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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. Jésus a dit : « Tu dois aimer ton prochain comme toi-?même. » Que voulait-?il dire ? la source
  2. L’étude individuelle de la Parole de Dieu peut aider les jeunes à devenir forts spirituellement. la source
  3. Imaginer le Paradis et s’en réjouir à lÂ’avance peut nous aider à endurer. la source
  4. Que pouvons-?nous faire lorsque nous avons des problèmes ? la source
  5. Louons Jéhovah dÂ’avoir préservé sa Parole pour les humains ! la source
  6. Il faut faire des efforts pour avoir une foi forte, mais Jéhovah nous récompensera si nous en faisons. la source
  7. Chaque jour, fais plaisir à Jéhovah par les choix que tu fais. la source
  8. Découvrez comment une jeune sÂœur qui a perdu son zèle trouve la force dÂ’aller chercher à nouveau lÂ’amour de la congrégation. la source
  9. Attachez du prix à lÂ’honneur de travailler avec Jéhovah ! la source
  10. Thank you. I updated the link in my old list:
  11. Thank you for the footage of the 360 Furman St. complex back when it was a Squibb bldg. We got it for a steal after they pumped a lot of money into it. @JW Insider I'm sure remembers that bldg. very well as well.
  12. *** it-2 p. 385 Messenger *** “Messenger of the Covenant.” In fulfillment of Malachi 3:1, John the Baptizer appeared as the messenger who prepared the way before Jehovah by getting the Jews ready for the coming of God’s chief representative, Jesus Christ.—Mt 11:10, 11; Mr 1:1-4; Lu 7:27, 28. As the foretold “messenger of the covenant,” Jesus Christ came to the temple and cleansed it. (Mt 21:12, 13; Mr 11:15-17; Lu 19:45, 46) He evidently was the messenger of the Abrahamic covenant, for it was on the basis of this covenant that the Jews were the first ones to be granted the opportunity to become Kingdom heirs. This was the covenant to which Peter appealed when calling upon the Jews to repent. It is also noteworthy that John the Baptizer’s father, Zechariah, referred to the Abrahamic covenant in connection with Jehovah’s raising up ‘a horn of salvation in the house of David,’ this horn being the Messiah.—Compare Mt 10:5-7; 15:24; 21:31; Lu 1:69- 75; Ac 3:12, 19-26. ----------------------------- I also remember the antitypical "messenger" Charles Taze Russell who opened up the way by preparing the slave class for the work ahead. I will need to look up some older references. I think I remember something about Elijah and Elisha as well but memory is failing me at the moment. @JW Insider
  13. This was a project I worked on a few years ago. I was surprised to see Google search engine keep up with the site changes and all. Which means the links still work and it might end up being a useful tool to search for posts etc.... Enjoy!
  14. What is a Branch Office of Jehovah's Witnesses?View on Google Drive
  15. Jehovah's Witnesses operate 96 branch offices worldwide,grouped into thirty global "zones", each under the oversight of a headquarter's representative (previously known as a zone overseer) who visits each of his assigned branches every few years, auditing operations, counseling branch committeemen, department heads, and missionaries, and reporting back to the Governing Body. Each branch office is referred to as Bethel. The United States branch office, spread across three New York State locations with a staff of more than 4000, also serves as the international headquarters.Branch offices, operated by Witness volunteers known as Bethel families, produce and distribute Bible-based literature and communicate with congregations within their jurisdiction. Full-time staff at branch offices take a vow of poverty and are considered members of a religious order. Each branch is overseen by a committee of three or more elders, which is appointed by the Governing Body. A Service Department in each branch corresponds with congregations and supervises the work of traveling overseers. Branch offices may also have printing, translation, legal and Hospital Information Services departments.Each branch office appoints various committees in its jurisdiction's communities, with local elders as members. Committees may include: Hospital Liaison Committee Patient Visitation Group Regional Building Committee (Now referred to as 'Kingdom HallConstruction Groups' (per Lesson 25 - Who is Doing God's Will Today?) Assembly Hall Committee District Convention Committee (Now "Regional Convention Committee") Disaster Relief Committee Country offices working like branches, report to a nearby larger branches instead of to World Headquarters. These do such things as take in mail of interested ones and translate into local languages. Uses: Dance Halls and Parties Party at the Branch Office in South Africa Music Festival at the Branch Office in Japan List of Branch Offices of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide See also: School for Branch Committee Members and their Wives Branch office staff Publications: Branch Organization (revised 2003), for branch overseers "Dwelling Together in Unity" (1952, revised 1974, 1982, 1989, 1996, 2004) Standards Manual (2005), for proofreaders Writing for Our Journals, for writers See also: Lesson 22 - Who is Doing God's Will Today?
