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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Bezieht sich die Lehre von der „Unbefleckten Empfängnis“ auf Jesu Geburt? Stützt die Bibel diese Lehre? Quelle
  2. The DPR Supreme Court ban is the latest development in an escalating pattern of religious oppression against Jehovah’s Witnesses in eastern Ukraine. Source
  3. See the evidence that the divine name belongs in the “New Testament.” Source
  4. Those who sincerely want to know God can do so if they make the effort to search for him. Source
  5. Welche Beweise gibt es dafür, dass der göttliche Name in das Neue Testament gehört? Quelle
  6. Wer Gott und seinen Willen wirklich kennenlernen möchte, muss aufrichtig nach Gott suchen. Quelle
  7. Question sent in to to me.... Answer: Yes. And usually only sisters attend them.
  8. New research in the USA shows that Jehovah's Witnesses who refuse blood transfusions recover from heart surgery faster and with fewer complications than those who have transfusions. Patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses had better survival rates, shorter hospital stays, fewer additional operations for bleeding and spent fewer days in the intensive care unit than those who received blood trans­fusions during surgery, a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows. Jehovah's Witnesses undergo extensive blood conservation before surgery, including red blood-cell boosting erythropoietin drugs, iron and B-complex vitamins to guard against anaemia. The practice offered a "unique natural experiment" for scientists to study the short and long-term effects of the blood management strategy and may point to ways to reduce need for transfusions, researchers said. The study included 322 Jehovah's Witness patients and 87,453 other patients who underwent heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic from 1983 to 2011. All Jehovah's Witness patients refused blood transfusions. In the other group, 38,467 did not receive transfusions while 48,986 did. The authors wanted to look at the difference between patients who receive blood transfusions during surgery and Jehovah's Witness patients, who undergo strict blood conservation practices before, during and after surgery, Koch said. While many patients do not have blood transfusions during and after heart surgery, they also do not undergo the same blood conservation practices that doctors use for Jehovah's Witness patients. Jehovah's Witness patients had an 86 per cent chance of survival at five years and a 34 per cent chance of survival 20 years after surgery, compared with 74 per cent at five years and 23 per cent at 20 years for non-Jehovah's Witness patients who had transfusions. https://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2012/07/refusal-of-blood-transfusions-by-jehovahs-witnesses-not-always-detrimental-research-finds?fbclid=IwAR2FqyNQ6S_ILvtLzBldwslGcpfBbvJQpk8kbbROMEMmyVsgMQDGMoZvgmU
  9. In den letzten Jahren sind Zeugen Jehovas, die Jahrzehnte zuvor wegen Wehrdienstverweigerung aus Gewissensgründen oder der Beteiligung am Predigtwerk verurteilt wurden, von Gerichten in der Tschechischen Republik und der Slowakei freigesprochen worden. Quelle
  10. What moved a former gang member from El Salvador to turn his life around? Source
  11. Was brachte ein früheres Gangmitglied aus El Salvador dazu, sein Leben völlig zu ändern? Quelle
  12. Mit dieser Ausstellung in Kassel erinnerten Jehovas Zeugen zum 70. Jahrestag an ihren größten Kongress der Nachkriegszeit in Europa. Quelle
  13. Denk an deinen großen Schöpfer und zeig ihm, dass du ihn lieb hast. Quelle
  14. Representatives from the Thailand Embassy visited Jehovah’s Witnesses in Peru to thank them for their work and personal care in helping Thai inmates. Source
  15. The Bible book of Ezekiel contains many prophecies that focus on the restoration of pure worship. How do these prophecies involve us? Source  Pure Worship of Jehovah—Restored at Last! Title Page/Publishers’ Page A Letter From the Governing Body Contents Explanation of Special Features CHAPTERS VIDEO DOWNLOAD LINKS 1. “It Is Jehovah Your God You Must Worship” 2. “God Approved” Their Gifts 3. “I Began to See Visions of God” 4. Who Are “the Living Creatures With Four Faces”? 5. “See the Evil, Detestable Things That They Are Doing” 6. “The End Is Now Upon You” 7. The Nations “Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah” 8. “I Will Raise Up One Shepherd” 9. “I Will Give Them a Unified Heart” 10. “You Will Come to Life” 11. “I Have Appointed You as a Watchman” 12. “I Will Make Them One Nation” 13. “Describe the Temple”14. “This Is the Law of the Temple” 15. “I Will Bring an End to Your Prostitution” 16. “Put a Mark on the Foreheads” 17. “I Am Against You, O Gog” 18. “My Great Rage Will Flare Up” 19. “Everything Will Live Wherever the Stream Goes” 20. “Allot the Land as an Inheritance” 21. “The Name of the City . . . Will Be Jehovah Is There” 22. “Worship God”
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