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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Vous serez peut-être surpris dÂ’apprendre dans quels métiers elles excellent. la source
  2. Die laufenden Hilfsmaßnahmen zur Unterstützung betroffener Zeugen Jehovas sind voraussichtlich im Juni 2018 abgeschlossen. Quelle
  3. Government census bureaus often determine their figures by asking people which religious group they identify themselves with. For example, the U.S. Census Bureau states that their surveys “sought to determine whether the respondents regarded themselves as adherents of a religious community,” adding that the resulting figures are “subjective rather than objective.” By contrast, we count as Jehovah’s Witnesses only those who preach to others and who report that activity, not those who merely identify themselves as Witnesses.
  4. Although we do not include such ones in the number of Witnesses, we welcome them in our congregations. Most of them attend the annual Memorial of Christ’s death, so the number of such ones can be roughly determined by the difference between the attendance at this meeting and the number of Witnesses. In 2015, the attendance at the Memorial was 19,862,783. Many who do not attend our meetings benefit from our free home Bible study program. During 2015, we conducted an average of 9,708,968Bible studies each month, some of which were held with several individuals at the same time.
  5. Each month, Witnesses report their preaching activity to their local congregation. This report is made voluntarily. Congregation reports are tabulated, and the totals are sent to the local branch office. The branch sends the totals for each country or territory to our world headquarters. At the end of every service year, * the peak number of Witnesses for each land during that year is determined. These figures are added together to determine the number of Witnesses worldwide. Detailed reports for each country, including experiences from the preaching work, are published in the Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses. These reports encourage us, just as similar reports encouraged the early Christians.—Acts 2:41; 4:4; 15:3.
  6. No. Donations have no relevance as to whether a person is counted as a Witness or has any particular assignment or privilege in our organization. (Acts 8:18-20) In fact, most donations are made anonymously. Each Witness donates his time, energy, and resources to our worldwide work according to his own desire and circumstances.—2 Corinthians 9:7.
  7. We count as Jehovah’s Witnesses only those who are actively preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom each month. (Matthew 24:14) This includes those who have been baptized as Witnesses as well as those who, though not yet baptized, qualify to share in the preaching work.
  8. Für Gottesdienste treffen sich Jehovas Zeugen zweimal in der Woche in sogenannten Königreichssälen. Was passiert dort? Und was bringt dir der Besuch dieser Zusammenkünfte? Quelle
  9. Twice each week Jehovah’s Witnesses hold meetings in their places of worship, called Kingdom Halls. What goes on there, and how can you benefit by attending? Source
  10. Toi aussi, tu peux parler de la bonne nouvelle du Royaume ! la source
  11. Deux fois par semaine, les Témoins de Jéhovah tiennent des réunions dans leurs lieux de culte, appelés Salles du Royaume. Que sÂ’y passe-?t-?il, et quÂ’est-?ce que ces réunions peuvent tÂ’apporter ? la source
  12. Les opérations de secours en faveur des Témoins de Jéhovah sinistrés devraient sÂ’achever en juin 2018. la source
  13. “In unity I shall set them, like a flock in the pen.”—Mic. 2:12.At the "United Worshippers" District Assembly in the Yankee Stadium, the president of the Watch Tower Society released the revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, in one volume on June 23rd. Assemblies also held in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Denmark, Britain, El Salvador, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, the Philippines, and Zambia. [851,378 publishers with 179 countries reporting in 1960, 6% increase over the 1959 service year, 21,008 congregations.] see w61 vol., pgs. 20-22.1961 Watchtowerg-E * Awake or g-E * Awake / Link # 3yb * Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnessesbd * Blood, Medicine and the Law of Godbi12-61 * New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (1961 revision)ns * “Let Your Name Be Sanctified”nu * When All Nations Unite Under GodÂ’s KingdomKingdom Service QuestionsSermon OutlinesThird assembly of the World Council of Churches is held in New Delhi, India, Nov. 18-Dec. 6th., the Russian Orthodox Church applies and is made a member of the World Council. The council membership now includes 196-church bodies. See bf pg. 491.    Part of the:  Â
  14. 1974 Special Meetings Armageddon was just around the corner in 1974. At the District Conventions that year, it was announced that there would be two special meetings during the month of September; one would be for interested people (e.g., Bible studies, family members, inactive, etc.), and the other would be for baptized publishers. These were to be held in place of the Service Meetings for the two weeks, IIRC. In the September KM, there were two letters provided that would be handed out to the attenders at each meeting. This provision was intended to seal in our minds the closeness of Armageddon. It was hoped that people who had been hanging onto the org without making a commitment would now 'get off the pot,' as it were, and that those already in the org would work ever harder trying to get people saved before Armageddon hit, any minute now. Anyway, I was digging through some old JW stuff a few days ago and found copies of the letters. Thought you folks might enjoy reading them. - Contributed 1974 Letter To All Dedicated Servants of Jehovah 1974 A Letter from People Who Care
  15. “Although the fig tree itself may not blossom, . . . I will exult in Jehovah himself.”—Hab. 3:17, 18."Divine Purpose" District Assemblies held in the United States, Canada, British Isles, Chile, and Columbia. [1,656,673 publishers with 206 countries reporting in 1973, 3.8% increase over the 1972 service year, 31,850 congregations.] see w74 vol., pgs. 27-30.1974 Talksyb74-E Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnessesw-E * Watchtowerg-E * Awakehu * Human Plans Failing as GodÂ’s Purpose Succeeds (1974), tie-in from eponymous 1974 convention discoursepo * GodÂ’s “Eternal Purpose” Now Triumphing for ManÂ’s Goodts * Is This Life All There Is?Dwelling Together in Unity (revised)1974 Special MeetingsTalks  Part of the: Â
  16. Jehovas Zeugen besuchen die Bewohner von Alten- und Pflege­einrichtungen in Australien. Quelle
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