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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. Sigala-225x300.jpg

    On January 22, 2018, Joshua Ray Sigala, of Houston, TX, left us with our hearts broken. He was born on December 15, 1993 in Roswell, NM. Josh was raised in Midway, NM, by not only his mother, but also his best friend, Rosella McAlpine and a very special aunt Mary Sigala, and his precious grandmother Tillie Sigala who preceded him in death. He is survived by his step-father Chris McAlpine and step-grandparents Brian and Mary-Susan Merritt, and Travis McAlpine; one step-uncle, Aaron McAlpine and wife Mariam. Family also includes nine uncles, Rumaldo Sigala and wife, SueAnn, Albert Sigala and wife Liz, Alex Sigala and wife Debbie, Andrew Sigala and wife Shirley, Shepie Sigala, Gilbert Sigala, Fermin Sigala and wife Kathy, Daniel Sigala, Robert Sigala and wife Maria; six aunts, Mary Sigala, Josie Cortez and husband Greg, Emily Mayes and husband Doug, Bernice Valenzuela and husband Albert, Andrea Conti and husband Tony, Tina Garcia and husband David. Josh was a gifted child and everyone loved him, especially his cousins.
    Joshua attended Dexter schools and then moved with his parents to Waco, TX, where he attended Rapoport High School, graduating as Valedictorian. He continued his education at University of Texas at Austin. He was proud to be a “Longhorn”. He graduated in 2016 with two degrees in Corporate Finance and English with a minor in Accounting. Josh was a humble individual, despite his many academic abilities. He was offered a job with Alight Solutions in Houston, TX, where he was currently employed. As a teen, he held the same job as a cashier at H-E-B Grocery for over 6 years.
    Joshua attended the Kingdom Hall of JehovahÂ’s Witnesses and loved Jehovah God. We all hope to see him again in paradise. The name he made for himself can only be described by all his family and friends as a humble and meek person who loved everyone. He will be greatly missed by all. So until we see him again, may Jehovah keep him in His memory.
    Service dates and times will be announced at a later date.
    This obituary was lovingly written by JoshuaÂ’s family.


  2. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    By? dawniej pomocnikiem w komisji pisania.

    On jest namaszczony brat w Betel, ?e oko?o 3 lat temu zosta? przydzielony do pisania korespondencji z Urz?dem w Wallkill Bethel.

    On nie jest zorientowany regu?a brat w ogóle. Zdecydowanie osoba, przyjemne brat. Sprawia, ?e ludzie wokó? niego czu? si? zrelaksowany AT ?atwo?ci?.

    Brat kucharz rozpocz?? s?u?b? pioniersk? w dniu 1 wrze?nia 1982 roku i rozpocz??a s?u??c w ameryka?skiej bran?y w dniu 12 pa?dziernika 1984 r.

    By? w Betel ca?e ?ycie widocznie. Bez dzieci. 

    Cia?o Kierownicze jest obecnie sk?ada si? z o?miu namaszczonych braci.

    Wi?cej informacji na temat Cia?a Kierowniczego zobaczy?:


  3. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    ????? ?? ??? ?????????? ? ???????? ??????.

    ?? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ? ?????? , ??? ????? 3 ??? ????? ??????? ???????? Writing ??????????????? ?? ?????? ????? ? Wallkill.

    ?? ?? ??????? ???????????????? ????? ??????. ??????????? ???? ???????, ???????? ????. ?????? ????? ?????? ???? ??????????? ???? ?????????????, ?? ??????? ?????????.

    ???? ??? ????? ??????????? 1 ???????? 1982 ????, ? ????? ??????? ? ??????? ??? 12 ??????? 1984 ????.

    ?? ??? ? ?????? ??? ???? ?????, ????????. ??? ?????. 

    ???????????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ???????.

    ????? ????????? ?????????? ? ??????????? ?????? ??:


  4. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    ????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ???????.

    ????? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ??????? 3 ?????? ????, ???? ???????? ????????? ??????????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ???? Wallkill.

    ????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ???????????????? ?????? ???????. ??????? ??? ??????? ?????????, ??? ????????? ??????. ????? ???? ????????? ???? ??? ?? ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????.

    ??????? Cook ???????? ????????????? ??? 1? ??????????? 1982, ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ???????????? ???????? ????????? ???? 12 ?????????, ?? 1984.

    ???? ?????????? ??? ?????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ????????. ??? ??????. 

    ?? ???????? ???? ??????????? ????? ??? ???? ?????????? ????????.

    ??? ??????????? ??????? ?? ?? ?????????? ????????? ?? ?????:


  5. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    Siya ay dating isang helper sa komite pagsusulat.

