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The Librarian

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  1. Will someone that knows Christine personally please set up a GoFundMe page for her and then place a link to it below? Thank you in advance
  2. SCC rules courts have limited power to review fairness of decisions of voluntary associations The Lawyer's Daily The elders' decision required Jehovah's Witnesses, including Wall's wife and children, to shun him. As a real estate agent, his potential income was ... Jehovah's Witnesses win right at top court to shun a church member iPolitics.ca Randy Wall of Calgary has lost his case at the Supreme Court of Canada against his own church – the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's ... Religious groups 'free to determine' membership, rules: Supreme Court - The Globe and Mail Jehovah's Witness expelled from Calgary congregation can't take his case to a judge: Supreme Court - Toronto Star Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Judicial Committee) v. Wall Lexum Between: Judicial Committee of the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Vaughn Lee — Chairman and Elders James Scott Lang and ... Courts have no jurisdiction on private religious matters, Supreme Court rules The Catholic Register The decision involving the case of a man who was expelled from his Jehovah's Witness congregation is being hailed as a victory for religious freedom ... Media Release: The EFC and CCRL welcome Supreme Court decision in Wall case - Wire Service Canada (press release)
  3. OTTAWA -- The Supreme Court of Canada says a Jehovah's Witness who was expelled from his Calgary congregation cannot take his case to a judge. In a decision today, the high court says the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench has no jurisdiction to review the congregation's decision to shun Randy Wall over alleged drunkenness and verbal abuse. Several religious organizations took an active interest in the case, given questions about the degree to which the courts can review such decisions by faith-based bodies. Wall, an independent realtor, was summoned in 2014 to appear before the judicial committee of the Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, a four-person panel of elders. He admitted to two episodes of drunkenness and, on one of those occasions, verbally abusing his wife -- wrongdoing he attributed to family stress over the earlier expulsion of his 15-year old daughter from the congregation. The judicial committee told Wall that he, too, would be expelled because he was not sufficiently repentant. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/jehovah-s-witness-cannot-appeal-expulsion-to-a-judge-supreme-court-1.3953336
  4. The estate of deceased music legend Michael Jackson has filed a lawsuit against ABC and Disney over the special “The Last Days of Michael Jackson.” The suit, filed in federal court in California on Wednesday, alleges copyright infringement. The suit says that the plaintiffs — identified as “various companies that comprise a part of the Estate of Michael Jackson –were “genuinely shocked” when they watched the special on March 24. Also Read: Michael Jackson Estate Calls ABC News Special 'Another Crass and Unauthorized Attempt to Exploit' His Legacy Calling the special “a mediocre look back at Michael JacksonÂ’s life and entertainment career,” the suit accuses Disney of swiping the estateÂ’s intellectual property. “Unable to make a compelling presentation about Michael Jackson on its own, Disney decided to exploit the Jackson EstateÂ’s intellectual property without permission or obtaining a license for its use. After all, there is always a healthy audience for Michael JacksonÂ’s timeless music, his ground-breaking videos, and footage of his unforgettable live performances. Why not just use Michael JacksonÂ’s works if one can get advertisers to buy time on the program? But in order to use these valuable assets, a license must be obtained for it by the Estate,” the suit reads. The suit continues, “Like Disney, the lifeblood of the EstateÂ’s business is its intellectual property. Yet for some reason, Disney decided it could just use the EstateÂ’s most valuable intellectual property for free. Apparently, DisneyÂ’s passion for the copyright laws disappears when it doesnÂ’t involve its own intellectual property and it sees an opportunity to profit off of someone elseÂ’s intellectual property without permission or payment. The extent of DisneyÂ’s use of the EstateÂ’s intellectual property in The Last Days of Michael Jackson is truly astounding.” Among the allegedly infringed-on property: substantial portions of Jackson hits including “Billy Jean,” Beat It” and “DonÂ’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough,” as well as extensive parts of Jackson music videos including “Thriller” and “Black or White.” According to the suit, JacksonÂ’s estate reached out regarding the Jackson material, and was told by a Disney attorney that the material fell under “fair use” because the program was a documentary, a stance that the suit calls “patently absurd”: “Even setting aside DisneyÂ’s blatant hypocrisy given its notorious history regarding third party uses of its own copyrights, DisneyÂ’s argument here is one that would probably make even the founders of Napster pause.” Prior to the airing of the special, the Estate publicly, calling it “another crass and unauthorized attempt to exploit the life, music and image of Michael Jackson without respect for MichaelÂ’s legacy, intellectual property rights or his children.” The estate also noted that “ABC intends to use music and other intellectual property owned by the Estate such as photos, logos, artwork, and more in the program itself, without having licensed the rights to any such material.” However, a spokesperson for the ABC News denied that the contents of the special infringe on their rights. “ABC NewsÂ’ documentary explores the life, career and legacy of Michael Jackson, who remains of great interest to people worldwide. The program does not infringe on his estateÂ’s rights, but as a courtesy, we removed a specific image from the promotional material.” An ABC News spokesperson reiterated that stance when contacted by TheWrap for comment on WednesdayÂ’s lawsuit. : “We have not yet had an opportunity to review the complaint,” the spokesperson said. “The ABC NewsÂ’ documentary explored the life, career and legacy of Michael Jackson, who remains of great interest to people worldwide, and did not infringe on his estateÂ’s rights.” https://www.thewrap.com/michael-jacksons-estate-sues-disney-abc-over-the-last-days-special/
  5. Arkadya Akopyan, a 70-year-old retired tailor and a Witness, is an innocent, law-abiding citizen who merely wants to worship God in peace. Source
  6. Early Christians worked hard to make disciples of people of all nations. The Bible book of Acts can increase your zeal and enthusiasm for the ministry. Source
  7. This issue contains the study articles for October 29 to December 2, 2018 Source
  8. Ce numéro contient les articles d’étude pour la période du 29 octobre au 2 décembre 2018. la source
  9. Die ersten Christen predigten eifrig und machten Jünger aus Menschen aller Nationen. Die Apostelgeschichte kann unseren Eifer und die Begeisterung für den Predigtdienst vergrößern. Quelle
  10. Diese Ausgabe enthält die Studienartikel für den 29. Oktober bis 2. Dezember 2018. Quelle
  11. N’y a-?t-?il quÂ’un seul moyen acceptable de traiter la dépouille dÂ’une personne décédée ? la source
  12. Is there more than one acceptable way of treating the remains of the dead? Source
  13. Cette vidéo destinée au public est mise à la disposition des chaînes de télévision du monde entier qui souhaiteraient la diffuser. la source
  14. Gibt es gemäß der Bibel mehr als nur eine würdige Art der Bestattung? Quelle
  15. When the Chinese killed off all the sparrows God made them pay with their lives. 30 million Chinese died as a result. See the story here:
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