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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. When Polish pianist Ignace Paderewski toured America, he became a celebrity - and boosted Steinway.  

    Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were seated, the mother spotted a friend in the audience and walked down the aisle to greet her.  

    Seizing the opportunity to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and eventually explored his way through a door marked "NO ADMITTANCE." When the house lights dimmed and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and discovered that the child was missing.  

    Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In horror, the mother saw her little boy sitting at the keyboard, innocently picking out "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." At that moment, the great piano master made his entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and whispered in the boy's ear, "Don't quit. Keep Playing."  

    Then leaning over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato (constant background sound). Together, the Master and the young novice transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully creative experience. The audience was mesmerized.  

    That's the way it is with Jehovah. What we can accomplish on our own is hardly noteworthy. We try our best, but the results aren't exactly graceful flowing music. Our presentation at the door may not be as smooth as we would like. We may not be at ease trying to talk with some of those in our territory that have all the "degrees" on the walls in their homes.  

    We may have to work on the same counsel point in the TM School several times before moving on. But with Jehovah's help (Isaiah 41:13) we succeed.  

    So, the next time we are in one of those situations-----listen carefully. You can almost hear Jehovah's voice whispering in your ear, "Don't quit. Keep trying" and feel his loving arms around you playing the concerto of your life!!!!


  2. Dr. Sherri Ozawa, Clinical Director of the Institute for Patient Blood Management and Bloodless Surgery and Medicine at Englewood Hospital is also well known as one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    She once was a nurse and has since finished more education to become a doctor.


    A good example of using your University Doctorate Education to further JW Interests.    



    For some reason I think she used to serve at Bethel but my memory fails me.

  3. 4 hours ago, Eoin Joyce said:

    Do you have access to the New World Translation 2013? Appendices A4 and A5, page 1731 to 1743.

    I moved his question to it's own topic since he was asking another question.

    • Criminology professor uses new book to claim evangelicals are fueling crime and violence in the US
    • Christian Right think America is 'modern day Sodom and Gomorrah' and prefer vengeance to forgiveness, claims Elicka Peterson Sparks 
    • Singles out Rush Limbaugh for wielding disproportionate influence in American public life
    • Claims typical Christian fundamentalist uses religion to feel self-righteous and employs double standards in their thinking and judgment

    Christianity is to blame for America's high crime rates because its followers believe that the Bible gives God's 'blessing' to violence, a controversial new book claims.

    The book. by a professor of criminology. claims that at its core Christian ideology is close to Fascism and is 'criminogenic', meaning that it actually causes crime.

    Fundamentalist Christian ideology has been the inspiration for terrorism and figures like radio host Rush Limbaugh are damaging America by helping 'promote vengeance seeking'.

    The Christian Right do not even love their country as they think that the US is 'something of a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah'.

    The provocative theory is likely to raise eyebrows among Christians who see forgiveness as a key part of their faith.

    But it could explain why the Republican party has moved to the right. 


    Christians who talk about family values are hypocrites as their family values are actually insulating themselves against non-believers, the book says.

    Professor Peterson Sparks, who has consulted for several documentaries including some for PBS, says that 'at its heart, Christian nationalism includes the language of war, theocracy, and even fascism'.

    In a chapter titled: 'When did Christians get so mean (again)?', She writes: 'Conservative Christians got mean when they embraced political power as an instrument of religious coercion.

    'They do not play well with others, because a significant feature of their ideology holds that others must convert to their views or perish.'

    The consequences of this have filtered through the whole of society and are seen in the effect of 'get tough' policies like war on drugs.

    These kind of measures 'emphasize punishment as the primary response to crime'. Having a nuanced view about crime in Christian circles is seen as 'antithetical to true Christianity'.


    Christians are more likely to:

    • admit they get pleasure out of punishing criminals
    • exhibit fear towards a world perceived to be dangerous
    • be mean-spirited toward people who have made mistakes and suffered
    • use Christianity to maintain a feeling of self-righteousness
    • more easily accept unfair and illegal abuses of power by governmental authorities
    • employ double standards in their thinking and judgment
    • behave like zealots
    • believe in social dominance
    • fail to learn from their mistakes and failings

    One effect of this was the 1976 Supreme Court decision in Gregg v Georgia which reopened the door for states to use the death penalty again.

