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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Death and sin entered the human world. Adam knew what death was because the animals would die, which means he was aware of his eventuality. ( How Adam would have understand what the consequences were if there was no death. Seems like it was in the knowledge book or something. Can't remember)
  2. According to our understanding of the bible, humans were the ONLY beings created in God’s image. Adam and Eve were the only “perfect” creation and therefore the only beings immune from sickness and death. Animals were always subject to sickness, disease, and death, so Dino-cancer does not conflict with JW doctrine at all.
  3. Dieses Verbot ist die neueste Entwicklung in der immer weiter eskalierenden religiösen Unterdrückung von Zeugen Jehovas in der Ostukraine. Quelle
  4. Quechua-speaking people of Peru prosper with literature and the New World Translation in their mother tongue. Source
  5. We can make God happy by being obedient and making good decisions. Source
  6. Menschen in Peru, die Quechua sprechen, kommen Jehova durch die Neue-Welt-Übersetzung und Literatur in ihrer Muttersprache näher. Quelle
  7. Jehova freut sich über uns, wenn wir auf ihn hören und das Richtige tun. Quelle
  8. Does anyone know when/if Tumblr ever intends to comply with the ads.txt. movement?
  9. @Jack Ryan You will see soon enough when the great tribulation starts and Jehovah destroys you and your kind when he comes in a great rage you spoke about earlier. "There is where the weeping and gnashing of your teeth" shall occur. It will not be late....
  10. @Jack Ryan You show no respect and honor to our Governing Body Overseers. Have you considered starting your own atheist club instead of trolling this JW one all the time? What has God ever done to you to deserve all this gall?
  11. @JOHN BUTLER I also heard of a JW somewhere who ate insects!!!! I know astonishing isn't it!!?!? I saw it written somewhere on the Internet that Judge Rutherford ate insects. So it must be true. BTW.. I love tacos.
  12. Explore the options and tools you can use to make donations. Source
  13. Some claim that Jesus’ virgin birth was the Immaculate Conception. Does the Bible support this teaching? Source
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