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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. The Watch Tower Society began broadcasting over its own radio station, WBBR, from Staten Island, New York city, on February 24, 1924; additional stations were later created or acquired throughout the US, and arrangements were made for the network of stations to broadcast talks Old Watchtower WBBR recordings Our Daily Warfare 113 - Song - Rock of Ages Our Daily Warfare - Watch Tower Male Quartet Holy, Holy, Holy - Watch Tower Male Quartet (Fred Franz as second tenor) Oh, Be Joyful in The Lord - Another of the songs performed in the early days of WBBR by the brothers that formed the Watch Tower Male Quartet. On The Rock of Ages as sang on WBBR by the Watchtower Male Quartet. (Fred Franz as second tenor) This is not the popular song from Christendom Rock of Ages, as you will note a distinct difference in lyrics!! Oh, Sing Unto the Lord! - Watch Tower Male Quartet… Another of the songs performed in the early days of WBBR by the brothers that formed the Watch Tower Male Quartet. (Fred Franz as second tenor) Take Sides With Jehovah - still in our theocratic songbook (different words), as sang on WBBR by the Watchtower Male Quartet, (Fred Franz as second tenor) High in the heavensAnother of the songs performed in the early days of WBBR by the brothers that formed the Watch Tower Male Quartet. (Fred Franz as second tenor) Caprice Viennois (Kreisler) organ instrumental featuring Sister Edith White playing the Watchtower Organ. If you find any of the above recordings please post a copy below. Thanks.
  2. Welcome! I would love to hear and see more about our brothers in India. Please post some news and photos when you get a chance. And don't forget to add yourself to our member map when you get a chance.


  3. Warum haben Zeugen Jehovas eine zweimonatige Aktion im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Tabasco organisiert? Welche Ergebnisse wurden erzielt? Quelle
  4. Warum haben Zeugen Jehovas eine zweimonatige Aktion im mexikanischen Bundesstaat Tabasco organisiert? Welche Ergebnisse wurden erzielt? Quelle
  5. Program for the 2018 “Be Courageous”! Convention of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. Source
  6. Why did Jehovah’s Witnesses organize a special two-month preaching campaign in the Mexican state of Tabasco? What results did it achieve? Source
  7. Pourquoi les Témoins de Jéhovah ont-?ils organisé une campagne d’évangélisation de deux mois dans l’État mexicain de Tabasco ? Quels résultats ont-?ils obtenus ? la source
  8. La Bible apporte les réponses aux grandes questions de la vie à des millions dÂ’humains dans le monde. Aimeriez-vous les connaître vous aussi ? la source
  9. Les Témoins de Jéhovah seront heureux de vous accueillir à la commémoration de la mort de Jésus Christ, samedi 31 mars 2018. la source
  10. So if Assad defends the Kurds, he's the bad guy. If Assad lets Turkey invade and wipe out the Kurds, he's a bad guy for that too.
  11. What was interesting about the event was that they fired rockets at the statues for 2 days straight And little happened So they went to Pakistan for dynamite type charges Then had to drill into the statues and place the charges to destroy them There were 2
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