    It was passed at a time when the New Christian Right was gaining power and the 'just deserts' way of thinking was prevalent, the book says.

    Christian beliefs also inhibit funding for programs that deter crime because they do not match up with what the Bible says, especially when it comes to drugs and teenage pregnancy.

    Professor Peterson Sparks goes into cites numerous passages from the Bible to show that the it is 'rife with violence, particularly violent retribution'.

    She writes: 'When viewed as the literal word of God, this conveys God's blessing on the use of violence in the fact of opposition to anything perceived as being God's will'.

    Among the horrific deaths in the Bible are stoning, raped, being thrown into a lake of fire and being cut up with a sword. The ultimate fate of sinners is eternal damnation. 

    The book cites the example of 1 John 3:4: 'Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawless'.

    According to Professor Peterson Sparks, this makes it easy to justify harsh punishments as it links sinning with crime. It also suggests that punishment is a form of 'violent conflict resolution' that is legitimate.

    Noah's Ark is cited as another example, which the book describes as the 'mass murder of the entire population' to save Noah, his family and two of each type of animal.

    The book says: 'We focus on Noah to the exclusion of the entire rest of the population of the world, to the extent that we forget how terrible this story is.

    'What kind of a person would God have to be to drown everyone else, including innocent children, animals without an ark ticket, and well, everybody?

    'Not so cute when you imagine thousands upon thousand of bobbing corpses.'

    Among the 45 pages of other examples in the Bible are 1 Samuel 15:3 which reads: 'Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass'.

    Another example is Revelation 2:22-23 which reads: 'So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of their ways.

    'I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds'

    The book uses all this evidence to build up a portrait of a typical fundamentalist Christian, based on their beliefs.

    Peterson Sparks, whose published papers include work on domestic violence and sex offender treatment programs, writes that Christians are more likely to admit they get pleasure out of punishing criminals and believe in social dominance, as well as a catalog of other offenses - including behaving 'like zealots'.


    According to figures from the Pew Research Center, 79.5 per cent of the U.S. population considers themselves Christian, with 26.3 per cent of the whole population calling themselves evangelicals - figures that are among the highest in the world.

    At the same time there were 372 mass shootings in the US in 2015, killing 475 people and wounding 1,870.

    In 2014 America executed 35 people, a figure officially beaten only by Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Iran. China does not release the number of people it executes, but it is thought be far higher.

    In the view of Professor Peterson Sparks, Christians in America 'spend more time in the persecution of others than in being persecuted, and (are) amazingly adept at harnessing feelings of persecution to (their) advantage'.

    Those who suffer great wrongs on Earth are promised great rewards in heaven and 'defeat only strengthens their resolve', she writes.

    Professor Peterson Sparks insists that she is 'not a rabid hater of Christians' and said she knows many people who have a 'reasoned approach to faith'.

    She admits that the religious Right are not the majority of the population - but claims they have a 'tremendous impact' nevertheless.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3460589/Christianity-making-America-criminal-Bible-teaches-vengeance-violence-claims-provocative-new-book.html#ixzz413FFAaPE 

  4. (Zechariah 14:12) “And this is the scourge with which Jehovah will scourge all the peoples who wage war against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot away while they stand on their feet, their eyes will rot away in their sockets, and their tongues will rot away in their mouths.


    It has been speculated in the past that Jehovah might accomplish this by the use of radiation of some sort. Now Jehovah definitely has the ability use radiation if He wished to, but it would take an extremely high dose of radiation to kill instantly, and that high dose of radiation would cook the flesh, not rot it.

    Today, when someone drowns or has a heart attack, they can be resuscitated several minutes afterward. When someone is killed in a car accident, their organs can be kept on ice and implanted into a recipient many hours later. A dead body takes a couple of days before it starts to rot in a warm temperature, and even longer in cold. The point is: There is still life in them even though they are considered dead.

    Perhaps Zechariah 14:12 is telling us that when Jehovah judges those to be unworthy of life, that He will take away their life instantly and thoroughly. If that is the case then there would not even be any cellular life left, no more spinning protons, neutrons, and electrons to hold the flesh together. The result of which would be instant decomposition, a complete rot of all soft tissue throughout the body. It would be as if a sculpture made out of little magnets clinging together, were to suddenly lose all of its’ magnetism. The sculpture would instantly fall to the ground in a heap.


