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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Warum fing Renée an, Drogen und Alkohol zu missbrauchen? Und wie gelang es ihm, davon endgültig loszukommen? Quelle
  2. Woher weißt du, ob du schon so weit bist, allein zu wohnen? Quelle
  3. Learn why Renée turned to drugs and alcohol and how he was able to break free from them for good. Source
  4. What questions should you consider before making such an important decision? Source
  5. Découvrez pourquoi Renée a plongé dans la drogue et lÂ’alcool, et comment il sÂ’en est définitivement sorti. la source
  6. Quelles questions devrais-?tu te poser avant de prendre une décision aussi importante ? la source
  7. Découvrez comment des habitants ont réagi à la présence dÂ’une Salle du Royaume dans leur quartier. la source
  8. IN HER chilling memoir of Stalin’s Great Terror, Eugenia Ginzburg wrote of the trepidation she felt at night, when “enemies of the people” were often carted off by the secret police. “The windows of our bedroom faced the street and cars drove past all the time,” she wrote. “And how we listened in fear and trembling when it seemed as though one of them might be pulling up in front of our house.” That was 1937. Now, more than seven decades later, midnight knocks on the door are being heard again in arrests of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. Last year, the Russian Supreme Court declared the group “extremist ” and banned it from operating on Russian territory. There are 175,000 people professing the faith in Russia today. They report that 17 members are being held in pretrial detention in 11 regions. The arrest “always happens in the evening or at night when people are sleeping and the effect of surprise is most effective,” Yaroslav Sivulsky, a member of the European Association of JehovahÂ’s Christian Witnesses, told Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. “Sometimes security forces have discovered ahead of time where small gatherings of friends are being held, literally three to five people. Apparently, their telephones are being monitored or they are being followed.” On May 30, officers of the Federal Security Service, known as the FSB, a successor to the Soviet KGB, knocked on the door of Tatyana and Konstantin Petrov in Magadan, in the Far East. A womanÂ’s voice said the electric company needed to read the meter. When Mr. Petrov opened the door, officers rushed in, wrestled him to the floor and took him away. On June 14, a Magadan court confirmed Mr. PetrovÂ’s detention on charges of “fomenting hatred or enmity on the basis of sex, race, nationality or religion.” Ms. Petrova said they had helped organize a JehovahÂ’s Witnesses gathering in a local hotel. “As usual at those meetings, we discussed the Bible,” she said. “That is the crime that they are accusing my husband of.” Ms. Petrova is one of at least 10 wives of those arrested who have written an anguished open letter to President Vladi­mir PutinÂ’s Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, “a cry of desperation,” as they put it, warning: “A campaign of terror has been unleashed against an entire religion, one of the largest Christian religions in Russia.” They write that investigators are demanding that members disavow their faith — or face prosecution. “But we cannot stop believing in God.” The JehovahÂ’s Witnesses are not extremists. They refuse subservience to the state; they refuse military service, do not vote and view God as the only true leader. Now, as in Soviet times, they are victims of Mr. PutinÂ’s authoritarianism. As the World Cup captivates spectators around the globe with stadium matches in the Russian provinces, it is important to remember that, under the cover of darkness, people are being arrested and jailed for reading the Bible. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/while-we-watch-the-world-cup-russians-are-being-jailed-for-reading-the-bible/2018/06/19/71529dfc-7312-11e8-9780-b1dd6a09b549_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6d595c3d3156
  9. Como puede observarse, la ultima canción de la asamblea regional 2018, es cantada por los hermanos a pesar de desconocer la letra y la música hasta ese preciso momento  Â
  10. This is from the March 15, 1975 issue of The Watchtower: "Similarly, in some cases a fertilized ovum implants and begins to grow in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. Such a tubal ectopic pregnancy cannot develop fully in this small tube; in time it will terminate with the rupture of the tube and the death of the embryo. If this condition is detected in advance, doctors usually treat it by removing the affected fallopian tube before it ruptures. A Christian woman with a tubal pregnancy can decide whether to accept this operation. Normally she undoubtedly would be willing to face any risks of pregnancy so that her child could live. But with a tubal pregnancy she faces a grave risk while there is no possibility that the embryo can continue to live and a child be born."
  11. “Comfort all that mourn.” Isa 61:2 I need a new list of publications for this year. It was lost during the transition sadly. Here is what I have recompiled up to now. If you find something more or have a PDF copy of any of these please reply below.  ------------------------------------------------- Year Book of the International Bible Students Association Watchtower The Golden Age Comfort for the Jews Comfort for the People Our Lord's Return The Watchtower Radio Stations, WORD & WBBR Message of Hope  Â
  12. Shared by @craigcarsoneaView the full article
  13. I keep looking at Amazon to see when these will become available: LOL View the full article
  14. Investigators and special police forces raided and searched the homes of several Jehovah’s Witnesses. These five Christian women recount how the raids personally affected them. Source
  15. Gilead graduation week is always a fun one at Bethel. We have a special meal on Wednesday and then all the guests start arriving for the graduation program on Saturday. It was spectacular, and we had a great time with Ace's friends from the West Coast. View the full article
  16. Shirley's AlbumView the full article
  17. Learn how neighbors reacted to having a Kingdom Hall in their neighborhood. Source
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