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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at 1.52.56 PM.png

    The sale portion of the event featured building supplies, tools, trailers, office and kitchen equipment used to repair homes and places of worship during Harvey.
    Author: Parris Kane
    Published: 5:58 PM CDT July 7, 2018
    Updated: 6:12 PM CDT July 7, 2018

    BEAUMONT — Around 225 volunteers from 22 states are in Beaumont raising money for the Jehovah's Witness Organization's world wide relief operations ministry. The event is located at Ford Park, and started Friday.

    The sale portion of the event featured building supplies, tools, trailers, office and kitchen equipment used to repair homes and places of worship during Harvey.

    Sunday the event will turn into a public auction. Whatever items remaining will be will be auctioned off at 10 a.m. A preview of the items and registration for the event will start at 8 a.m.

    For more information head over to their event page.


  2. Yeartext: “The kingdom of heaven is at hand” Matt 3:2

    An International Assembly is held in Columbus, Ohio U.S.A., July 20-7.

    Resolution: "Indictment" is adopted. See re pgs. 138, 141, & 173. 

    WBBR radio station announced


    w-E * The Watch Tower
    g-E * The Golden Age 
    Ecclesiastics Indicted - J.F. Rutherford
    The Broadcaster - J.F. Rutherford
    Comforted of God
    A Desireable Government (J.F. Rutherford)
    What is it Hell Who are there can they get out
    Angels and Women - 1924


    If you have any PDF's of the titles above without a link please upload them as a reply below. Thank you.


    Part of the:


  3. Yeartext: “Blessed be the Lord out of Zion.”--Psalm 135:21

    An International Assembly is held in London, England, May 25-31. Resolution: "A Testamony to the Rulers of the World" is adopted. See re pgs. 147 & 173. The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society begins printing the Bible on its own presses. See w97 10/15 pgs. 8-12.

    w-E * The Watch Tower
    g-E * Golden Age
    World Powers Addressed (A Testimony to the Rulers of the World) - J.F. Rutherford
    Deliverance (J.F. Rutherford)
    The Standard for the People (J.F. Rutherford)


    If you have any PDF's of the above publications without links above please post them as a reply below:


    Part of the:



  4. Questions From Readers: Does Jesus now know the timing of Armageddon?

    Watchtower, August 1, 1996, pages 30 to 31

    It seems quite reasonable to believe that he does.

    Some might wonder why the question even arises. Likely it is because of Jesus’ comment found at Matthew 24:36: “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.” Note the phrase “nor the Son.”

    This verse is part of Jesus’ reply to the apostles’ question: “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3) In his now famous prophecy about evidences making up “the sign,” he foretold wars, food shortages, earthquakes, persecution of true Christians, and other things on earth that would indicate his presence. By this sign his followers could recognize that the end was near. He illustrated this proximity with the time when a fig tree begins to put out leaves, indicating that summer was near. He added: “Likewise also you, when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors.”—Matthew 24:33.

    But Jesus did not say precisely when the end would come. Rather, he stated what we read at Matthew 24:36. That is the reading in the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, and many modern Bibles read similarly. Yet, some older versions do not contain “nor the Son.”

    For example, the Catholic Douay Version reads: “But of that day and hour no one knoweth, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone.” The King James Version reads similarly. Why is “nor [or, neither] the Son” omitted, though it is found at Mark 13:32? Because back at the beginning of the 17th century when those two versions were prepared, the manuscripts the translators worked from did not contain the expression. In the meantime, though, many older Greek manuscripts have come to light. These, which are much closer to the time of Matthew’s original text, contain “nor the Son” at Matthew 24:36.

    Interestingly, the Catholic Jerusalem Bible includes the phrase, with a footnote saying that the Latin Vulgate omitted the expression “probably for theological reasons.” Why, of course! Translators or copyists who believed in the Trinity might be tempted to omit a phrase that indicated that Jesus lacked knowledge that his Father had. How could Jesus not know a certain fact if both he and his Father were parts of a triune God?

