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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. How can you choose the best friends possible? Source
  2. Interesting quote: "I am a Free Mason. I am a free and accepted Mason, if I may carry the matter to its full length, because that is what our Masonic brethren like to tell us, that they are free and accepted Masons. That is their style of putting it. Now I am a free and accepted Mason. I trust we all are. But not just after the style of our Masonic brethren. We have no quarrel with them. I am not going to say a word against Free Masons. In fact, some of my very dear friends are Masons, and I can appreciate that there are certain very precious truths that are held in part by our Masonic friends. I have talked to them at times, and they have said, How do you know about all of these things? We thought nobody knew anything about these things except those who had access to our very highest logic. I said that I had been in conference with the Great Master Workman, the Lord himself, and I have secret information through the Holy Spirit and guidance in respect to what the Bible says, and that contains all the truth, I believe, on every subject. And so if we talk to our Masonic friends about the Temple and its meaning, and about being good Masons, and about the Great Pyramid, which is the very emblem they use, and what the Great Pyramid signifies, our Masonic friends are astonished. One who had been a Mason a long time recently bought a lot of books that had the Great Pyramid discussed, and sent them to I am sure a thousand Masons. He paid for them and sent them out at his own expense. He wanted the Masons to see something about the Great Pyramid. He knew they were greatly interested in that. Although I have never been a Mason, I have heard that in Masonry they have something which very closely illustrates all of this. It is in riding the goat, etc. And the Bible calls for the goat, you know. The Bible tells you that your goat, which you have to ride more or less every day, is your own flesh. Our Masonic friends have it down very fine. I do not know where they got it so well. I have often wondered where they found out so many of the secrets of our High and Accepted Order of Masonry. From the time you come in to be a member of the Royal Priesthood." It's from a speech by Russell, as reported in the 1913 Convention Report of the International Bible Students. Download PDF It begins at page 914 via @Space Merchant and @JW Insider
  3. Jehovah’s Witnesses were attacked by a mob and expelled from their homes. They have appealed to legal authorities for relief from this religious persecution. Source
  4. When we lose a loved one in death, what can help us to endure? Source
  5. When we lose a loved one in death, what can help us to endure? Source
  6. Wie kann man mit dem Tod eines lieben Menschen fertigwerden? Quelle
  7. Quand quelqu’un quÂ’on aime meurt, comment peut-?on endurer ? la source
  8. Pouvons-?nous être saints malgré notre imperfection ? la source
  9. Les filiales des Témoins de Jéhovah dressent le bilan de lÂ’aide matérielle et spirituelle apportée à ceux qui ont été touchés par les ouragans Irma et Maria. la source
  10. Une exposition a été organisée dans le complexe Ha Tachana afin de mieux faire connaître les persécutions infligées aux Témoins de Jéhovah par le régime nazi. la source
  11. Go to our website: "www.muos.nu". There you can find all the old songs. You can download the songs in mp3+G-format or in mpg2. Visit : www.muos.nu The songs will be available in: E = English, Z = Svenska/Swedish, D = Dansk/Danish, N = Norsk/Norwegian, FI = Suomalainen/Finnish, X = Deutsch/German, F = Français/French, S = Español/Spanish, T = Portuguese/português, I = Italiano/Italian, SW = Swahili/Kiswahili, LI = Lingala, TG = Tagalog/Filipino, U = Russian/русский, P = Polska/Poland, O = Dutch/Nederlands, Un other link for french new songs (karaoke) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUDYiQxBh3E9-h8P5thP5yMQ No in English now, perhaps later. But on www.muos.nu you have the old songs in English. Sorry
  12. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-it-true-that-the-stren/ It is talking about the strength of the magnetic field showing a declining trend, but also skirts around the issue of what happens if the magnetic field flips. Basically, no one knows if/when it will happen, and what/how it will affect us. Some scientists have speculated that previous mass extinctions happened with the zero magnetic field that occurs before a flip. But all this is conjecture. WORLDWIDE NETWORK of geomagnetic observatories monitors changes in Earth's magnetic field. At most places there has been a general decrease in the strength over the past century, typically ten percent or so. No one can say with any certainty whether this represents a fluctuation or whether it is a decrease which will eventually lead to a reversal. And then you have this headline from the illustrious Daily Star UK https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/678511/Apocalypse-End-of-the-World-Magnetic-Poles-Flip-Scientists-Uninhabitable-Solar-Storm-Field Earth's magnetic poles ‘about to flip’ killing MILLIONS leaving parts ‘uninhabitable'
  13. Notes on door-to-door visits made by members of Jehovah's Witnesses breach EU data privacy law, according to the advocate general of the EU's top court. His finding backs the view of Finland's data protection commission. The Luxembourg-based Advocate General Paolo Mengozzi on Thursday rejected a lawsuit filed by the Jehovah's Witness movement that asserts its members' notes are gathered only individually and do not breach the EU's privacy directive. Instead, the report by the advocate general, whose findings often carry weight in the European Court of Justice, concluded that the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) are centrally organized and the people visited by the group must give permission for note-taking. As evidence, Mengozzi said that prior to the legal dispute the movement had provided printed forms for note-taking to its members. Lawsuit origin in Finland JW brought the case after a Finnish data protection commission ruled that the religious group could only record and process information on people its members spoke to within the confines of EU and Finnish privacy laws. Finnish authorities found that JW members took notes on family members and the religious orientations of those visited without the individuals' permission for use in later visits. Based in the US state of New York, the movement formed in the 19th century and has more than 8 million members worldwide. It preaches door-to-door, seeking to convert "outsiders" to its literal view of the Bible and belief that the end of the world is near. Followers object to military service. During World War Two, members were widely persecuted. Privacy cases frequent Advocate general reports typically provide the basis for rulings by the Luxembourg court. Its verdict on the Finnish case is likely in several months. The court has made a string of rulings on privacy issues, including its dismissal last week of a bid by an Austrian activist to bring a class action against Facebook. In a related 2015 ruling, the court forced the EU and the United States to replace their "Safe Harbor" data sharing arrangement with a new system supposed to better safeguard personal data that firms in the US hold about Europeans. ipj/sms (AFP, dpa, epd, KNA) http://www.dw.com/en/jehovahs-witness-note-taking-challenged-at-eus-top-court/a-42408206
  14. Diese Ausgabe enthält die Studienartikel für den 9. Juli bis 5. August 2018. Quelle
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