  16. “And now, Jehovah, . . . grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness.”—Acts 4:29."Divine Love" District Conventions held in the United States, Austria, France, Italy, and Japan. [2,097,070 publishers with 205 countries reporting in 1979, .5% increase over the 1978 service year, 42,600 congregations.] see w80 vol., pgs. 18-21.yb80-E * Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnessesw-E * The Watchtowerg-E * Awake!dt * The Path of Divine Truth Leading to Liberation - intended for Hindushp * Happiness - How to Find ItInsurance Manual For Congregations of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom News #28 - Hope for Ending Inflation, Sickness, Crime, Warhttp://social.jw-archive.org/members-only-forum/kn-28-hope-for-ending-inflation-sickness-crime-war  The ChairmanÂ’s Committee, consisting of Albert Schroeder (Chairman), Karl Klein and Grant Suiter, now produced a most unusual document. They supplied a copy to each member of the Governing Body. Briefly put, these three men were suggesting that, rather than applying to people living in 1914, the expression “this generation” would begin applying as of 1957, forty-three years laterThis is the material exactly as these three members of the Governing Body supplied it to us: 1957 marked the year when the first Russian Sputnik was launched into earthÂ’s outer space. Evidently the ChairmanÂ’s Committee felt that that event could be accepted as marking the start of the fulfillment of these words of Jesus:"The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken." (Matt. 24:29)Based on that application, their conclusion would be as they stated:"Then ‘this generationÂ’ would refer to contemporary mankind living as knowledgeable ones from 1957 onward."The three men were not suggesting that 1914 be dropped. It would stay as the “end of the Gentile Times.” But “this generation” would not begin applying until 1957.In view of the swiftly diminishing numbers of the 1914 generation, this new application of the phrase could undoubtedly prove even more helpful than some person allegedly living to be 130 years old in a certain section of the Soviet Union. As compared with starting in 1914, this new 1957 starting date would give an additional 43 years for the period embraced by the expression “this generation” to reach.Governing Body standards required that for any Committee to recommend something to the full Body there should be unanimous agreement among the Committee members (otherwise the divided viewpoint should be presented to the Body for settlement). The presentation of the novel idea regarding 1957 was therefore one upon which the three members of the ChairmanÂ’s Committee, Schroeder, Klein and Suiter must have agreed.The Governing Body did not accept the new view proposed by these members. Comments made showed that many considered it fanciful.  Â
  17. @tromboneck At least in the JW section of this .ORG website I try to keep people from being rude. Please stick to addressing people's statements rather than attacking the person. If you don't like someone's lengthy response then just simply state why you disagree, ignore them or add your better explanation. oh.. BY THE WAY..... "Heck" is a euphemism.  We are not allowed to use foul language.  The Catholics or the Jewish in their categories are always watching ..... they might have different viewpoints on matters as well. Don't expect everyone to walk away with the same understanding as you might have.
  18. The previously posted WT letter of December 15, 2017 "Re: 2017 Service Year Report" was for the UScongregations. The second (and third) paragraphs of the letter are being re-written to feature highlights in the local field to the congregations that it is addressed to... PHILIPPINES - "December 15, 2017 letter Re: 2017 Service Year Report" - with local numbers and highlights Below is the local section of the SPANISH letter:
  19. The previously posted WT letter of December 15, 2017 "Re: 2017 Service Year Report" was for the US congregations. The second (and third) paragraphs of the letter are being re-written to feature highlights in the local field to the congregations that it is addressed to... Hence below is what I understand to be the version of the above letter that is being sent and read out (in the first week of January 2018) to congregations in the Philippines. I believe that the Philippines is traditionally one of the WT's Star Performers in terms of growth I have bolded the key text in the letter: . For comparision with previous years: Year Population Peak.Pubs Ratio Av.Pubs %Increase Baptized 2015 100,621,100 201,761 499 199,551 5 10,146 2016 100,981,437 209,131 483 202,431 1 8,900 2017 210,914 3 10,781 . Year Av.AuxPios Av.Pios Congs Hours Studies Memorial.Att 2015 12,440 38,813 3,246 49,798,859 268,598 576,542 2016 9,801 41,182 3,315 50,130,621 269,655 584,685 2017 45,264 52,443,544 575,813 . A 3% increase would indicate that Average Publisher is expected to be between 207,492 and 209,515 (ie between 2.5% to 3.5% as the yearbooks only used whole numbers for the %'s) The Regular Pioneer figure is a Peak - though I would expect the Average Regular Pioneers during the year to be fairly even, with no real spiked peaks.
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