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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Yeartext: Olin Moyle became the lawyer for the WTBTS this year Watchtower The Golden Age Yearbook etc.... Calendar of Jehovah God Loyalty Letter from J.F. Rutherford to the Anointed Government Hiding the Truth - Why? Prince of Peace - Door to Door Record The Great Multitude - Talk by JF Rutherford Part of the:
  2. 167-178-FillTheEarth.mp3 "Fill the Earth," by Judge Rutherford. Audio lecture by J.F. "Judge" Rutherford given on September 10, 1938 from London, England. Rutherford was president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses). Discusses the propriety of marriage now and childbirth after Armageddon. PDF of booklet containing this lecture is also available. Part of the archive: Â
  3. ‘Fear not; for the battle is GodÂ’sÂ’ -2 Chron. 20: 15 w-E * Watchtower or w-E * The Watch Towerg-E * Consolationyb-38E * Year Book of JehovahÂ’s Witnessesextra : g-E * CONSOLATION (October, 19, 1938 Vol.XX n°498)INFORMANTcu * Cureff * Face the Factswa * WarningFreedom or Romanism - J.F. Rutherford Freedom - J.F. Rutherford (Talk) Fascism or Freedom? - J.F. Rutherford (Talk) Fill The Earth - J.F. Rutherford (Talk)Supplement to Consolation: Report of the Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses for the Northwest: - J.F. RutherfordResolution against the "Roman Catholic Hierarchy" taken in Seattle, WA - Narrated by Grant SuiterThe Messenger - J.F. RutherfordThe following brother wrote this book after a schism with Rutherford and leaving WT. He ran the UK office and was a follower of Charles Taze Russell.Epiphany Studies in the Scriptures by P.S.L. Johnson   Part of the archive: Â
  4. “But they shall not prevail against thee.” Jer 1:19[September], Germany as the KING OF THE NORTH begins World War II by attacking and defeating Poland. [LEAGUE OF NATIONS ceases as a world-peace organization.] KING OF THE NORTH strives for world domination, in an effort to re-establish the "Holy Roman Empire." See yw pgs. 220-63, also re pgs. 186-98, also bf pg. 561. ["Principle Events in 1939.-- ... on 1 September, at the outbreak of the war, Egypt proclaimed emergency measures. The following day German nationals were asked to leave the country and to return to Germany." (The Encyclopedia Americana, 1940 Annual, pg. 259b, par. 2) Egypt, though not declaring war on Germany and Italy, played a vital role as the base from which Britain and its allies could launch a campaign against the Italian and German forces. Throughout July and August of 1940, British planes bombed the Fascist Italian base at Tobruk, Libya; and Italian planes bombed the British bases at Mersa Matruh and Alexandria, Egypt, demilitarized the French warships in that port rather than risk a battle with the British Mediterranean Fleet.--Ibidem, 1941 Annual pg. 233.]1939 Talksw-E * Watchtower or w-E * The Watch TowerThe Watchtower Announcing JehovahÂ’s Kingdom (title change, March 1, 1939)The Watchtower and Herald of ChristÂ’s Kingdom (title and cover change, January 1, 1939)g-E * Consolationyb-39E Year Book of JehovahÂ’s WitnessesINFORMANTfm39 * Fascism or Freedom - J.F. Rutherfordgp * Government and Peacene * Neutrality - J.F. Rutherfords * Salvation (J.F. Rutherford)Advice for Kingdom Publishers: - J.F. RutherfordFascism or Freedom:Kingdom News No. 4 - July 1939Kingdom News No. 10 (Life in the New Earth Under New Heavens)Liberty to Preach-Olin R. MoyleModel Study No. 2 - J.F. RutherfordOrder of Trial - J.F. RutherfordTalks:Religion is a Snare and a Racket?  Part of the: Â
  5. “Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.” Obadiah 1 w-E * Watchtower g-E * Golden Age (title change to Consolation, October 6, 1937 to July 31, 1946) (Later to be changed to Awake!)yb-37E * Year Book of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses INFORMANTar * Armageddonco * Uncovereden * Enemies (J.F. Rutherford)sa37 * SafetyChristianity Is Not Free in Lagrange, GeorgiaIntroducing the Kingdom Message in Your Language: - J.F. RutherfordModel Study No. 1 - J.F. Rutherford?  Part of the: If you have any of the PDF's I am missing above please post them as a reply below. Thx.