    Siya ay isang anoint kapatid sa bethel na tungkol sa 3 taon na ang nakaraan Kaka itinalaga sa Pagsusulat Correspondence mula sa Bethel Office sa Wallkill.

    Siya ay hindi isang panuntunan oriented na kapatid sa lahat. Tiyak na isang tao na tao, isang kaaya-aya na kapatid na lalaki. Gagawa ng mga tao sa paligid sa kanya huwag mag-relaxed na ng sa kagaanan.

    Brother Cook nagsimulang magpayunir noong Setyembre 1, 1982, at nagsimulang maglingkod sa sangay sa Estados Unidos noong Oktubre 12, 1984.

    Siya ay naging sa Bethel ang kanyang buong buhay talaga. Walang anak. 

    Ang Lupong Tagapamahala ngayon ay binubuo ng walong mga pinahirang kapatid.

    Para sa higit pa tungkol sa Lupong tingnan ang:


    via Google Translate

  6. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    Er war früher ein Helfer auf der Schreibausschuss.

    Er ist ein gesalbt Bruder in bethel , die vor etwa 3 Jahren Schreiben Korrespondenz von Bethel Büro in Wallkill zugewiesen wurde.

    Er ist keine Regel orientiert Bruder überhaupt. Auf jeden Fall ein Volk Person, ein angenehmer Bruder. Macht die Menschen um ihn herum entspannt ein wohl fühlen.

    Bruder Koch begann Pionier am 1. September 1982 und begann am 12. Oktober 1984 in den Vereinigten Staaten Zweig dient.

    Er hat offenbar sein ganzes Leben in Bethel gewesen. Keine Kinder. 

    Der Verwaltungsrat setzt sich nun aus acht gesalbt Brüder zusammen.

    Weitere Informationen über den Verwaltungsrat sehen:

    via Google Translate

  7. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    Il était autrefois une aide au comité de rédaction.

    Il est un oint frère à Béthel qu'il ya environ 3 ans se est affecté à la correspondance écrite de Bethel Bureau à Wallkill.

    Il n'est pas un frère orienté règle du tout. Certainement une personne de personnes, un frère agréable. Rend les gens autour de lui se sentent un détendue à l'aise.

    Frère Cook, a commencé le 1er pionnier Septembre 1982, et a commencé à servir à la succursale aux États-Unis le 12 Octobre 1984.

    Il a été à Béthel évidemment toute sa vie. Pas d'enfants. 

    Le Conseil d'administration est maintenant composé de huit frères oints.

    Pour en savoir plus sur le Conseil d'administration voir:


  8. cab47bd747c899b748f707abf5eed816.png.9c5378dab6af11dce8594b807db14d13.png

    Ele era um ex-ajudante do comitê de redação.

    Ele é um ungido irmão em bethel que cerca de 3 anos foi atribuído a escrita Correspondência de Betel escritório em Wallkill.

    Ele não é um irmão regra orientada em tudo. Definitivamente uma pessoa do povo, um irmão agradável. Faz as pessoas ao seu redor se sentir uma relaxada à vontade.

    Irmão Cozinhe começou pioneiro em 1 de Setembro de 1982 e começou a servir na filial dos Estados Unidos em 12 de outubro, 1984.

    Ele esteve em Bethel toda a sua vida, evidentemente. Sem crianças. 

    O Conselho de Administração é agora composta por oito irmãos ungidos.

    Para saber mais sobre o Corpo Governante ver:




    In precedenza è stato un aiutante del comitato di scrittura.

    Egli è un unto fratello a Bethel che circa 3 anni fa ma ho assegnato alla scrittura corrispondenza da Bethel Ufficio a Wallkill.

    Egli non è un fratello regola orientato a tutti. Sicuramente una persona di persone, un fratello piacevole. Rende le persone intorno a lui si sentono un rilassato a proprio agio.

    Fratello Cook ha iniziato pionieristica il 1 ° settembre 1982 e cominciò a servire alla filiale negli Stati Uniti il 12 ottobre 1984.

    E 'stato a Bethel tutta la sua vita, evidentemente. Niente bambini. 

    Il Consiglio di Amministrazione è ora composto di otto fratelli unti.

    Per ulteriori informazioni sul Consiglio di amministrazione si veda:


  10. Se ha anunciado que Ken Kenneth Cook es nuevo miembro del Cuerpo Gobernante...


    Anteriormente fue un ayudante en el comité de redacción.

    Él es un ungido hermano en Bethel que hace unos 3 años dieron asignado a escribir correspondencia de Bet Oficina en Wallkill.

    Él no es un hermano orientada regla en absoluto. Definitivamente una persona de la gente, un hermano placentera. Hace que la gente a su alrededor sienten una relajada a gusto.

