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The Librarian

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Status Replies posted by The Librarian

  1. Do you know anything about song 151?

  2. Is the video for organized accomplishment series for June going to be posted sometime soon? And will the stay loyal to Jehovah convention be posted so those that cannot go to a convention see it??

  3. Is there any way to get a list of the abreiviations for all the publications it's very confusing? And do you know if there was a letter about the second school ending in our midweek meeting and if so is it available ? Thank you!

  4. What does it mean Email is going away!

  5. What do I have to do to follow. Jennifer

  6. What does it mean Email is going away!

  7. I don't know if this happens to others, but if I try to go to "Page 2" of a topic/question that has 26+ answers, I can't just click the "Page 2" or ">>" links. The page will just hang. Yet if someone else has responded to a particular post, I can reach that post on Page 2 through the Notifications.

    I find that whether I have the posts sorted by either "Rating" or Date" that the page just "hangs" with a Loading... message on the page.

    I also found that I could swap the order of the variables/parameters in the query, however, and it would come right up.


    The above link works just fine, but you have to "hack" it manually. If I use the version of the link on the page, it will come up as


    Or without the sortby parameter if I chose "Rating" instead of "Date."


  8. Hello 

    I was wondering where I might find the list of brothers and Sisters on this site and where they are from. A sister from CT will be traveling state to state and would like to reach out to the local congregation brothers and sisters to let them know when she will be arriving and just be in touch with them as she travels.



  9. Cannot find video of circuit assemblies,have the been removed

  10. Nissan 15 falls on April 22 this year. So why was the memorial a month early this year?

  11. I could really use a caramel machiatto right about now. How is everyone else doing? I stayed home sick from work today.... got some sort of flu that mostly makes me tired.  

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