  6. 1937 Enemies.mp3 In 1937 the Organisation had many people condemning people to death saying they will die and remain dead at Armageddon forever. The speaker advised this is a dogmatic answer and not what the scriptures revealed. The organisation at that time believed that they would only survive Armageddon by identifying themselves as god only chosen christen organisation, and they are part of the hidden class to be cared and not destroyed at Armageddon. They mentioned during Armageddon the ones who reject god during Armageddon will be destroyed and remain dead and they are part of the goat class. But there is also millions that will die in Armageddon and will be awaked out of death and given an opportunity to obey the lord and live. He concludes that "life is the gift of god through Jesus Christ our lord and is given to those that hear love obey and serve god"
  7. Do you recall being in there when they had a rodeo town set up, with hootin and a howlin' country line dancing?? (2014 International Convention PARTY) people were dancing up and down the isles...
  8. @Melinda Mills Won't like it that no one is wearing life jackets. ?  36425058_233629964096432_3122772396235292672_n.mp4
  9. In CANADA to help maintain the Kingdom Halls. It's a privilege to take care of Jehovah's house! via @Jose Antonio
  10. @JW Insider What was the official name for these in English back then? We should tag recordings of these correctly when they eventually get posted here.
  11. They comb through old Watchtowers, going back as far as 130 years. They take whatever suits their purpose and ignore the rest. They rip quotes out of their context, attempting to make it look as though they say much more than they actually meant. Why do they do it? They do it because it is their job to do it! In short, they are far from being an objective source of information. Frankly, few Jehovah's Witnesses are likely to be taken in by such chicanery. It is easy to detect an agenda behind this type of mudslinging. Just about anyone who wanted to believe it has already done so. And as for the rest of us, what hasn't killed us has made us stronger. But we should not reject a person’s criticism simply because we feel it is wrongly motivated. Prejudiced and hate-filled people can sometimes be at least partially right. As Christians, we should be discerning, remembering the admonition of the proverb, “anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word.” (Proverbs 14:15) With that in mind, let us examine the assertions commonly made in anti-Witness literature concerning the Witnesses’ alleged “false prophecies”. Taken Out of Context We have not the gift of prophecy Zion's Watch Tower, July 1883. The standard technique of critics appears to be to present a list of alleged “false prophecies”, the longer the better. There are dozens of such lists on the Internet. These take the form of quotations from The Watchtower and other Witness publications. Whereas the majority of the quotes themselves are accurate, the context in which they were presented - both the immediate context of the printed page and the historical context - is omitted. Selective quotations ensure that anything that gives the impression of certainty is usually included, whereas any cautionary statements are omitted. We are not for a moment denying that the publications - in particular the earlier ones - have at times published information that was speculative in nature and turned out to be mistaken. But the fact is that, for each of the dates commonly touted by critics as ‘false prophecies’ (1874, 1914, 1925, 1975), Watch Tower publications had published cautionary statements to the effect that it was by no means certain what would happen. Consider, for example, the following statements, which emphasise that the basis for the conclusions was Bible study not some message from God:[1] With regard to 1874: It should be noted that ‘The Watchtower’ was not published until 1879 and Russell himself did not become aware of the 1874 date until 1876! So it was hardly a matter of a failed prediction. With regard to 1914: : "We are not prophesying; we are merely giving our surmises . . . We do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology. We have merely laid these before you, leaving it for each to exercise his own faith or doubt in respect to them" (emphasis added).[2] With regard to 1925: "The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year."[3] With regard to 1975: ‘What about the year 1975? What is it going to mean, dear friends?’ asked Brother Franz. ‘Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished, with Satan bound, by 1975? It could! It could! All things are possible with God. Does it mean that Babylon the Great is going to go down by 1975? It could. Does it mean that the attack of Gog of Magog is going to be made on Jehovah’s witnesses to wipe them out, then Gog himself will be put out of action? It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975.[4] Charles Taze RussellIt’s obvious, therefore, that the situation was by no means as clear-cut as Watchtower opposers would have us believe. By omitting these more cautionary statements, many of which are in the same articles as the quotations they like to print, enemies of Jehovah’s Witnesses give a misleading picture of events and endeavour to make a suggested interpretation look like a prophecy. Originally posted in this group by @Charles loyal I am just helping him clean up the club structure a little. Enjoy.
  12. Look at the articles I've tagged below with "bees".... ? Enjoy. Is it true that the colony collapse disorder has now disappeared? I read that on Facebook recently.
  13. Witnesses Won't Set Prices For Publications - The Los Angeles Times, 10 Mar 1990 (Page 426).pdf
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