    Similarly, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, by B. M. Metzger, says: “The words ‘neither the Son’ are lacking in the majority of the [manuscript] witnesses of Matthew, including the later Byzantine text. On the other hand, the best representatives of the Alexandrian, the Western, and the Caesarean types of text contain the phrase. The omission of the words because of the doctrinal difficulty they present is more probable than their addition by assimilation to” Mark 13:32.—Italics ours.

    Those “best representatives” of earlier manuscripts support the reading that sets out a reasonable progression as to knowledge. The angels did not know the hour of the end; nor did the Son; but only the Father. And this is consistent with Jesus’ words found at Matthew 20:23, where he admitted that he did not have authority to grant prominent places in the Kingdom, but the Father did.

    Hence, Jesus’ own words show that on earth he did not know the date for ‘the end of the world.’ Has he learned it since?

    Revelation 6:2 describes Jesus as seated on a white horse and going forth “conquering and to complete his conquest.” Next comes horsemen representing wars, famines, and plagues, such as we have experienced since World War I began in 1914. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that in 1914, Jesus was enthroned as King of God’s heavenly Kingdom, the one to lead in the coming battle against wickedness on earth. (Revelation 6:3-8; 19:11-16) Since Jesus has now been empowered as the one to conquer in God’s name, it seems reasonable that his Father has told him when the end will come, when he will “complete his conquest.”

    We on earth have not been told that date, so Jesus’ words still apply to us: “Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. . . . What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch.”—Mark 13:33-37.


    For more about Armageddon see my other post:


    For more about Jesus Christ see my other post here:


  5. Austin Cooper's work for the us bureau of mines helped make coal mining safer for miners in Western Pennsylvania and around the world.

    Mr.. Cooper worked as a physical scientist with the now deceased agency at a time when he operated an experimental mine in South Park, where he carried out controlled experiments on the combustibility of coal dust.

    Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at 7.50.22 AM.png

    "my dad helped the mines be safer", said his son, Peter. "the research they made changed the coal industry for men".

    Mr.. Cooper worked with other scientists abroad and was co-author of books on mining safety with scientists from other countries, he said.

    Austin R. Cooper: From Greensburg, previously from Mcmurray, he died on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at the hospital excela health westmoreland in Greensburg. He was 97 years old.

    Born on August 18, 1920 in Washington, Pennsylvania, he was the son of the deceased Roman Cooper and Esther (Johnston) Cooper. He graduated from East Washington high school and attended Knoxville college in Tennessee.

    After his service in the navy, he went to work for the mine office. He investigated in the Pittsburgh experimental mine on explosive properties of dust, hydraulic fluid and other mining products, said Peter Cooper.

    "he took us there when they were children and showed us how even common household products, under appropriate conditions, can be explosives", he said.

    Mr.. Cooper testified as an expert witness in several trials, including one that involved a woman who was burned while heating carnation milk on a stove, he said.

    He retired in 1984 after 40 years with the office, which was closed in 1996.

    Mr.. Cooper was also a devoted Jehovah's witness who became when he was young and remained active in the Hall Kingdom Hall until his death.

    In 1963, he participated in the Jehovah's world witness assembly, a travelling convention that began in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and visited some 18 countries before returning to the United States.

    " the goal was to show the International Brotherhood (of Jehovah's witnesses). They welcomed these delegates from all over the world. The purpose was to build unity and show how the teaching of Jehovah's witnesses was the same ", he said.

    Mr.. Cooper met his wife, Maureen, from Edinburgh, Scotland, while attending a Jehovah's witness convention at Wembley stadium in London.

    "they responded, and she came to America", said her son.

    Mr.. Cooper was preceded by death by a brother and three sisters.

