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The Librarian

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Posts posted by The Librarian

  1. 26219301_2045890552356275_3328277669461322914_n-696x464.jpg

    Heavily armed Soldiers have beaten up Jehovah’s Witnesses over banned church services.

    CHURCH members and leaders of a JehovahÂ’s Witnesses branch n LusakaÂ’s Kamwala area were this morning beaten up by a combined team of military personell after they attempted to gather for a church service.

    Last week, the Ministry of Health banned church gatherings and other gatherings in a bid to contain the Cholera situation in the country. While some churches have complied, a few others have opted to go ahead with their worship services.

    A branch of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kamwala this morning decided to ignore the government directive. A few minutes into the church service, a Land cruiser full of military personell and police officers landed at the church premises and ordered the church leaders to stop the service— according to an eye witnesses.

    “When the leaders tried to resist the order, the soldiers just started beating up the leaders. When the members tried to protest, they were also slapped. That’s how everyone scampered in different directions,” said an eye witness.

    The church has now been closed.


  2. The inventor left a text message in the first mined block which reads 'The Times 3 January 2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'. The text refers to a headline in The Times published on 3 January 2009. It is a strong indication that the first block was mined no earlier than this date. The genesis block has a timestamp of 18:15:05 GMT on 3 January 2009. This block is unlike all other blocks in that it doesn't have a previous block to reference. This required the use of custom code to mine it. Timestamps for subsequent blocks indicate that Nakamoto did not try to mine all the early blocks solely for himself.

    I think this was released in response to the financial credit crisis. 

    Basically the financial world had a heart attack, the central banks pumped funny money like never before to revive it (the banks) diluting the $ of the savers.... hence, Satoshi Nakamoto presented Bitcoin as an alternative to the banking system.

    We are just now starting to see how powerful it might become.

  3. Bitcoin was developed to replace the current banking system which has failed most of humankind.

    Its growth is almost exponential and it will soon threaten the US dollar and gold as the International Reserve currency of choice.

    How much longer until the prophecy at Ezekiel 7 is fulfilled where it says:

    • 19 They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.

    Another version says:

    • “They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will become abhorrent to them...."


    Some might ponder whether the rising growth of Bitcoin can be seen as a barometer for the proximity of Armageddon? 


    Due to the outbreak of cholera in some parts of Zambia, the government through the ministry of health has resricted the gathering of more than five people from different households, all schools closed and religious gatherings suspended until further notice in order to reduce risk of spreading of cholera in non infected households or areas.
    In line with this direction, our yesterday's midweek meetings were postponed until further notice.
    From Lusaka Munali West

  5. Serbian Orthodox Christians gathered at St Sava Church in Belgrade on Saturday to celebrate Christmas Eve by burning the yule log branches. The young tree symbolises Christ and his entry to the world. Serbian Patriarch Irinej followed the centuries-old tradition of burning of the oak branches by offered holiday greetings.

  6. Quote from the article above:

    “Most boxers donÂ’t know when to give up,” said Reid, now 44 years old and a dedicated JehovahÂ’s Witness. “They always think they can do better, prove everybody wrong and make a fortune and you do need that mentality to be a boxer.”

    The McDermott and Sexton defeats forced Reid to accept he wasnÂ’t going to prove everybody wrong and make a fortune from boxing. But he did have one last fight, surviving a wobble or two to outpoint Dave Ingleby over 10 rounds for the vacant British Masters title in Birmingham in March, 2009.

    “I retired at the right time for me,” said Reid, who bowed out with a 20-6-2 (17) record. “You look at my record and it shows that in my last fight, I won a title. Not many people can say that. People ask me if I miss boxing, but I don’t. I retired at the right time. I laid it to rest. I still meet people who are journeymen at my age. They don’t know what to do apart from box.

    “They gave their life to boxing and can’t move on. They have nothing to replace it so they hang on for as long as they can. They are used to it and it pays the bills. I was so happy to close the door on boxing.

    “Boxing didn’t close the door on me and I achieved more than a lot of people. I’m happy I did enough to make a mark.”

    I have added him to my list of celebrity JW's


  7. Divinità sira. Naaman, comandante dellÂ’esercito siro, dopo essere guarito dalla lebbra, riconobbe Geova quale vero Dio, ma espresse preoccupazione a motivo del fatto che doveva accompagnare il re di Siria nel tempio di Rimmon e lì inchinarsi insieme al re davanti allÂ’idolo di Rimmon, poiché il re si appoggiava al suo braccio. — 2Re 5:15-18.

    Rimmon viene generalmente identificato con Ramman (“ruggente, tonante”), dio venerato in Assiria e in Babilonia. È stata avanzata l’ipotesi che dall’Assiria il culto di Rimmon (Ramman) sia stato portato a O da qualche tribù insediatasi poi intorno a Damasco. Secondo alcuni studiosi Rimmon (Ramman) potrebbe essere un semplice titolo del dio della tempesta Adad (Hadad). Il fatto che Tabrimmon e Ben-Adad erano nomi di re della Siria avvalora l’ipotesi che Rimmon e Adad fossero la stessa divinità, dato che quei re probabilmente portavano il nome o il titolo del loro dio principale. — 1Re 15:18.

    Il Rimmon venerato in Siria aveva senza dubbio molto in comune con Ramman. Per gli assiri, quest’ultimo era soprattutto il dio della tempesta e del tuono. Pur essendo considerato il datore della pioggia e quindi il provveditore dell’acqua per i pozzi e i campi, Ramman è associato più che altro agli aspetti distruttivi della pioggia e dei fulmini. Sui monumenti assiri Ramman è spesso raffigurato come dio della guerra. Era considerato tale anche in Babilonia, dove Ramman, il dio-luna Sin e il dio-sole Shamash (nella foto), costituivano una delle tante triadi*.

    * triadi
    Il concetto "cristiano" non biblico di un Dio uno e trino affonda le sue radici nel paganesimo. In Egitto, Assiria e Babilonia le triadi erano infatti molto comuni.


  8. Syrian Deity. Naaman, commander of the Syrian army, after being cured of leprosy, he recognized Jehovah as the true God but expressed concern due to the fact that was to accompany the king of Syria in the temple of Rimmon and there bow down with the king before the idol of Rimmon , since the king leaned on his arm. - 2 Kings 5: 15-18.

    Rimmon is generally identified with Ramman ( "roaring, thundering"), the god worshiped in Assyria and Babylonia. It has been suggested that by Assyria the worship of Rimmon (Ramman) have been successfully settled tribes or somewhere around then to Damascus. Some scholars Rimmon (Ramman) could be a simple title of the storm god Adad (Hadad). The fact that Tabrimmon and Ben-Hadad had names of kings of Syria supports the hypothesis that Hadad Rimmon, and they were the same deities, since these kings likely bore the name or title of their chief god. - 1 Kings 15:18.

    The Rimmon venerated in Syria undoubtedly had much in common with Ramman. For the Assyrians, the latter was primarily the god of storm and thunder. Despite being considered the giver of rain and hence the provider of water for wells and fields, Ramman is associated mostly with the destructive aspects of rain and lightning. On the Assyrian monuments Ramman is often depicted as a god of war. He was regarded as such even in Babylon, where Ramman, the moon-god Sin and the sun-god Shamash (pictured), were one of many triads *.

    * triads
    The term "Christian" is not a biblical triune God is rooted in paganism. In Egypt, Assyria and Babylonia triads were in fact very common.


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