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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. 56ea5035c5a25_ScreenShot2016-03-16at11.3

    Harare Bureau
    School children will be required to take a national school pledge that motivates them to cherish their Zimbabwean identity and value their heritage.

    The pledge is contained in the draft curriculum review document.

    Infant pupils will recite the following pledge of allegiance: “Almighty God, in whose hands our future lies, I salute the national flag, I commit to honesty and dignity of hard work.”

    Junior and secondary schools, pupils will be expected to recite the pledge of allegiance saying: “Almighty God, in whose hands our future lies, I salute the national flag. United in our diversity by our common desire for freedom, justice and equality. Respecting the brave fathers and mothers who lost lives in the Chimurenga/ Umvukela and national liberation struggles.

    “We are proud inheritors of the richness of our natural resources. We are proud creators and participants in our vibrant traditions and cultures. We commit to honesty and the dignity of hard work.”

    The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education embarked on a curriculum review in October last year and it is expected to include academic, vocational and technical training.

    Some of the objectives of the new curriculum include motivating pupils to cherish their Zimbabwean identity and value their heritage, history and cultural traditions; preparing and orienting them for participation in voluntary service and leadership.

    Meanwhile, the education sector is set for a major overhaul with the government identifying four major pillars that will guide the implementation of the new education curriculum.

    Primary and Second Education Minister Lazarus Dokora told a Zanu-PF parliamentary caucus on Wednesday and legislators on Thursday that the new curriculum would significantly improve the education sector.


    Speaking in the National Assembly on Thursday, Minister Dokora said the four pillars included teacher skills development, schools infrastructure programme, teacher professional standards and a legal regulatory framework.

    “In the ideal situation, we would hope to approximate 30,000 to 35,000 teachers enrolled in these programmes with the five participating universities at any one time,” said Minister Dokora.

    “Since its launch in July last year, about 2,500 teachers are already enrolled within the five universities that are participating,” he said.

    On infrastructure development, the minister said Cabinet allowed them to explore the possibilities of using joint venture partnerships to deliver on the schools infrastructure.

    “Work is at an advanced stage so that we will be able to inaugurate that programme. It will embrace teachers’ houses and renovations of classrooms, the construction of new blocks altogether and new schools indeed, particularly in the resettlement areas that are affected by settler school institutions,” he said.

    Minister Dokora said there was also need to harmonise various legal instruments governing the education sector.

    He said the government intended to collapse a number of levies and regulate the number of accounts that were held in the school institutions.

    This, he said was meant to bring efficiency in the way revenues were collected for the sector and applied for the benefit of the schools.

    He said on teacher professional standards, the curriculum review advocated the establishment of a body of professional standards that would lead to self-regulation.

    “The hope is that, as we implement the whole curriculum, once it’s agreed in Cabinet, we expect that the sector will also be able to regulate itself in a sense.

    “Therefore, there is need for this agreed body of professional standards. In other terms, it will be akin to what obtains in other professional sectors in our country like health and the legal fraternity,” said Minister Dokora.


  2.  Please be advised that the Government has released a National School Pledge & it is by force that every child who is still at School, masters the Pledge and says it out loud for the Nation. Please not that this is a new Faith Test to all the Witness children Countryside. Please dear ones help us/*them. This is the School Pledge, "The National School Pledge
    Junior & Secondary Level

    Almighty God, in whose hands our future lies:
    I salute the National flag.
    Respecting the brave fathers & mothers who lost lives in Chimurenga/Umvukela.
    We are proud inheritors of the richness of our natural resources.
    We are proud creators and participants in our vibrant traditions and cultures.
    So I commit to honesty and the dignity of hard work." We surely need your help. Your Brothers Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of PA, Zimbabwe.



    tomorrow she is getting a transfer letter for not Saluting & Saying the National Pledge


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