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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Dieses Verzeichnis zeigt die 66 Bücher der Bibel in der Reihenfolge, in der sie in den meisten Bibelübersetzungen erscheinen. Es folgen aufeinander: Name des Bibelbuches, Kapitel und Vers. Quelle
  2. Habtemichael Tesfamariam und Habtemichael Mekonen starben Anfang 2018 im Gefängnis Mai Serwa. Beide waren wegen ihres Glaubens unrechtmäßig inhaftiert und litten fast 10 Jahre unter unmenschlichen Haftbedingungen und Misshandlungen. Quelle
  3. Now that Russian authorities have liquidated the legal entities of Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are turning their attack on the Witnesses and their worship. Source
  4. Avant cet évènement, les Témoins du monde entier participeront à une campagne pour inviter le grand public à assister au programme. LÂ’entrée sera libre. la source
  5. Appeal to begin in Saint Petersburg City Court against a ruling to confiscate Jehovah’s WitnessesÂ’ former national office in Russia. Source
  6. Prior to the event, Witnesses around the world will participate in a global campaign to invite the general public to attend the program free of charge. Source
  7. Donner libre cours à votre colère peut nuire à votre santé. Mais la contenir peut aussi être néfaste. Donc, que pouvez-?vous faire quand votre conjoint vous irrite ? la source
  8. Dem Ärger freien Lauf zu lassen kann der Gesundheit ebenso schaden wie den Zorn zu unterdrücken. Was kann helfen, wenn man sich mal wieder über den Ehepartner aufregt? Quelle
  9. Nursultan Nasarbajew, der Präsident von Kasachstan, hat Tejmur Achmedow begnadigt, der über ein Jahr in Haft war. Er hatte mit anderen über seinen Glauben gesprochen. Quelle
  10. Giving in to anger can damage your health, but so can suppressing your anger. So what can you do when your mate really annoys you? Source
  11. Habtemichael Tesfamariam and Habtemichael Mekonen died in the Mai Serwa Prison in early 2018. Both were unjustly imprisoned for their faith and suffered through nearly a decade of inhumane prison conditions and mistreatment. Source
  12. A pregnant Kenya Moore has decided to debut her look-alike sister, Lisa, on Instagram. Over the weekend, Kenya returned to her native Detroit, Michigan and she opted to spend some time with her family. While at home, Marc Daly’s wife and her beautiful sister wore matching coats as they focused on their relationships with God — well, in that case, Jehovah. The star of the hit Bravo reality series the Real Housewives of Atlanta explained that she took the photo at the Kingdom Hall of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses with Lisa. Many fans complimented Kenya on having a sister who also looks like a beauty queen. However, the post also started a lengthy and heated debate on whether or not the religious group is a cult. A person said: “According to WebsterÂ’s Dictionary a cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. While attending a meeting, assemblies, and regional conventions, I have never been told to direct any devotion to a particular figure or object. I have always been direct to the John 17:3.” Another commenter shared: “So many ridiculous comments from one beautiful post with her sister. I wish people had better home training. Geeze. The Bible says that unrepentant sinners be removed at 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. This is necessary for at least three reasons: (1) to keep JehovahÂ’s name free from reproach, (2) to protect the congregation from contamination, and (3) to help the sinner come to repentance if possible.” A third fan had this to say: “I am so happy for u and proud of u Kenya! I have the hate you have gotten thru the years and the way others treat u on RhoA so badly yet u stay beautiful resilient and amazingly cool. Keep doing u.I SEE U. AND IM PRAYING FOR YOU AND YOURS! See you do not know. We do not want heaven thatÂ’s a false Christianity thing. Why do you want parts of Pagan celebrations? The true origins of those celebrations do not have any Godly foundationÂ…. But I guess you know or whatever.” Kenya, who is set to give birth to a baby girl later this year, turned off the comments for the post. http://celebrityinsider.org/kenya-moore-debuts-look-alike-sister-lisa-on-instagram-photo-at-jehovahs-witnesses-temple-sparks-reactions-138912/
  13. Des Témoins de Jéhovah du Malawi parlent de leur participation à la récente campagne de lettres en faveur de leurs coreligionnaires de Russie. la source
  14. Pourquoi ce titre convient-?il à celui qui le porte ? la source
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