    (Magnet sculptures)

    But we have a skeleton. And if it would take a couple of seconds for the skeleton to fall over, that would give just a moment of time for the instantly rotted flesh, eyes, and tongue to splash down as rotten liquid goo. The eyes in the sockets of the skull and the tongue in the jaw.

    What do you think of this hypothesis?


  5. In yet another attempt to restrict religious freedom, Russian authorities have filed a claim to declare the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures to be extremist. Hearings are set to begin on March 15, 2016. Last year, Russian customs officials took an unprecedented step when they denied the importation of these Bibles. This latest step is an irreverent attack on a sacred Christian text.

    Russian legislation prohibits declaring the Bible to be extremist. However, the Leningrad-Finlyandskiy Transport Prosecutor is justifying his claim by citing the opinion of a person who is unqualified in linguistics. If the prosecutor succeeds in court, the New World Translation could be banned from distribution in Russia.


  6. 5 февраля 2016 года. Новый срыв богослужения и подброс экстремистских материалов в Биробиджане26 января 2016 года в центре Биробиджана около 15 человек, некоторые с оружием и в масках, прервали богослужение, которое проводилось 150 Свидетелями Иеговы в зале, который арендован одним из верующих. Не предъявив ордера, сотрудники полиции и УФСБ по ЕАО провели осмотр помещения и «обнаружили» пакет с материалами, внесенными в список экстремистских материалов. У верующих есть доказательства того, что пакет был принесен и подложен неподалеку от входа в зал, и они намерены обжаловать действия должностных лиц. В последние годы тактика подбросов получила широкое распространение в отношении общин Свидетелей Иеговы по всей России. В Биробиджане подобный инцидент имел место 8 октября 2015 года.
    4 февраля 2016 года. Свидетели Иеговы обжалуют действия полицейских в Еврейской автономной областиВ январе 2016 года в Суд ЕАО направлена жалоба в связи с грубым срывом богослужения Свидетелей Иеговы, произошедшим 8 октября 2015 года в центре Биробиджана. В тот день верующие, пришедшие в арендуемое помещение до начала встречи, обнаружили, что в пустой ящик кто-то подложил несколько изданий, внесенных в список экстремистских материалов. Они поспешили уничтожить издания, и уже через 15 минут пришла группа из 8 сотрудников полиции, которая безо всякого ордера отменила богослужение и провела осмотр помещения. Конечно, экстремистские материалы обнаружены не были. Верующие подали коллективную жалобу на данные действия. Биробиджанский районный суд отказал в ее удовлетворении, и верующие надеются, что вышестоящий суд удовлетворит их апелляцию
    .2 февраля 2016 года. Конституционный Суд РФ вынес определение по сайту Свидетелей ИеговыЖалоба подана «Обществом Сторожевой Башни». Комиссия Совета при Президенте РФ по правам человека представила в Суд заключение о том, что признание сайта «экстремистским» нарушило право верующих на судебную защиту, поскольку дело рассматривалось без владельца сайта.Суд отказал в рассмотрении жалобы, не устранив правовую неопределенность, в результате которой сайты могут признаваться экстремистскими без предоставления их владельцам права на эффективную правовую защиту. Не дано надлежащей оценки и тому, что сайт признан «экстремистским» при отсутствии на нем материалов из ФСЭМ, а лишь потому, что на нем могут появиться такие материалы!
    18 января 2016 года. Выборгская таможня снова блокирует ввоз Библий в Россию14 января 2016 года в Арбитражный суд г. Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области подана жалоба на действия таможни, которая 27 ноября 2015 года снова блокировала ввоз в Россию священных книг для Управленческого центра Свидетелей Иеговы в России. На этот раз в страну не пустили партию Библий в официальном переводе РПЦ (Синодальное издание), а также партию «Познавательной Библии», выпущенной РБО. Ранее Выборгская таможня не впустила в Россию 2 016 экземпляров Библии в «Переводе нового мира» на русском и осетинском языках.

