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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. Quote

    In Noah’s day, Jehovah declared: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” (Genesis 6:3) The issuance of this divine decree in 2490 B.C.E. marked the beginning of the end for that ungodly world. - Our Watchfulness Takes On Greater Urgency w03 12/15 p. 14-15

    Notice it also said:

    "What is one similarity between Noah's day and the presence of the Son of man? ... Having a clear understanding of the parallel between that time and our day should ... Only 120 years more and Jehovah would bring “the deluge of waters upon the ... 8 In modern times, sincere students of the Bible have learned from the ..."


    This may be the basis for our new found interest in 2034 C.E.?

    Noah's Ministry = 120 years

    1914 C.E. + 120 years = 2034 C.E.


    Before I put too much credence in this new date.... I think I will do a LOT more research regarding 1914. (That deserves a completely new thread)


    I also noticed this point: 

    Seems that Noah was around 500 years old when his 3 sons were born, & the flood came 100 years later, so that disqualifies the 120 years as being the time until the flood came  

    Your thoughts?


  2. tumblr_o50sklrrDP1s865f6o1_500.jpg

    We got to design our new vests for our prison ministry! We now have a small classroom in one of the main prisons here in Lima Peru, that we get to use twice a week as a mini Kingdom Hall. For some of us it’s more than 4 and ½ hours round trip on a bus those days and the heat is killer! But the smiles on our faces, the joy in our hearts, far surpasses any sacrifice we make! What a blessing to be part if this work, part of Jehovah’s international brotherhood! Jehovah Is Good @izzymelizzy thank you

    View the full article

  3. The motion picture "Heritage," produced by the Watch Tower Society in 1966, dealt with the various temptations faced by young persons today. Angelo C. Manera, Jr., remarks that it showed "what the youth of the New World society were doing and how they were overcoming these temptations and following a Christian course of action." Unique in that it had a sound track, unlike other recent movies produced by the Society, it was shown by many television stations. So, thousands viewed it in their homes. "Heritage" also was presented at circuit assemblies and other public gatherings.

  4. I saw this conversation between two brothers on a group in Facebook and it got me thinking.

    Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 6.38.56 PM.png

    Typically we don't invite nor do we have a "prayer requests" board. I can almost feel the awkwardness and the silence of the large group regarding his request. 

    Yet, at most meetings we hear: "Please Jehovah, protect our brothers in _______(fill in the country of the persecuted)_____ so that they remain faithful under duress...."

    Can you see my dilemma?

    Either we should or we should not. There is not middle ground here. One is truth. Right?

    The year text for this year is about "brotherly love"..... 

    Your thoughts?



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