contain large numbers of single-celled algae called zooxanthellae. By harnessing the sun’s energy in this way, corals are able to grow rapidly and form vast reef structures, but are constrained to live near the water’s surface. While, on average, a zooxanthellate coral can obtain around 70 percent of its nutrient requirements from the photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae, the coral may also feed on zooplankton. Very little is known about the specific reproductive biology of the bubble coral, although it is likely to be able to reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction occurs via fragmentation, in which a branch breaks off a colony, reattaches to the substrate and grows. Sexual reproduction occurs via the release of eggs and sperm into the water. Some of the resulting larvae from these spawning events settle quickly on the same reef, whilst others may drift around for months, finally settling on reefs that may be hundreds of kilometres away. The bubble coral is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, ranging from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and southwest Indian Ocean, across the northern Indian Ocean to Southeast Asia, Japan and the East China Sea, and into the West and Central Pacific Ocean. The bubble coral is most frequently found on protected reefs in lagoons, where it grows on vertical faces or under overhangs. Large colonies are often found on flat surfaces in turbid waters.

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