  7. Ленинград-Финляндский транспортный прокурор подал в суд иск о признании канонической Библии, изъятой на таможне у Свидетелей Иеговы, «экстремистским материалом». Это кажется неправдоподобным на фоне того, что осенью 2015 года президент России выдвинул и подписал закон, защищающий Священные Писания, в том числе Библию, от действия антиэкстремистского законодательства. Тем не менее иск прокурора — это свершившийся факт: первое заседание по делу назначено на 15 марта 2016 года в Выборгском городском суде (Ленинградская обл.).Решение по данному делу может коснуться очень многих, поскольку Библия — уважаемая и распространенная в России книга. По меньшей мере 59 русских переводов целой Библии либо ее разделов, которые были изданы в разное время начиная с 1819 года, имеются в распоряжении Управленческого центра Свидетелей Иеговы в России.

  8. 2-21-Obit-Flood--Rodney-1.jpg.71dc8921e62-21-Obit-Flood--Rodney-2.jpg.580468f4a4

    How do you write the end of the story about the man that touched so many lives in his short 81 years on this earth? Well I guess it begins, Rodney Lee Flood, fell asleep for the last time on this earth at 10:30 a.m. at Mercy Hospital, Oklahoma City on Friday, Feb. 19, 2016. Rodney’s life began on what I can bet was a warm spring day with blue skies, wispy white clouds, sweet fragrant flowers blooming and birds singing on April 30, 1934, in Blackwell the son of John Wesley Flood and Wenona Mae Medler Flood. How could they have even imagined that the tiny baby they held in their arms would one day greatly impact so many people. He was born at Blackwell Hospital and raised on the family farm in Blackwell and later moved with his family to Ponca City where he graduated from Ponca City High School in 1952. While at Po-Hi he played the French horn in the high school band. He attended Phillips University from 1952-53. In 1953, he enlisted in the Marine Corps, where he worked in communications. While in the Marine’s he served in Korea and Lebanon. He was honorably discharged as a Sergeant in 1957. In 1957, while on leave from the Marine Corps, he went swimming in late August at Wentz Pool in Ponca City and met the love of his life, Donna Colleen Jones. Donna’s car had broke down and being always of the helping nature and like the knight in shinning armor he was (of course it helped that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in her golden swimming suite) he came to aid Donna in her distress. I’m sure it was love at first sight as they were married three weeks later on Sept. 6, 1957.


    He always worked hard for his family putting in long hours no matter what but was always eager to come home to Donna’s cooking, she jokingly says, “No matter what it was”. He and Donna first lived in Ponca City and they both attended classes at Northern Oklahoma College from 1957-59. They enjoyed every second of each other their first two years of marriage. They later moved to Foraker and then to Stillwater where he attended Oklahoma State University from 1959-60. He had additional training at the Federal Aviation Agency in Oklahoma City, Texas Instruments and at LTV Electro Systems in Dallas, Texas. In August of 1959, their lives changed forever, their daughter Rhonda was born with cerebral palsy and the years of therapy and tears and joy and pain brought Rodney and Donna even closer as they traveled to numerous locations trying to help their quadriplegic daughter walk — all the while the professionals were telling them to institutionalize her and be done. But they never gave up on her and Rodney never wavered, he stayed by Donna and his little girl’s side through all the painstakingly difficult times. The family moved to Oklahoma City where he was employed with the Federal Aviation Agency, Will Rogers Field, where he worked with full range airborne electronic and electric systems. While in this position he made an employee suggestion that saved the FFA $9,678.29 in parts in the first month’s work. The suggestion is still in use to this day. The family then moved to the Dallas area when he secured employment with Texas Instruments in 1964. In this position he was a senior electronics technician requiring him to know all aspects of integrated circuit technology from the beginning of the process to the final device. During this time their son Mark was born in 1966. In 1967, he became a senior electronics technician for LTV Electro-Systems in Dallas. In 1968 the family moved back to Ponca City and he was employed with Continental Oil where he was an electrical chemical technician. While at Continental Oil he submitted 15 patents and had one granted. In 1972, the family moved to Garland, Texas where he was employed for Varo Semiconductor, Inc. At Varo he worked as an engineer. In 1975 they moved back to Ponca City and he owned and operated R F Electric where he worked as an electrician in many fields repairing heavy machinery and electronic systems in generating plants, oil refineries, machine shops, foundries and dairies. Their third and last child, Kay, was born in 1975. In 1985, the family moved to Garland, Texas where he was employed for E Systems as a metrology engineer in the reliability and quality department. This position required a broad knowledge of electronic and electro-mechanical test equipment procedures and calibration techniques. In 1986 they moved back to Ponca City to care for Donna’s ailing father. During this time he worked for General Electric as a calibration technician for all electric and electronic systems for testing jet turbofan engines. From 1987 to 1991, he again operated R F Electric. In 1991 he was employed and later retired from being the City Electrical Inspector for the City of Ponca City. In 2006 he worked part-time, to pass the time, as an electrician for Northern Oklahoma College, Tonkawa and worked there until 2012 when he could no longer work because of progressing Alzheimer’s.