    He's survived by his 66-Year-old wife Maureen H. (Christie) Cooper; four children, Austin Cooper Jr. And his wife, Valerie, from Greensburg, James Cooper and his wife, Beth, from Irwin, Jonathan M. Cooper, from Greensburg, and Peter Cooper and his wife, Debra, from Jeannette; 12 grandchildren; nine great grandchildren; a sister; and a brother


  6. After Metro's disclosure of Jehovah's Witnesses: The police are launching a preliminary investigation into hatred against people

    Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 8.54.08 PM.png

    At a gathering at the Stockholm Fair, Jehovah's Witnesses showed films with anti-hbtq messages. Now the police have launched a preliminary investigation into suspected hatred against people.


    On Sunday, Jehovah's Witnesses showed several films during their gathering at the Stockholm Fair, which is part of the City of Stockholm. In one of the films, strong distance from hbtq people is taken. In total there were about 8,000 people in the audience during the event, hundreds of them were children.

    According to the Norwegian Media Council, which has the task of setting the age limits for films to be shown to children under the age of 15, the event fulfilled the criteria for a "general gathering" and the films would, by law, have an age limit set by the authority.

    But the films were never sent to the state media council and a police announcement of the incident was received on the weekend. The police now confirm that they have initiated a preliminary investigation.

    Two crime suspicions

    - The one is about the films that have been shown and we investigate two suspected crimes. Both showing films for children under the age of 15, but also suspected people's groups about a movie that should be about hbtq issues, "says Sara Isaksson, investigator at the police's Democracy and Hate Breach Group.


    Right now the police are collecting evidence and information about what has happened. Among other things, the police want to get the movie about hbtq questions.

    "D plays a big part in the content of the film, and it is noted that there is a contradiction to homosexuals," says Sara Isaksson.

    As of May 22, the Norwegian Media Council sent an email to the Stockholm police where they wrote that they suspected that there would be violations of law during the event. Sara Isaksson can not answer why the police did not respond to the tip.

    "You are difficult to answer what you made for decisions there," she says.

    This weekend, Jehovah's Witnesses have a new gathering in Malmö with the same program as in Stockholm.

    Available from the fair

    Over the past four years, Jehovah's Witnesses have had their annual gathering at the Stockholm Fair. But the weekend's events may have been the last.

    - There should be no activity at the Stockholm Fair which is incompatible with legislation. If that has been done, then it's regrettable, says Thomas Andersson, vice president at Stockholms Stadshus AB.

    Will Jehovah's Witnesses get the Stockholm Stock Exchange again?

    - There may be no activities that violate the law at the fair. We will see what the investigation shows, says Thomas Andersson.

    Google Translate


  7. Lyrics to the July JW Broadcast song: (compliments of Brother Chew)^_^


    I'm Not Alone

    Abandoned and betrayed, 
    Forsaken and alone, 
    Despair my one companion, 
    My heart within me like a stone 
    With no one here for me, 
    No kindly word of care, 
    WhoÂ’ll offer consolation?
    My heavy burden, who can share?

    I’m not alone; I never was. I’ll never be, 
    And all because Jehovah knows; Jehovah sees.
    He hears my prayer; HeÂ’s here with me.
    Whatever comes my way, IÂ’m never alone.

    Whatever I may lose 
    By sticking close to you, 
    No matter who may fail me, 
    I know youÂ’ll never be untrue.
    You’re close to me, O God, 
    And never far away.
    My faith, my hope, reliance?
    — I know you never will betray.

    I’m not alone; I never was. I’ll never be, 
    And all because Jehovah knows; Jehovah sees.
    He hears my prayer; HeÂ’s here with me.
    Whatever comes my way, IÂ’m never alone.

    I never was. I’ll never be, 
    And all because Jehovah knows; Jehovah sees.
    He hears my prayer; HeÂ’s here with me.
    Whatever comes my way, IÂ’m never alone.

    Lyrics to JW Broadcast Original Songs from October 2014 through July 2018 can be found here: 


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