    El hermano de Cook comenzó pionera el 1 de septiembre de 1982 y comenzó a servir en la sucursal de Estados Unidos el 12 de octubre., 1984

    Él ha estado en Bethel, evidentemente, toda su vida. Sin hijos. 

    El Consejo de Administración ahora se compone de ocho hermanos ungidos.

    Para más información sobre el Consejo de Administración véase:


  11. How Thai officials are using group’s magazines to develop communities

    Residents of Thailand are being educated with some help from the popular Awake! magazine.

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    Communities in Thailand are currently enjoying some development, and its all thanks to Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Reportedly, the popular Awake! magazine is being used by government officials to address social issues.

    According to the religious group’s official website, Community Development Learning Centers (CDLC) use these publications to inform public officials on important topics.

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    Why Thailand officials use JehovahÂ’s Witnesses magazines

    These topics include effective parenting, domestic violence, mental and physical health.

    Chaiwat Saengsri, director of the CDLC in Nakhon Nayok province, northeast of Bangkok, explains this initiative.

    In his words: “I’m impressed by the Witnesses because the goal of their work is very clear. It is to help communities and people progress in getting to know the Creator. We have a common goal to assist our community in raising their standards so they can have peace and a better quality of life."

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    “For example, the Awake! magazine article ‘How to Avoid Hurtful Speech’ [features] a topic that the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security is trying to teach to our community leaders. We found this article very helpful in training them.” 

    ALSO READ: Jehovah's Witness is one of the 5 most interesting churches of 2017 

    Reacting to this high praise, Anthony Petratyotin, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Thailand, states: “We are happy to know that community leaders are making such good use of the Bible-based advice found in our publications. We will continue to make our literature available to officials, along with our primary means of distribution?—?our public ministry.”

    Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 3.23.11 PM.png

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have been urged to make their publications available during the SMART Leader seminar on leadership and community building. 

    January 2018 marks the third year since Thai officials started using the WitnessesÂ’ publications.


  12. See main topic:

    The name "Jesus" has a long, long history. The origin of this name is the Hebrew name ????? (yehoshu'a, Strong's #3091 [Latinized as Joshua]), which means "Yahweh saves." This Hebrew name is first used Exodus 17:9 where we are introduced to Yehoshu'a Ben Nun. When this Hebrew name was transliterated in the Greek Septuagint (2,000 year old Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) it was written as ?????? (iesous). The Greek alphabet had no "Y" sound, so it used the "I" sound. The Greek alphabet has no consonant "H," or equivalent, so this sound is dropped. The Greek alphabet also had no "Sh" sound, so it used the "S" sound. Then, Greek male names end with "s," so the "s" was added. And this is how ????? (yehoshu'a) became ?????? (iesous) in the Greek. It is common for names to shift and evolve when transferred from one culture to another. For instance, the German name Ludwig is Louis in France and the Spanish name Juan is John in English speaking countries. The Hebrew name ????? (yehoshu'a, Strong's #3091) is ???? (yeshu'a, Strong's #3442 [Latinized as Jeshua]) in the Aramaic language, such as we see in Ezra 2:2. When this Aramaic name was transliterated in the Greek Septuagint, they used the same method as stated above and it comes out to ?????? (iesous), the same as it did for yehoshu'a. When we come to the New Testament period we find that the name of the Messiah is ?????? (iesous) in the Greek New Testament, but we find that it is ???? (yeshu'a) in the Aramaic New Testament. When the Greek New Testament was translated into Latin in the 4th Century this name was written as Iesus, an exact match to the Greek that it came from. The Latin letter "I" split into two letters, "I" and "J." Originally this was two different ways of writing the same letter. So the Iesus became Jesus, but they were both pronounced the same way. Years later, some cultures began using the "I" for the vowel sound and "J" for a "Y" sound. It was not until around 1500 AD that the letter J took on the "dg" sound we are familiar with today. So, the modern name "Jesus" comes from the Latin Iesus, which comes from the Greek Iesous, which comes from the Aramaic Yeshu'a and the Hebrew Yehoshu'a.

  13. Screen Shot 2014-04-13 at 2.39.31 PM.png

    Born: April 14, 1935
    Appointed to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses: October 2, 1999 
    Samuel Herd served as an elder in Arkansas, U.S.A. He started pioneering in 1958, and from 1965 to 1997, he was in the circuit and district work. Thereafter, he and his wife, Gloria, have been part of the United States Bethel family, where Brother Herd has been working in the Service Department. He was also serving as a helper to the Service Committee.

    Talks by Samuel Herd

    All talks on jw-archive.org by S. Herd
    Audio clip of Sam Herd explaining Satan's promoting of homosexuality
    The Value of Our Theocratic Sisters
    Fear of Giants 
    Voices of Authority




    samuel herd.jpg

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