    He was a devout Jehovah’s Witness and had an extraordinary love for his faith and his father Jehovah God. He lead his home through example in his acts of leadership, kindness, mercy, patience and love.


    There are no words that can express the many hats he wore in his lifetime, not to mention the superior knowledge he had of being able to work on or fix anything he set his mind to.


    But first and foremost he was the best husband, father and grandfather anyone could ever even imagine to have. He had a love for his children and wife that far surpassed any imaginable love. And he expressed that love on a daily basis as he worked hard to care for his three children including his handicapped daughter who lived her lifetime in the home. You certainly can’t mention his name though, without talking about the love he had for his grandchildren, he loved and cared for them as much as he did his own children, as a matter of fact, they can tell you that he cherished each and every one of them beyond all measure, they truly were the jewels of his eye. But not only that, with so much eager and zeal he filled the shoes as an amazing son, brother, uncle, brother-in-law, father-in-law and friend. Above and beyond the deep love he had for his family, anyone that ever met him can attest to the fact that if you needed anything at all, and he had the power to give it to you, he would or he would find a way. He was such a kind soul and that presence was marked by his calm, kind and caring demeanor. He had so much love for life you could see the glimmer in his eyes and then there was that special wink and that ever so dashing smile. People and children of all ages were drawn to his kind and sweet nature, children he knew well would run to him yelling, “Grampa Grampa come and play!” Even strangers on the street were eager to shake his hand and share a greeting in his home town, Ponca City. But honestly he never really met a stranger.


    He leaves behind so many that are so sadden by his passing including the love of his life, Donna; one son, Mark Flood and girlfriend Christi Stephenson, of Ponca City; two daughters, Rhonda Flood, of the home and Kay Flood Bojorquez, of Ponca City and her boyfriend Shawn Shelton, of Kaw City; one brother, John Flood and wife Veronica DeNeve, of San Antonio, Texas. He also leaves behind six grandchildren, Magen Besen, of Wichita, Kan.; Alicia Ward and husband Luke Ward, of Tonkawa; Ross Flood and Anna Flood, both of Ponca City; and Elizebeth Bojorquez and her boyfriend Jesse Holt and Bryce Bojorquez, all of Ponca City; he also had five great-grandchildren, Klayton Delano and Leevi Ward, both of Tonkawa; Kambri Parker, MarCelle Taylor and Cainaan Taylor, all of Wichita, Kan. Extended family on Donna’s side are also grief stricken by his departure including those he considered his own, sister-in-law, Esther Epperson, of Ponca City; three brothers-in-law, Anthony Rodriguez, of California; Alvin and wife Patricia Jones, of Stillwater and Danny Jones, of Kaw City; former daughter-in-law, Kathey Flood, of Ponca City; former son-in-law, Baraquiel Bojorquez-Loya, of Blackwell and numerous extended family members including nieces, nephews and cousins, whom he all cherished.


    Those that went before him include and await a resurrection to life are his parents and his mother-and father-in-law, Lee Otis Jones and Velma Louise Pensoneau Jones who treated him like their own; and brothers-in-law he considered his own, Paul Jones, Arnold Jones and Mike Jones; as well as numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.


    When his light left this earth, he left behind so many that will miss that radiant light; but, we are at peace knowing that his light will shine eternally within us and within our memories of a great man taken away from us way too soon, even at the age of 81.


    Today, our hearts ache as he laid his head down and now is fast asleep. He’s in your care now, Jehovah God, and you know how very special he is, so we can be at peace knowing you have wrapped your arms around him and give us hope to see him in a new day. We love you around the universe and back — until we meet again.


    A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 27 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Ponca City.


    Family will be at the home at 95 Quail Ridge, Ponca City.


    Online condolences can be made at www.gracememorialchapel.net


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