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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Part of a series on: Jehovah's Witnesses historical understanding of his return: In 1930 Christ's return and "presence" was switched from 1874 to 1914. In The Golden Age magazine (1930 p.503) Joseph Rutherford, the second president of the WTS, wrote "Jesus has been present since 1914" but he gave no supporting explanation. In 1932: The prophecy of the Bible, fully supported by the physical facts in fulfilment thereof, shows that the second coming of Christ dates from the fall of the year 1914. (What is Truth? 1932)
  2. Part of a series on: Shroud of Turin depicts Y-shaped crucifixion / Is the Shroud of Turin really the materiel used to cover Jesus’ body? / Shroud of TurinTalk: Why Did Jesus Have to Suffer and Die?How is Justice Served By Brutality? Why did he have to suffer such a brutal death?
  3. Part of a series on: 2014: Recently Found Document tells of an eyewitness account to one of his miracles not mentioned in the gospels
  4. Part of a series on: See also:
  5. Part of a series on: Jesus was baptized at the Jordan River.
  6. Same file in other languages from our old archive: a ultima semana.pdf Ang Huling Linggo .pdf die Letzte woche.pdf l ultima settimana.pdf la derniere semaine.pdf la ultima semana.pdf the final week.pdf η τελευταια εβδομαδα.pdf ΠοcπeΔΗRR HEΔΕΠR.pdf
  7. Part of the series on: See attached images Anyone by chance have a PDF of these images combined? See also:
  8. Part of a series on: The Last Hours of Jesus Christ - Phil Hayworth, COAppreciating the Death of Jesus - Ciro AulicinoThe Throne of Jesus - 2014 Convention PartWhy Jesus Taught the Way He DidHow to Obtain the Mind of ChristPutting on the Mind of Christ1935 Door to Door recording called "Jesus"Why Imitate Jesus? - Harold CorkernDisplaying the Mind of Christ in All We Do - Harold Corkern
  9. Part of a series on: Jesus - The Way, The Truth, The Life - 2015 Convention Release No. 24—Jesus Christ—Who Is He?—1999 - Tract Good News From God - Lesson 4 gt * The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived
  10. Part of a series on The Three Kingdoms are: (each with it's own thread) See also:
  11. Part of a series on: See also: Question regarding the duration of the Messianic Kingdom
  12. The Holy Bible > List of Bible List of Biblical Persons > Jesus Christ ---------------------------------------------------- When Jesus began ruling as King in 1914, was that the start of the Millennial reign of the Messianic Kingdom? John 1:1,14 Question: NWT (a god) instead of (God) KJV how does that line up with [Isaiah 45:5]... no other God beside me? and how can "a god" become flesh? The 'Definite' John 1;1 Is Jesus the last prophet? Was Jesus Christ Married? Does the Fact That Worship is Given to Jesus Prove That He is God? Are Satan and Jesus Brothers? Was Jesus ever in India during his Lost Years?
  13. The Holy Bible > List of Bible List of Biblical Persons > Jesus Christ ---------------------------------------------------- He is Abandon / Apollyon in Revelation chapter 9
  14. The Holy Bible > List of Biblical Persons > Jesus Christ Jesus (/ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iesous; 2 B.C.E. (timeline) to 33 C.E.), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, is the Son of Jehovah God and the awaited Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures.The name Jesus (Gr., I·e·sous′) corresponds to the Hebrew name Jeshua (or, in fuller form, Jehoshua), meaning “Jehovah Is Salvation.” The name itself was not unusual, many men being so named in that period. He is also referred to as Jesus Christ, from the Greek Khri·stos′, the equivalent of the Hebrew Ma·shi′ach(Messiah), and means “Anointed One.” Our Modern day, most widely used Gregorian calendar uses the terms B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini = Year of our Lord in Latin) basing our current year of 2014 as the year since his supposed birth according to a medieval estimate.The person who became known as Jesus Christ did not begin life here on earth. In heaven he was known as Michael the Archangel. He himself spoke of his prehuman heavenly life. (Joh 3:13; 6:38, 62; 8:23, 42, 58) John 1:1, 2 gives the heavenly name of the one who became Jesus, saying: “In the beginning the Word [Gr., Lo′gos] was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god [“was divine,” AT; Mo; or “of divine being,”Böhmer; Stage (both German)]. This one was in the beginning with God.” Since Jehovah is eternal and had no beginning (Ps 90:2; Re 15:3), the Word’s being with God from “the beginning” must here refer to the beginning of Jehovah’s creative works. This is confirmed by other texts identifying Jesus as “the firstborn of all creation,” “the beginning of the creation by God.” (Col 1:15; Re 1:1; 3:14) Thus the Scriptures identify the Word (Jesus in his prehuman existence) as God’s first creation, His firstborn Son. This is direct opposition to the popular and later teaching of the Trinity by the Nicean Council. Sir Isaac Newton weighed in on the identity of Michael the ArchangelThat Jehovah was truly the Father or Life-Giver to this firstborn Son and, hence, that this Son was actually a creature of God is evident from Jesus’ own statements. He pointed to God as the Source of his life, saying, “I live because of the Father.” According to the context, this meant that his life resulted from or was caused by his Father, even as the gaining of life by dying men would result from their faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice.—Joh 6:56, 57.Logically, it was to this firstborn Son that Jehovah said: “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” (Ge 1:26) All these other created things were not only created “through him” but also “for him,” as God’s Firstborn and the “heir of all things.”—Col 1:16; Heb 1:2.Jesus began his life billions of years before the first human ever existed (Compare Mic 5:2.) and was used by his father in the creation of all of the universe (Joh 1:3; Col 1:16, 17) and the other angels and spirit creatures in heaven (Da 7:9, 10; Re 5:11),Jesus was conceived by Holy Spirit being transferred from his heavenly life as Michael the Archangel into the womb of a virgin named Mary who was engaged to Joseph. He was born in Bethlehem as a human baby in the year 2 B.C.E.. A star shined above his birthplace guiding astrologers to pay tribute to him.He was later raised in Nazareth where archaeologists claim to have discovered his childhood home. See also: Jesus Face Drawn by Medical Artist based on Forensic Evidence Is Jesus a "Mediator" for God and All Men? The Memorial of the Death of Jesus Christ
  15. Dear Librarian, Why is it that my unbelieving spouse is pronounced "holy" if I behave and act as a true Christian? Or is that just for the anointed ones?
  16. Dear Librarian, What's the difference between matthew 8:12 and 13:38?
  17. How can we be sure that the Greek Scriptures ALSO apply to the Other Sheep and not just the Anointed ones? - Question sent in via Tumblr
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