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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. 20180325T1850-67-CNS-POPE-PALM-SUNDAY.jpg

    "The Holy Father is aware of the findings of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which he takes seriously".

    The pope was interviewed by Eugenio Scalfari, a veteran Italian journalist and atheist who regularly muses about faith and religion, and enjoys access to the leader of the Catholic Church.

    "Reconciliation is not just between government and Indigenous Peoples, it's between non-Indigenous Canadians and Indigenous Peoples as well", Trudeau said.

    Pope Francis will not apologize to survivors of Canada's Indian residential schoolsfor the role the Roman Catholic church played in operating the institutions or the abuses suffered there.

    Controversy surrounded the Vatican and Pope Francis after an interview was released in which the Pope allegedly claimed there was no hell and people who die without knowing Christ simply "disappear". During his private audience, Trudeau encouraged the pontiff to consider making a formal apology to residential school survivors and their families in the spirit of reconciliation.

    A papal apology was one of the 94 recommendations from a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Canada, and the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, had also asked the pope to apologize during a visit to the Vatican previous year. But, on Tuesday, it was officially denied.

    Instead, he wrote, the Pope encouraged the bishops "to continue to engage in an extensive pastoral work of reconciliation, healing and solidarity with the Indigenous peoples".

    On Thursday the Holy See stated that a reported interview between Pope Francis and an Italian journalist, which claims the Pope denied the existence of hell, should not be considered an accurate depiction of Francis' words, but the author's own "reconstruction". Certain heretical offshoots of Christianity, like Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians and Seventh Day Adventists adhere to the Annihilation of Souls theology, but Catholics, the Orthodox Church and most Protestant denominations reject the idea.

    The commission recommended an apology similar to that offered by the Pope to Irish victims of sexual abuse in 2010.

    Sen. Murray Sinclair, the former head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, said a lack of apology could interfere with the healing process. "It was like a driver of a vehicle indicating that he was sorry that somebody had been injured", he said, "but not taking responsibility for the fact that he was driving the auto that had injured" the person.

    Trudeau has "done what was asked of him", Sinclair told HuffPost Canada on Wednesday, adding he doesn't expect the prime minister to ask the Pope to reconsider.

    Bishop Mark Hagemoen's comments come on the heels of the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops putting out a letter stating Pope Francis can't issue an apology for residential schools. "Before you can really heal, people have to acknowledge the truth in what happened". Nearly two-thirds of the 130 schools were run by the Catholic Church.


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