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The Librarian

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Everything posted by The Librarian

  1. This is the latest Spanish version I've seen: 2015 Watchtower Library - español https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1eJudSTswxaekszTzdzbm1MRjA/view via @Feofil2010
  2. Older version links: (not tested recently) https://drive.google.com/file/... Previous 2014 version
  3. Updated: Alguien tiene el link para la version en español?
  4. This would depend on the purpose of the massage. If you are a licensed masseur then I'm sure no one would object. (or maybe a chiropractor) However, if, as I suspect, you are asking with the purpose of gratifying your desire to touch her because she is a female and your girlfriend than I suspect you would not be allowed to. Others can weigh in if they wish. And I'm sure some countries and customs are very strict about touching at all.
  5. I'm looking forward to seeing what pearls of wisdom you will share :)

  6. I have listed her under "Raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses" since I don't see where she was ever baptized as one.
  7. Daniel wurde von seiner Familie getrennt. Würde er in der neuen Situation trotzdem auf Jehova hören? Quelle
  8. In welchen Situationen kannst du Jehovas Beispiel folgen und dem anderen vergeben? Quelle
  9. il file formato ipg è per chi non ha stampante eccc....portare il file dal fotografo e stampare foto formato 10x15 oppure 12x18   poi tagliare in due parti il segnalibro......per chi ha la stampante il formato pdf e ideale....date la percentuale di grandezza in se volete un formato diversoun saluto fraterno a tutti.....ciao sergio -----a10x15 gen-febr-1.pdf
  10. Look for opportunities in your life to imitate Jehovah and forgive others. Source
  11. Daniel was taken away from his family. Would he still obey Jehovah in this new situation? Source
  12.  ---------------------------------------- I hope you and yours are doing well ....I was looking at the Archive list of Celebrity Jehovah's Witnesses, and it lists Micky Spillane as an EX-Jehovah's Witness.Unless you are listing him that way because he is dead, I believe that is in error, and a Brother in my Congregation went to the same congregation as Mickey Spillane, in South Carolina, and I understand from my general knowledge, and that Brother, that he had been disfellowshipped in the distant past, but that he had been reinstated, and had been for some years at his death.To the best of my knowledge, he died in good standing.no pun intended. - Anonymous reader --------------------------- I was looking for any posts on him in English and couldn't find them in the other websites... so I made this entry post to add info about him as we find it. I have changed his location on my list pending more info:  Â
  13. Use the study notes, footnotes, marginal references, and media to enhance your Bible reading. Source
  14. Enhance your Bible reading by using the study notes and media gallery. Source
  15. Gottes Wort persönlich studieren – das kann jungen Menschen helfen, geistig stark zu werden. Quelle
  16. Ein Vater sieht, wie seine Tochter heranwächst und die Wahrheit zu ihrem Lebensweg macht. Quelle
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